It's so darn windy!!!

Nov 16, 2006 05:43

Today has been one heck of a blustery, dark day. I started the day out by getting a lovely latte and was so excitied because I hadn't had one since Thursday of last week (it takes small things to excite me sometimes). Well, without disgusting you all I'll just say that this coffee DID NOT sit well with me at all. In fact, it ruined much of my day. :o( In the middle of teaching I'd start gagging which my students at first found amusing but then they became concerned. It was rather cute. But, finally at around 4pm I got to the point where I felt human again. Phew! No coffee for me tomorrow morning!

I was glad I felt better because we went out to one of our favorite Thai places tonight with our good friend Armand. The place is called "Buddha Ruksa" and they make their dishes as spicy as you like. We like ours super spicy and we've yet to found a place that can "out-spice" them. The food was awesome as always and now my tummy is happy and so am I!

Brad's off to the airport right now picking his sister up and she's going to be staying with us for the net 10 nights (other than when we're up at their folks place for Thanksgiving). It should be a good time!

Sorry for such a rambling post that has no point... can I blame it on my morning latte? ;o)

weather, restaurant

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