Every Friday night I find myself refreshing and refreshing my flist in vain. It seems everyone else is out having Real Lives. Sigh.
I'm watching Live in Denver right now. I'd never seen it before (I know). I'm definitely enjoying it, with a side of bittersweet. Boys <3. (Question - is there a reference to someone throwing up before the show, and if so, who is it? I can't quite make it out. I'm concerned with the important things, as you can see.)
Canon Hunting: I have seen discussions in the past about Brendon and his willingness to defer to others in interviews. Does anyone have any quick links (or even just names that I can look up myself) to situations in which Brendon has been notably silent, or has changed what he's saying/deferred to someone else? Or else the opposite situation, Brendon being adamant about something or disagreeing with someone? I am doing Very Important Fic Research here. Or, well.
Random fact: In my head, the words to the first phrase in Karma Police are, for some reason, "rise up, fall down." No matter how many times I hear it, I can't shake that.
Oh, you know what else I've been doing? Looking at old Panic pictures, some of which I'd never seen before.
No idea what's going on there, but I'm amused.
and this:
They are my favorites! Also, Ryan's headbands never fail to make me smile.
Man, people talk about Brendon getting sweaty, and I always thought it was just from the pictures of his drenched shirt, but wow. You can see the drops rolling off his chin. [ETA: And off the microphone!] (I am very attached to the idea that he is one of those fast-metabolismed, constantly-producing-heat type people. His band used him as a radiator, back in the van days. Also that time in the frozen Canadian shack.)
I miss the Canadian Shack challenge. For the record.
Every time I come back to add in another part of this entry, it gets a little more random. Perhaps I should stop now?