RP Log - He Can Be Romantic

Aug 26, 2010 00:16

Who: Neil and Pluto
When: yesterday
Where: gym and Pluto's hut
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Summary: Neil decides to take Pluto on a date.

Neil left his hut, avoiding the beach as much as possible because of the jellyfish and headed to Pluto's hut. It had been a while since they had had a proper date and he wasn't going to let some jellyfish spoiling any possibility of that. He walked up to the door of her hut and after a moment, knocked on the door.

Pluto was in her hut, trying to relax since she couldn't do it at her usual spot thanks to the jellyfish. She got up slowly, heading to the door and a broad smile appeared on her face when she saw Neil there. "Hello, dear."

Neil smiled back at her. "Hello. Long time no see." Well... kind of. It was harder to see her everyday when they weren't living in the same hut. "I thought we might head out and do something, away from the beach that is."

"And whose fault is that?" Pluto sighed, shaking her head a little at that first remark. Neil knew full well why she couldn't go over to his hut, considering who his hutmates were. "Did you have something in mind for going out?"

"Mine," he fully admitted. Yes, he knew she couldn't come over. Setsuna really didn't like her around. "I was thinking that we hadn't been dancing for a while. Perhaps you'd care to join me for a dance or two?"

That was a good idea, and she nodded in agreement. Neil did occasionally have his moments, and dancing was certainly one of those. She headed out of the hut, closing the door behind her. "I'd like it if we could make it more than just a dance or two."

"I'm sure that can be arranged," Neil said with a smile, offering her his arm. He had already set up everything needed since he hadn't expected her to reject the offer. "But we can start with the dance."

Pluto nodded, taking his arm. She wasn't dressed for dancing, but changing seemed like it would be a waste of time. "That sounds like fun. Did you already find a space and some music?"

Neil nodded. "I have. I was prepared." He guided her in the direction of where he had set up the music.

Pluto followed along, letting Neil lead her to where he had set up everything. She wondered where they would end up, but was sure that things would turn out all right.

Neil lead her up to the gym. It was the best possible place especially at the moment where there were jellyfish all over. He opened the door to guide her in. He'd already set up the music player and a few mood elements, like some flowers he'd picked up from Anew at the flower shop.

Pluto blinked as she entered the gym, surprised to see some flowers and a music player there. She normally would expect to see people using the building for its intended purpose, not something like this. "Is it all right...? You didn't kick anyone out for this?"

Neil shook his head. "No, I didn't kick anyone out. No one was using it tonight so I decided to borrow it." He walked over to the music player and turned it on. As the music started playing, he turned back to her. "Care to dance, my dear?"

Pluto was relieved to hear that, and watched Neil as he turned on the music. She smiled at his choice of music, swaying a little before looking up at him. "I'd like that."

Neil walked back over to her and offered her his hand so that they could dance. She seemed pleased, which made him happy. "I'm glad."

Pluto placed her hand in his, letting him take the lead for now. "I think you've learned some things well."

He chuckled. "Well, that's a good thing." He lead her in a dance in time to the music. He had never really danced before coming here... but he enjoyed dancing with her.

She followed his lead, moving along with him easily as he moved across the floor. "You've learned how to dance, and there's no one else around for now."

He smiled. "That is true. It's always better that way. That way I'm not falling over myself and there aren't people trying to use the equipment in here."

Pluto smiled brightly, enjoying the time she could be alone like this with Neil. There were no other voices around that she could hear, no one watching them, and it was a relief to not have to be careful about what she did. She moved a bit closer to him as they danced, looking up at him.

Neil smiled down at her, holding her a bit closer as they dance. He was enjoying the quiet that they were able to enjoy as they danced. He did prefer to not have so many people around when he was spending time with her.

Pluto followed along, still looking up at him and not even a trace of a blush since others weren't around. She smiled, following his lead as the music changed and a new song came on.

Neil continued to lead, dancing with his girlfriend and very much enjoying this. He loved being with her so much. After a moment, he leaned down and kissed her in the middle of the dance.

Pluto was surprised at Neil's lips on her, but stopped dancing for the moment to return the kiss. It was much nicer being with him like this, where they could be alone for a while.

After the pause he kiss her, he moved back and smiled at her again. Then he started dancing with her again.

She smiled, dancing with him for the song as well as a third one. Pluto was thoroughly enjoying herself, glad for the chance to be with her lover. "This is nice...you should do things like this more often."

He chuckled. "It is nice. I'll have to remember about this." It was definitely nice to get to spend time with her alone.

Pluto chuckled softly, looking up at Neil. "Please do, while we're both still here."

Neil nodded. "I will. I promise."

"I'll hold you to that." Pluto brought a hand up to touch Neil's cheek, a sad look on her face. She didn't want to have to admit that they could be sent home at any time, but ignorance wasn't bliss, either.

Neil smiled. "I'll count on it," he said. He wanted to spend more time with her and this was the perfect way... a few minutes, a few hours, where the only thing worth worrying about was each other.

Pluto nodded, staying close to him and trying to get her mind on nicer things, like how warm he felt. She closed her eyes for a moment, soaking up that warmth. "Stay with me tonight?"

Neil nodded. "Of course I will." He liked staying with her and he honestly didn't care how cold she was. He was used to it by now so it didn't bother him at all.

"Thank you." She looked up at him, opening her eyes now. "Did you have something in mind for dinner?"

"We can always make something together," he remarked. He was a decent cook and he did enjoy cooking with her when they got the chance. Recently they hadn't but he planned on changing that now.

"That would be nice...we could also leave some for my hutmates, just so they don't have to cook." Pluto blushed faintly at that thought, but it would be better to at least offer them something if she was going to have her lover over. "Would your other hutmates have problems with you staying? I know my niece won't, but the others..."

Neil shrugged. "Setsuna probably will, but I'll just talk to him in the morning." He knew Setsuna cared, but he wasn't going to let Setsuna dictate exactly what he did with his life.

"All right..." Pluto was still wary of Setsuna, but for good reason. She just hoped it wouldn't be too much trouble for Neil, although a night alone with him would definitely be worth it.

Neil nodded. "Do we want to head back to your hut then?"

"I think so. Did you want to get the music player and bring it back with you? I can take the flowers."

He nodded. "I take that. It would probably be good to take the flowers. We shouldn't leave them here."

Pluto nodded, reluctantly letting go of him to go pick up the flowers. She smiled faintly, looking at the arrangement for a moment. "Did Anew put this together?"

Neil nodded. "She did. She's getting really good at it." He definitely was looking after his brother's girlfriend until hopefully he returned. "Besides, I don't think the guy who works there really wants to be caught touching any of the 'girly' plants."

That got a chuckle out of her, and she smiled slightly. She remembered the young man that he was referring to, and made a note to stop by the flower shop sometime to try to talk to the Italian. "She is...and she seems to be doing better now than before."

Neil nodded. "Ribbons seems to be leaving her alone. And she's doing better without Lyle being around constantly. She had her cat with her at work." It didn't really have much to do with her doing better, but the fact she was taking the cat with her seemed like a good sign.

"That's a good sign. I hope she can find herself while she's here, although perhaps it would be better if someone like her can help." Pluto had a feeling that there had to be someone who could, if Anew could talk to that person.

Neil nodded. "I hope so too. It seems like she has a lot of trouble with trying to figure out what she thinks. Though being able to tell Ribbons what she thought was a good thing."

Pluto nodded, walking over to him now that she was done in the gym. "Let's go make dinner."

He smiled. "Yes, let's." He picked up the music player and looked over at her.

Pluto walked with Neil back to her hut, sneaking some glances at him when she could. She smiled a little, letting out a sigh of relief when they walked back into her hut. "We could make something that I have in the fridge, I suppose."

"It would a bit more helpful that way," Neil said with a wink as he followed her inside. "We can't very well make something that you don't have."

"Silly boy..." She rolled her eyes a little, the comment had to be said.

Neil chuckled. "I know I am. But it had to be said."

"Of course." Pluto smiled, bringing the flowers into the kitchen and putting them in a vase with some water. "Why don't you look at what is in the fridge?"

Neil followed her into the kitchen. "Of course." He walked over to the fridge and looked inside. He found a few things that looked interesting and suggested them to her.

Pluto either approved things, or rejected them, eventually figuring out enough that would be a meal for five people. She smiled at Neil, doing part of the cooking while he did the rest of it.

Neil smiled back at her, assisting with the cooking, doing the half that she wasn't doing. It was just nice to with her and it was the least he could do for her hutmates if he was going to be staying in their hut.

lockon neil, sailor pluto

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