(no subject)

Jul 15, 2009 10:15

I just wanted to know if there were any other people like me here on this community.

I'm 25 with a Bachelor's in English I've been out of work for a year and change and haven't been able to find anything else. My last job was an internship with a small career publishing company (the irony, right?) I've applied to anywhere I can think of. Even the CVS pharmacy down the road and a bakery, but I can't find anything. It seems like I can't even get someone to call me back to give me an interview anymore, and that really scares me.

I feel like such a loser. I mean, how can you go a year in New York City and not find a job? It must mean I'm doing something wrong, right?

I just wondered if anyone else was in this same position, and if anyone had found a way out of it.


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