I survived ... it is OVER ... it is official ... they are GONE!

Apr 26, 2011 20:07

As of this morning, for the first time since October 2009 (yes - you read that correctly), my home is my own!

The squatters are GONE. G O N E! They are renting a house one town over with my sister who has taken a new job in the area (yes, they are moving from mooching off me to mooching off her).

Not my problem!

How did it become official? He took the guns. Sad commentary - it wasn't his clothes, or the kidlet's toys. It was his guns - plural.

The havoc they have wreaked moving ("When are you getting back? We need your car." "When I get back!") is worth the absolute serenity of tonight. Mom and I had a nice dinner (no one griped about the menu choices), I loaded the dishwasher and took out the trash, and she fed the pups. There is no running about, giving baby a bath at 8:30 because someone who has not had a full-time job in a year needs a nap (yeah, that's the squatter wife who has connived her way into being a stay at home mom because she THINKS its easy. Those of you who do it right, feel free to chime in. I've never done it and I know its not easy!)

They did leave their dog. Mom and I discussed it. She's getting very old, is blind and deaf, and has had a cancerous growth removed. She likes our yard and to play for a little while with our dogs before napping most of the day. She lived with Mom years ago and would really miss the attention. Plus, the move would be too much change for her. She knows how to get from point A to point B in our house. It won't be for long and its right for the poor old thing. They never took proper care of her, which is how she lost her hearing and sight - chronic infections. She's actually healthier now than when they moved in 18 months ago. Mom keeps an eye out for changes and our vet makes house calls.

The next few weeks will be busy - tons to clean up (because heaven forbid they should have left the house the way they FOUND it) then the floors need to be redone. The squatter den needs a good scouring, a fresh coat of paint, and some other accessories (because its getting a new tennant in 2012 it looks like, but this is a much wanted one!) I'll use it as an office for a while maybe, or maybe not.

I will miss the squatter toddler, but we'll see her reasonably often since her mother has pulled her out of daycare.

Let us repeat ... they are gone!

ETA: Sending out thoughts to the lovely
blue_fjords whose sweet, loyal pup Piper passed away suddenly last night after a brief illness. Those of you who read Blue's stories and journal know Piper was very, very special to her. Give all the four-legged heroes in your life special cuddles today.


This entry was originally posted at http://teachwriteslash.dreamwidth.org/293015.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

not fic, personal, squatters

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