Greetings! For one of my education classes, I have to talk to teachers about the inclusion of students with disabilities in the general ed. classroom. I have already interviewed a few teachers I know personally, but I still need a few more teachers to respond. All answers will be anonymous and greatly appreciated!
Questions )
Advantages: students with disabilities have more rigor, are able to demonstrate more learning/skills, strategies for differentiation end up benefitting ALL students
Disadvantages: students in the middle ground (without disabilities) get lost in the shuffle, differentiation for gifted students becomes an afterthought
2. How do you organize your lesson plans to address needs of students with disabilities?
Lessons are basically provided by the district and ironed out in common planning. Special ed provides support for individual needs.
3. How do you communicate with the special educator assigned to each student with a disability and the IEP?
I am the special ed teacher. Teachers communicate with me via email, face to face (they come to my office during duty/plan), 3 wks and 6 wks feedback forms
4. Identify 2 common academic and behavior problems in your school setting.
Students not completing and turning in assignments, including homework. Academic language and vocabulary development. Bullying and teasing are problems as well.
5. Share your thoughts about why those problems occur & how they are most effectively addressed.
I believe those problems occur because of a lack of support at home, primarily. However, the school setting can do a lot to help students overcome, including tutorials, intentional teaching of vocabulary with consistent reinforcement, and character education during advisory with daily reminders.
6. Please provide an overview of your behavior mgmt program (identify class rules).
Be on time with class materials. Treat others with respect. Don't do anything to cause a problem in the classroom. (basic gist of it, I guess)
7. Are these rules consistently reinforced?
Rules are very consistently enforced in our building. It's one of the great things about our school.
8. How do students typically respond?
Many are quite respectful and acknowledge the misbehavior. Others will try to talk back, argue or do other things to save face.
9. What is your typical discipline sequence? (e.g., oral warning, name on board, etc.)
2 verbal warnings, then detention/phone call home, then office referral. I rarely get to the last step.
10. Briefly describe the typical instructional presentation methods, instructional strategies which are used to address the needs of students with exceptionalities…are they effective/ineffective?
Do Now - A targeted and short practice based on prior knowledge that the student can complete independently
Notes/Guided Practice with modeling
Independent Practice/Homework
They are effective if the math questions I teach closely mirror the ones given on the independent practice.
11. Which strategies promote student success?
Visual and tactile examples to illustrate concepts
Mnemonic devices and memory aides
Modeling concepts and practice with repetition
Verbalizing concepts, including students teaching each other
Frequent positive feedback
Positive consequences for going above and beyond
12. Which instructional strategies can lead to off task & potentially inappropriate behaviors?
Neglecting to call on a student or give 1:1 contact
Longer reading tasks or assignments with no checkpoints
Assignments without a personal connection for the student
13. Identify 2 effective/ineffective assessment methods for challenging students.
Effective: Exit slip (1 question based on that day's concept), short quizzes/tests
Ineffective: Longer assessments with no checkpoints, Assessments with lots of independent reading (I'm thinking math/science here rather than language arts)
14. Identify 2 significant challenges related to addressing inappropriate behavior.
The student does not acknowledge the behavior issue.
The student is disciplined in front of his peers and acts out to save face.
15. Identify possible solutions to those challenges.
Point out the effect of his behavior on others/teach empathy.
Address behavior issues in private.
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