Happy New Year, everyone! It is snowing beautifully outside, which is, I think, a lovely way to usher in the new year. My family is all here (we watched Star Trek last night, I liked it just as much the second time) and I am - as this one kid in my high school French class used to say - très content.
I signed up last minute yesterday for
getyourwordsout, because I've never been good at writing consistently (or doing anything consistently, for that matter) - I tend to have short bursts of great productivity, tempered by long periods of doing nothing. I am also much better at starting things than finishing things, but I'm hoping that just writing more will help with that, if not entirely ameliorate it.
Speaking of writing, some my extended family (who go on exciting vacations) showed up with a lot of pictures of Galapagos, including piles and piles (literally, they make beach piles in the sun, it's very cool) of marine iguanas, which had two rather predictable results: firstly, it made me really want to go to Galapagos, and secondly, it rekindled my desire to write lizardfic. When I originally started plotting this thing, it was a random Permian-era-esque planet, inhabited by synapsids (pre-mammals. ish. they look kind of like lizards) and sauropsids (reptiles). It seems to me - in my very unscientific opinion - a very limited view of the universe, to assume that other planets would develop in evolutionarily similar paths to ours, but I couldn't resist the idea of bandom wandering around the Permian period. (This was partially inspired by a trip to the Field Museum.)
Now, having taken a break from the whole thing, I am not ready to abandon the lizards, but I am considering branching out farther afield. I can't decide, though:
Poll Further comments on the subject are, as always, of great interest!