(no subject)

Oct 07, 2009 15:27

Hi guys, new member here, present whine pathetically About My Situation:

Like all of you, I wish to have Real Employment at a Self-Fulfilling job. Unfortunately, I have incredible self-confidence issues, stemming from the fact that I have Absolutely Nothing Stellar about myself. I am an extreme introvert, which in The Beautiful Land of America with the crappy economy I am held to be inferior to The Shiny Extrovert, unless the introvert is a celebrity and a ~starring character~ on a TV show/movie.

Due to the acne scars on my face and body, I already place lower than The Beautiful, The Handsome, and the Average-But-At-Least-Not-Ugly, and if you tell me interviewers could not possibly be biased I will laugh at you. I have no fashion-sense nor will I likely ever attain one. I babble and have Absolutely No Tact; the only way I have kept myself from being killed is to follow Thumper's example and say nothing.

My major is the sort of major that, when given, the questioner will pause slowly and ask, "soooooo, what do you do?" This is not helped when my major is A Generalist Sort of Major, and the age of the Renaissance Man was five centuries ago. No one wants to hire a Generalist nowadays, because they would rather hire a Specialist and teach him everything else, because that's what they've been doing for the last hundred years anyway. Also, they're downsizing.

I am completely average in my grades, neither too low nor high enough to be ~shiny~, and I have had absolutely no extracurricular activities at all. I am a master at evasion in communication and can put off checking email for weeks and leaving my phone off as well. In fact, I have a phobia of phones. I would rather walk through a snowstorm to ask in person than to call on my cellphone. My networking skills do not exist, nor do I have a network to speak of in the first place.

The only things going for me is that I go to a Prestigious University, and I studied abroad in Cape Town, South Africa. Except no one really cares if you studied abroad because the distance makes them think you played all day and have cute pictures of lions (false), and with the cruddy economy as it is, they look at you funny if you apply with a ~Prestigious~ name and have absolutely nothing to show for it.

That said, I somehow need to figure out what to say in my five-minute speech by the Job Fair next week, where I attempt to present myself as "someone they can't live without," when I know inside I could live without myself easily indeed.

Okay. I just needed to get that off my chest. I will now follow this community's default icon's advice and FAKE MYSELF REALLY, REALLY WELL.


experience or lack thereof

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