(no subject)

Oct 05, 2007 19:44

I really need to find a cycling icon.

So the incompetent Halfords people did not collect the fubared bike yesterday. They did, however, collect it today and the man I talked to on the phone was much nicer and very helpful.

My replacement bike has left the factory and should be here within 5-7 working days. It was quicker than that last time so we have high hopes it'll be here sooner than we think.

Helped mum with a big shop today and bought a whole bundle of seeds in preparation for making a brown, high fibre GF bread. I need to order the brown flour online. I am way too excited about the idea of making brown bread in my nifty little bread-maker. :P

I'll soon be listing a ton of stuff on ebay, which I don't really want to bother with but could use the money. That's pretty much it. It's rather quiet here, and that's just fine with me.

general, bike

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