You scored 92% Beginner, 100% Intermediate, 86% Advanced, and 66% Expert!
You have an extremely good understanding of beginner, intermediate, and advanced level commonly confused English words, getting at least 75% of each of these three levels' questions correct. This is an exceptional score. Remember, these are commonly confused English words, which means most people don't use them properly. You got an extremely respectable score.
Thank you so much for taking my test. I hope you enjoyed it!
For the complete Answer Key, visit my blog:
My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 35% on Beginner
You scored higher than 57% on Intermediate
You scored higher than 21% on Advanced
You scored higher than 25% on Expert
The Commonly Confused Words Test written by
shortredhead78 on
Ok Cupid Spiteful Loner
You are 71% Rational, 0% Extroverted, 57% Brutal, and 42% Arrogant.
You are the Spiteful Loner, the personality type that is most likely to go on a shooting rampage. You are a rational person and tend to hold emotions in very low-esteem; not only that, but you are also rather introverted, meaning you probably bury any emotions you feel deep inside yourself. Combine these traits with your hatred of others and your brutality, and it seems that you would be quite likely to shoot innocent people in a rampage. Not only that, but you are also a very humble person--not a braggart at all--meaning you could possibly have low-self esteem. This is only yet one more incentive to go on a shooting rampage, because you wouldn't care if you died as a result. Granted, you probably haven't gone on a shooting rampage and probably never will, but all the motivations are there. In conclusion, your personality is defective because you are too introverted, brutal, insecure, and rather unemotional. No wonder no one hangs around you, you morbid, cold-hearted freak!
To put it less negatively:
1. You are more RATIONAL than intuitive.
2. You are more INTROVERTED than extroverted.
3. You are more BRUTAL than gentle.
4. You are more HUMBLE than arrogant.
Your exact opposite is the
Other personalities you would probably get along with are the
Capitalist Pig, the
Smartass, and the
If you scored near fifty percent for a certain trait (42%-58%), you could very well go either way. For example, someone with 42% Extroversion is slightly leaning towards being an introvert, but is close enough to being an extrovert to be classified that way as well. Below is a list of the other personality types so that you can determine which other possible categories you may fill if you scored near fifty percent for certain traits.
The other personality types:
The Emo Kid: Intuitive, Introverted, Gentle, Humble.
The Starving Artist: Intuitive, Introverted, Gentle, Arrogant.
The Bitch-Slap: Intuitive, Introverted, Brutal, Humble.
The Brute: Intuitive, Introverted, Brutal, Arrogant.
The Hippie: Intuitive, Extroverted, Gentle, Humble.
The Televangelist: Intuitive, Extroverted, Gentle, Arrogant.
The Schoolyard Bully: Intuitive, Extroverted, Brutal, Humble.
The Class Clown: Intuitive, Extroverted, Brutal, Arrogant.
The Robot: Rational, Introverted, Gentle, Humble.
The Haughty Intellectual: Rational, Introverted, Gentle, Arrogant.
The Spiteful Loner: Rational, Introverted, Brutal, Humble.
The Sociopath: Rational, Introverted, Brutal, Arrogant.
The Hand-Raiser: Rational, Extroverted, Gentle, Humble.
The Braggart: Rational, Extroverted, Gentle, Arrogant.
The Capitalist Pig: Rational, Extroverted, Brutal, Humble.
The Smartass: Rational, Extroverted, Brutal, Arrogant.
My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 56% on Rationality
You scored higher than 0% on Extroversion
You scored higher than 71% on Brutality
You scored higher than 43% on Arrogance
The Personality Defect Test written by
saint_gasoline on
Ok Cupid the Cutting Edge
(66% dark, 42% spontaneous, 31% vulgar)
your humor style:
Your humor's mostly innocent and off-the-cuff, but somehow there's something slightly menacing about you. Part of your humor is making people a little uncomfortable, even if the things you say aren't themselves confrontational. You probably have a very dry delivery, or are seriously over-the-top.
Your type is the most likely to appreciate a good insult and/or broken bone and/or very very fat person dancing.
PEOPLE LIKE YOU: David Letterman - John Belushi
My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 88% on dark
You scored higher than 48% on spontaneous
You scored higher than 46% on vulgar
The 3 Variable Funny Test written by
jason_bateman on
Ok Cupid Official Survivor
Congratulations! You scored 75%!
Whether through ferocity or quickness, you made it out. You made the right choice most of the time, but you probably screwed up somewhere. Nobody's perfect, at least you're alive.
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 39% on survivalpoints
The Zombie Scenario Survivor Test written by
ci8db4uok on
Ok Cupid Your brain: 60% interpersonal, 120% visual, 40% verbal, and 180% mathematical!
Congratulations on being 400% smart! Actually, on my test, everyone is. The above score breaks down what kind of thinking you most enjoy doing. A score above 100% means you use that kind of thinking more than average, and a score below 100% means you use it less. It says nothing about how good you are at any one, just how interested you are in each, relatively. A substantial difference in scores between two people means, conclusively, that they are different kinds of thinkers.
Matching Summary: Each of us has different tastes. Still, I offer the following advice, which I think is obvious:
- Don't date someone if your interpersonal percentages differ by more than 80%.
- Don't be friends with someone if your verbal percentages differ by more than 100%.
- Don't have sex with someone if their math percentage is over 200%.
My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 41% on interpersonal
You scored higher than 65% on visual
You scored higher than 30% on verbal
You scored higher than 81% on mathematical
The 4-Variable IQ Test written by
chriscoyne on
OkCupid Free Online Dating The Foot Soldier
Achtung! You are 46% brainwashworthy, 31% antitolerant, and 52% blindly patriotic
You're evil exactly, but you still would've joined the army. Driven by STRONG patriotism and a willingness to do what your country asked, you would've stepped right up to the platz for the AXIS POWERS.
The sad fact is: while you're not self-centered, you are are an enthusiastic nationalist, malleable like so much half-dried glue, and ready to follow zee rules. Unfortunately, you're not cynical enough to tell when you're being manipulated. You probably have a violent itch that needs scratching anyhow, so why ask questions?
Conclusion: Born and raised in Germany in the early 1930's, you would've supported the Nazis militarily while turning a blind eye to their 'civilian' programs.
My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 68% on brainwashworthy
You scored higher than 52% on antitolerant
You scored higher than 73% on patriotic
The Would You Have Been a Nazi Test written by
jason_bateman on
Ok Cupid The Simple Geek
You answered 73% of the questions as a geek truly would.
You don't seem to sway in either direction, however you still seem to have some latent geek attributes within you. Maybe you're interested in computers but not a gamer? Maybe you've got geek hobbies but none of the awkward social tendencies. You may be slightly geekier than you thought and in denial!
The simple geek usually has various quirks that friends may make fun of, but in general can be considered a fairly normal person. Your geek attributes make you less likely to conform to society. The popular kids don't hate you but the geeks don't either, so it's a respectable demographic.
In a nutshell, you answered enough questions with geek tendencies and enough questions without geek tendencies that it's difficult to pinpoint your exact alignment.
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 48% on geekness
The True Geek Test written by
ambientred on
OkCupid Free Online Dating INTJ -The Mastermind
Your Type is 0% Extroverted, 25% Observant, 75% Logical and 81% Structured
You are more introverted than extroverted. You are more intuitive than observant, you are more thinking based than feeling based, and you prefer to have a plan rather than leaving things to chance. Your type is best described by the word "mastermind", which belongs to the larger group called rationals. Only 1% of the population shares your type. You are very strong willed and self-confident. You can hardly rest until you have things settled. You will only adopt ideas and rules if they make sense. You are a great brainstormer and often come up with creative solutions to difficult problems. You are open to new concepts, and often actively seek them out.
As a romantic partner, you can be both fascinating yet demanding. You are not apt to express your emotions, leaving your partner wondering where they are with you. You strongly dislike repeating yourself or listening to the disorganized process of sorting through emotional conflicts. You see your own commitments as self-evident and don't see why you need to repeat something already expressed. You have the most difficulty in admitting your vulnerabilities. You feel the most appreciated when your partner admires the quality of your innovations and when they listen respectfully to your ideas and advice. You need plenty of quiet to explore your interests to the depth that gives you satisfaction.
Your group summary:
rationals (NT)Your type summary:
INTJ vincex's shorter version of this test. My longer version of this same test.
The real deal. My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 0% on outgoing
You scored higher than 40% on observant
You scored higher than 79% on logical
You scored higher than 94% on structured
The Quick and Dirty Personality Test written by
unpretentious2 on
OkCupid Free Online Dating Very Well-Rounded
You have:
The graph on the right represents your place in Intuition 2-Space. As you can see, you scored above average on emotional intuition and above average on scientific intuition. (Weirdly, your emotional and scientific intuitions are equally strong.)
Your Emotional Intuition score is a measure of how well you understand people, especially their unspoken needs and sympathies. A high score score usually indicates social grace and persuasiveness. A low score usually means you're good at Quake.
Your Scientific Intuition score tells you how in tune you are with the world around you; how well you understand your physical and intellectual environment. People with high scores here are apt to succeed in business and, of course, the sciences.
My test tracked 2 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 99% on Scientific
You scored higher than 0% on Interpersonal
The 2-Variable Intuition Test written by
jason_bateman on
Ok Cupid COLOSSUS!!!
Holy crap! You are:
He eats children. He burns villages. And as if running into a giant Russian the size of your house wasn't scary enough, this one can turn his body into an indestructable organic metal when he gets pissed! Way to be!
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 67% on Mutations
The Which X-Man Are You Test written by
alexium on
Ok Cupid Developed Left Bias
You scored 73 %Lefty and 66 %Righty!
You prefer logic, objectivity and reason over artistic value, subjectivity and emotions. Order and structure are very important in you life, but you might occasionly benefit from looking at the bigger picture. You probably also spend a lot of time on the telephone, chatting with friends. Its also somewhat more difficult for you to become hypnotised.
My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 74% on Lefty
You scored higher than 32% on Righty
You scored higher than 80% on Divergence
The Left or Right Brain Test written by
vincex on
Ok Cupid you are s-m-r-t!
Congratulations! You scored 89!
Scoring well on this test doesn't necessarily mean you're ready for med school, but it does mean that you can function as an ordinary human being and there's a chance you won't end up working fast food all your life. Congrats!
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 18% on coolpoints
The BASIC KNOWLEDGE Test written by
sexplosion on
Ok Cupid Super MASTERbator
Get your hands out of (or down) your pants!... You scored 78!
Well well well....looks like we have a horny one on our hands. No pun intended! You might be abusing you're hormones, but you can't help that they are raging. I just hope you don't stay home everynight with you're porn collection! Oui? Oui!
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 80% on CUMpoints
The MASTURBATION Test written by
magpie927 on
Ok Cupid INFJ - The Counselor
You scored 25 I versus E, 20 N versus S, 40 F versus T, and 80 J versus P!
Your ideal romantic partner is known as the counselor. This type makes a supportive and insightful romantic partner, encouraging their mates to have dreams and work hard to make those dreams come true. Because they are so creative, they have a wealth of ideas to help them toward those goals. They need harmony so much that they are driven to resolve conflict quickly, as long as the terms don't violate their strong ethics. They feel the most appreciated when their partners admire their creativity, trust their inspirations, and respect their values. It is also vitally important that their partners be open and emotionally available - in other words, that they be willing to share themselves completely.
The group summary:
idealists (NF) The type summary:
INFJ My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 4% on I versus E
You scored higher than 10% on N versus S
You scored higher than 20% on F versus T
You scored higher than 65% on J versus P
The Best Personality Type for You Test written by
unpretentious2 on
OkCupid Free Online Dating pretty good
You scored 20 American Logic Points!
Out of 27. Wow, you actually look around every once in a while. Congratulations.
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 55% on Knowledge
The North American Trivia Test written by
You4got2Evolve on
Ok Cupid Comfy & Conservative
You spent $810000!
Your savings account is strong since you have left a considerable amount of your money unspent, which is good should any problems arise with your new purchases. You can also use the savings to invest if you so choose.
My test tracked 2 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 37% on MoneySpent
You scored higher than 90% on BK-Buffer
The If I Had a Million Dollars Test written by
Renegade_Master on
Ok Cupid Raptor
ROAR! You're 67% Dinotastic!!
Aren't you a clever one? Nearly everone is scared of you. The ones who aren't generally end up as lunch. You like the finer things in life, like a good hunt, a good triceratops steak, and a relaxing evening discussing the finer points of evolution in the Jurrasic and Cretaceous Periods. Stomping around and Biting everything in sight isnt your style. You are too classy for that. But still, who can resist a good chomping when the opportunity arises?
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 69% on Dinopoints
The what Dinosaur are you Test written by
youallwantme on
OkCupid Free Online Dating Link
Game Over! You scored 87%!
Your legend was a success! You defeated Ganon and rescued the princess... now for another quest.
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 70% on health
The Classic Nintendo Test written by
sadpunk on
Ok Cupid