Flyte jumping weird... there's a shocker

Jan 16, 2014 07:17

I know I have complained that flyte can't jump in a straight line, but can do bendy Silvia exercises. Well yesterday, after giving up the straight line for a week or so, viola, she could jump in a straight line, and even send ahead (if i was early enough with my cue, duh) to the jump tunnel. I was very impressed, her brain had relit about jumping in a straight line - now to try the serpentine again :)

What really stood out to me yesterday watching her jump in a straight line was that she was jumping HORRIBLY. She was just pogoing off the ground - repetitively. Dude, you're a BC, jump like one! So we went back to the single jump LM exercise and whoa.... First I'm having to use a barrier on the landing side to get her to understand this isn't a hip flinging exercise, she can and should jump tight and hold in her rear end. She could jump relatively okay from the right to the left, BUT from the left to the right was a complete failure.

Yes, this is toward her weaker side - right front was operated on. When I had the bar at 18", which is what we've been jumping, she just did every other behavior she could thing of: she pawed the bar, she held it in her mouth (cute), she went under it, she went around the whole jump to get to the other side, she laid down... I kept lowering the end closer to us, and she started jumping, badly, at 14". It got better, but when we started she would pogo over it and go around the barrier (a wing) to come back to me. So, we worked on that.

Jump masters: help. I know when I was watching Tammy with Hi-Fi one day at Central Point you were wanting him to separate his back feet when jumping, Flight is so not separating her feet. And she's not really rounding well either. Thoughts on this? Maybe it's a rear end right side deficit, so pushing off is really hard?

My Obi Wan Kinobee's - please help with your awesome advice w Flytie Bear's jumping.

Teague is looking good, if frantic. Next weekend at the trial should be an E-ticket ride - whoa that boy is pumped up.

As for the weather, we're also having dry dry dry weather - not good for the trees and environment, lovely for training outdoors :) - we don't have any inside facilities here to train in during the winter, well, nothing larger that a covered top (open sides) 40x60 arena. That's just a bit bigger than my yard.

I've gone down and talked with a neighbor who has a lovely acre of land sitting there with an occasional cow or three on it, about renting it for training. She said the cows come from my other neighbor who has a dairy, and he has rented it for growing up a few cattle before introducing them to the herd, but he hasn't put anything there for a few months. I would LOVE to have a larger piece of land closer to home!!! So, I'm hoping that can work out. His lease is technically up in March, so she, Donna is going to ask him what he wants to do. Hopefully I can get it there.... Training with some speed with Teague has made such a difference as what we get in our tiny yard, and where I need to be is totally different than what happens in a big space, particularly at a trial.

So, onward and upward - or horizontally all over the place :)

flyte, weird jumping, agility

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