Klaus, in the Hangar, with the Gundams

Jul 31, 2010 23:55

Who: Open, Klaus and anyone else
When: His arrival on the Island
Where: The Gundam Hangar
Rating: PG - just to be safe
Warnings: None
Notes: Open log in comments
Summary: Klaus awakens to find himself not buried in rubble, but lying on the floor of the Gundam hangar. Already, he's in over his head.
Are those, Gundams? )

*open log, tieria, klaus

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humaninnovator August 2 2010, 17:42:44 UTC
Tieria paused when he entered the hangar. He hadn't expected to see anyone else there. Having come in to get some work done on cleaning the ash and sand out of the systems and make sure nothing had been damaged by the earthquakes and volcano eruption, he paused at the sight, his Haro bouncing in and around him.

"Maintenance! Maintenance!" the purple robot spouted off. He rolled to a stop just short of Klaus and flapped at him. "Katharon! Katharon in hangar!" he said, identifying Klaus for Tieria. The Meister blinked. Now that he thought about it.

"Klaus Grado." They had met a few times when they had stopped at the Katharon base early on... before the A-LAWs sent in their automatons. Tieria wondered if Klaus still thought they were responsible, or if he was from later in the timeline.


katharonleader August 2 2010, 21:03:18 UTC
Klaus regarded the Gundam Meister warily. Celestial Being was an important ally, or so he kept telling himself, but after the recent attack, he couldn't even be sure of that. He kept his expression neutral.

"Celestial Being..." He didn't actually know their names, it was a closely guarded secret that even Gene-1 had kept. But he did know their faces. "Am I to expect whether you know anything about the attack on our base?"


humaninnovator August 2 2010, 21:26:39 UTC
"Mn." Tieria started to walk past Klaus, almost ignoring him for the moment. The fact that anyone in Katharon knew their faces was something he fully blamed Lyle for. The 'younger' Dylandy had seemed much to lax about removing his helmet in their presence. Though, it hadn't proven bad just yet. He stopped just beyond him and turned back.

"I know of it," he said. "It was the Federation." In Tieria's time, they had dealt with Saji's unintential and rather moronic maneuver of attempting to leave. He wasn't going to put that out there for Klaus to know.


katharonleader August 2 2010, 21:41:44 UTC
Klaus waited for the response, as delayed as it was in coming. His self-control won yet again, although the answer wasn't surprising. He had known it wasn't Celestial Being. They wouldn't have done something like that--not without a heads-up from Gene-1.

But it still didn't make sense how the Federation had found them. He wasn't going to go quite so far as to accuse Celestial Being; he knew better than that. But that didn't keep him from venting some frustration.

He scowled. "The Federation's attacks are growing worse."


humaninnovator August 3 2010, 05:24:23 UTC
"And they will keep doing so," Tieria said. "For some time until we are able to disarm them enough." He looked down at Klaus, noting his disheveled experience. "Your base was destroyed, and many were lost, but the survivors have been relocated to another base." He should know at least that much.


katharonleader August 3 2010, 05:33:14 UTC
Despite the initial impression the meister gave off, Klaus relaxed a little with the information. "So you were able to return in time?"

There were survivors. He wondered if Shirin and the orphans had made it out. "It would help to know the cause of such an attack so that in the future one might be prevented."


humaninnovator August 3 2010, 05:58:09 UTC
"Someone left the base. We've dealt with it. He is no longer a problem for you." Tieria looked over at the Gundams. The purple Haro had rolled over to Seravee, sitting at its feet. "We have left Marina Ismail in the care of your people. Azadistan..." He frowned.


katharonleader August 3 2010, 18:34:28 UTC
Hm, so someone had left the base. Someone that Celestial Being knew about. But if they had it taken care of, then it was taken care of. "You have a name I can call you?"

Shirin would be grateful for Marina Ismail's company but the frown was hardly encouraging. "What happened to Azadistan?"


humaninnovator August 3 2010, 18:45:49 UTC
"Tieria Erde." The Meister sighed a little, looking down for a moment.

"It was razed. Almost everything was destroyed."


katharonleader August 3 2010, 18:50:37 UTC
Klaus felt his jaw drop, his hands clenching into fists. Azadistan had had its problems with the Federation, but this was unspeakable.

"When was this? Why didn't anyone do anything?" It felt like they were backpedaling, and not for the first time did he curse his outdated mobile suits.


humaninnovator August 3 2010, 18:57:34 UTC
It was obvious Tieria wasn't happy about it either. He shook his head.

"We didn't know. Not until it was too late," he said, his tone soft, but harshly bitter. If only they still had VEDA... surely it would have predicted such an event.


katharonleader August 3 2010, 19:13:17 UTC
He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Shirin isn't going to be happy; does Marina know?"

Softly he added, "Anymore its hard to figure out what the Federation is going to do before they do it. They're unpredictable at best and devastating at worst." That's why Katharon and Celestial Being needed to join forces, so they could get rid of such a corrupt government.


humaninnovator August 3 2010, 19:32:25 UTC
"It was Marina along with another of our Meisters who found out and told us," Tieria said. The Princess Royal had been devastated, and Tieria could tell even Setsuna had been shaken a little. And then there was the issue of the Innovators. Tieria was certain Klaus didn't know about them.

"They are."


katharonleader August 3 2010, 19:37:06 UTC
"Damn. And here I thought things were progressing well." He glanced surreptitiously at Tieria. "You seem to know an awful lot about these events."


humaninnovator August 3 2010, 19:46:44 UTC
"That is part of my purpose with Celestial Being... to learn what I can about world events." After all, how can someone make an accurate prediction without knowledge? Though, even with their knowledge, they hadn't seen the attack on Azadistan coming.


katharonleader August 3 2010, 20:05:39 UTC
"Part of your purpose?" He wondered what the rest of it was. "If it's world events you want to learn about, I think you found it."

He turned his attention to the mobile suits in the hangar. "I suppose most of these are yours, well, Celestial Beings?"


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