Between the many recent complaints on my flist of how quiet bandom has been lately, and then
sunsetmog's declaration of Friday Bandom Appreciation Day, I thought of something that I've kind of been toying with for a while. Remember those Choose Your Own Adventure books? The ones that went, "You hear a sound in the basement. To go investigate, turn to page 12. To follow your friends upstairs, turn to page 17"? I've been thinking it would make a great format for a group commentfic. There could be infinite branching off points; you could jump in after anyone's comment and make a new possible path, and at any time you could loop back to a different thread. It could be anything you want - you could introduce in other bands, or turn them into polar bears, or have them walk through wardrobes into AUs. And you could build off anything, and jump in anywhere, and they could go along with you or veer off in a different direction altogether.
Possibly it's a stupid idea, but I'm kind of addicted to commentfic, and I thought it might be fun. It would need at least a few people to work properly, though. Comment if you think it sounds interesting, and if a couple people are interested we can start it in a different post.