crack_van is a multi fandom recs community which operates on the simple idea that each month a different person takes on the task of recommending stories in their fandom. All types of stories are welcome no matter the rating or pairing, or whether they are slash, het, or gen.
The Professionals is currently one of the permanent fandoms and there have been some fantastic stories and videos featured. You can see what has been recced previously by using the
Crack Van Professionals tag or by looking at the
Delicious links set up by the lovely
m31andy and linked to in the side bar of the comm.
I have had a blast rereading and picking my favs from all past recommendations and I have had just as much fun doing my own reccing this month. In fact I still hope to slip in one more rec before passing the keys on.
Of course in order to keep the van running there needs to be volunteers to drive each month so if you are interested in signing up for a spin in the van:
The sign up sheet is here - c'mon and give it a go! Bit about posting here in case anyone wants to know before signing up Anyway I hope you all enjoy the stories and vids you will find on the site.