Mar 05, 2006 20:16
I am really enjoying volunteering at the dog shelter. It's amazing how my mood can be lifted just by spending a couple hours there. I completed my initial 12 hours and now have a name tag with my name on it and a new tshirt...whoo Well, I looked at my name tag and it had a sticker of a cute little dog. On closer inspection, above the sticker was written "Tug". For those of you who don't remember or know, Tug was the dog that got away from me the first time I took a dog out. Yeah, yeah very funny. Actually, I love Tug. He's a great dog who loves attention, is very affectionate, walks great on a leash, and is really easy to train.
In other news (which will have to remain cryptic), my friend S showed up at my door last night. Not quite sure what to do about that situation. How do I get myself into these things?