
Jun 03, 2010 11:14

We closed on our old house yesterday- wahoo! I don't ever want to move again. Ever.

Some highlights of the process:

When our real estate agent discovered that a board on the front porch (under the welcome mat) had rotted by putting his foot through it. Note to self- do not put a rubber mat on a wooden porch.

When the inspector for the buyer opened the door to the attic and a mama raccoon snarled at him.

When the pest control guy came the next day to remove the raccoons and found that the mama had, very sensibly, chosen to move out on her own.

The fact that Sarah brought home lice from school not once but TWICE in the last several months. (I've never seen lice before, and discovered them when I was coming Sarah's hair and saw one move! AAAHHHH!) If you haven't had the pleasure of dealing with lice yet, let me just say that getting rid of them basically requires cleaning every square inch of your house and spending hours combing their hair every day for two weeks. If you want to be sure of getting rid of them, anything that can't go in the washing machine and dryer on hot has to be bagged up in plastic for two weeks. Pack. Unpack. Pack. Unpack. Lather, rinse, repeat. However, the upside is that when you pack up all the soft toys there is a lot more room to walk around here!

The time when the sink in our new house BENT AND CAME LOOSE ON ONE SIDE. Some idiot (probably the previous owners) had attached it to the cabinets and the wall using GLUE and some small pieces of peg board, instead of making a plywood frame to mount it on properly. Our contractor couldn't stop shaking his head.

The dishwasher in the new house stopped in the middle of the cycle about a month after we moved in. I died of sticker shock while buying a new one, and I didn't even let R. get the most high tech one he could find.

But hey, Sarah is close enough to her school now so that she's riding the bus and I don't have to drive two 45 min. round trips each day to drop her off and pick her up. Sammy got into Sarah's school and will be starting Kindergarten in the fall. R. only has to take one bus to work, and it only takes 1/2 hour. So if I ever finish all my home improvement projects, I'll have lots of time on my hands for playing around on the internet, right?
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