Stolen From Many

Dec 11, 2005 09:50

Year in Review, 2005: Go to your calendar, find the first entry for each month of 2005, and post the first sentence of it in your journal.

7/5/2005   Well, I've decided to head on over to Live Journal and see how this all goes.

8/15/2005  It is so hard to believe that it has come and gone!

9/7/2005    First off... starting up the new school year has been super exhausting (hmmm... seems to be the theme of my life right now).

10/2/2005  What in the heck is going on?

11/2/2005   I had to try it too...

12/1/2005   OK, so for Thanksgiving this year several things went awry just weeks before the holiday.

It's kind of funny to do this because some of it really does remind me of "where I was" at different points in the year even though I only started posting here in July!  Wow!


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