Diffuse stress with humor

Feb 17, 2010 01:50

So, we're in the middle of piles of moving-related craziness. Two lovely contractors have been finishing an attic for us to use as an office, adding a half-bath, and replacing all the ancient galvanized pipes. They were scheduled to finish by the end of Feb., but just told me today they expect to be done by Friday night. Hooray! Soon I will not be trying to live in two houses!

Problem is, I've been trying to get several rooms in the new house painted before we move and my deadline just moved up a week! Tomorrow I have to put the top coat on the new bathroom so they can install the toilet and sink, paint the trim before they install that, and paint the wall behind the toilet in the other bathroom before they can put the toilet back in. Considering I've been averaging about a wall a day, it's time to seriously begin to panic. So, of course I'm writing this instead of washing paintbrushes. (For extra fun, the water is off at the new house so I have to drag my brushes home to clean them.)

The kids have this week off from school- great because I don't have to be a chauffeur, not so good because I have to bring them with me while I'm painting. Today I brought everything I could think of to keep them happy and occupied while I got some painting done in the tiny bathroom. Chocolate chip almond scones! Markers and a huge roll of paper! Soft things to build forts and nests out of! I spent half an hour getting them settled, but they still ran around chasing each other and screaming their heads off.

After I finished the bathroom I let them help put primer on in Sammy's room. They both managed not to step in the paint tray (Sammy put a foot in one this past weekend), but it was still pretty hairy. Sarah had trouble remembering not to overload the paintbrush so she dripped all over, but it mostly stayed on the drop cloth. Neither one of them painted me, so that's a plus :)

Driving home I was feeling pretty frazzled, as evidenced by this conversation:

Me: (Mostly joking) You know,I'm considering leaving you by the side of the road if you don't stop fighting in the car.

Sarah: Then we'll go to the nearest person and report you to the police!

Me: Then they'll take you away from me and I can get some painting done!

Sarah: But then they'll put you in jail!

Me: Hmm, that sounds very relaxing.

Sammy: Then you'll paint the jail!

(She pauses for thought) Pink!

Me: *Cracks up completely and feels much better, thanks.*
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