Title: the gasp and stutter of a heart 7/?
dave7Rating: M
Characters/Pairings: Richard Castle/Kate Beckett
Fandom: Castle
Spoilers: All of Season Three is fair game.
Summary: And it’s almost funny how this? Her ideals? Her sense of selflessness? Was one of the things he loved most about her yesterday.
the gasp and stutter of a heart 7/? )
And about the freezer, again, its not criticizm, just a thought. When I remember how they were in that freezer, I really dont wanna imagine how a pregnant beckett would end up, poor girl. Dont worry about the acuracy though, i dont think they could have rebounded that quickly in real life as they did in the show, anyway. :) But its a show and this is a fic and its still great.
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