Continue the Embarrassment?

Mar 04, 2010 21:11

Who: Allelujah, Jr and Setsuna
Where: Allelujah and Jr's hut
When: End of the day when Allelujah talked with Sumeragi
Warnings: None yet
Rating: PG to be safe
Notes: Comment log
Summary: Allelujah comes home still flustered, and it keeps getting worse.

Allelujah was feeling even more flustered than when he'd left that morning, and he'd thought that would be difficult. But he'd run into Sumeragi, and then had to go to work. At least he'd pretty much managed to keep his head down and very few people had come in. He just hoped he hadn't ignored too many people, Hallelujah hadn't been helping very much. But what else was he to do without tracking Setsuna down and talking about what had happened? He shook his head firmly as he opened the door to the hut and stepped in, heading immediately for the kitchen to start tea.

Jr came back to the hut after work, the video store started to bore him almost to tears at some points. At least, until he found a way to get some movie playing in just for some noise, that is. He flopped on the couch, tempted to take a nap until he heard sounds coming from the kitchen. He sat up, then leaned his upper body over the back of the couch to see who was in there. "Hey!"

He almost dropped a mug at the sound of a greeting, then sighed quietly at his distraction. Setting it down carefully, he walked over to look out towards the living room. Seeing Jr, he nodded slightly. "Hello." He could only hope the other wouldn't pick up on his discomfort.

Jr chuckled, still leaning over the couch the same way a pre-teen boy would. He grinned at Alle, "How ya doin'? Things doin' all right wit' Pluto at work?"

Allelujah shrugged slightly. "I am well enough, thank you. Miss Pluto seems alright. Is there some reason she would be otherwise?"

"Jus' wonderin'." Jr shrugged as best as he could from his position, letting his feet dangle a bit off the end of the couch. "She an' chaos had a few fights when they were around each other. Jus' wanna make sure your friend's better for her than mine was."

Allelujah nodded, "They..seem to be good for each other." Which made him draw a mental parallel between Pluto and Neil, and himself and Setsuna. He quickly averted his gaze and stepped back into the kitchen, turning his back to the smaller man in hopes to hide the blush that appeared. " like anything?"

"Well, that's good to hear." Jr chuckled, glad to see that Pluto had seemed to find someone good for her. "We dun gotta worry 'bout what happens when she gets too emotional, then. An' sure, if ya're makin' something. Dun matter to me."

"I'm boiling water for tea, but if you want coffee I can get that started as well." Though he would probably be maimed for making coffee for the already energetic man..Allelujah was hardly one to refuse to make coffee for someone.

"Whatever." Jr shrugged, not caring which he got. He was a big boy, he could handle stuff as long as it wasn't alcohol. "I ain't all that picky."

"Alright," Allelujah decided to stick with tea.

allelujah, jr, setsuna

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