Morning After-Wait, Wrong Person!

Mar 01, 2010 22:02

Who: Allelujah and Sumeragi
Where: Beach
When: Midmorning following the log where Alle and Setsuna get embarrassed
Warnings: Guilt/friend fluff
Rating: G?
Notes: Poor Sumeragi.
Summary: Alle's out trying to figure things out, and Sumeragi finds him.

Allelujah knew he probably looked a bit dazed as he wandered slowly along the beach. He certainly wasn't paying a great deal of attention to his surroundings, despite Hallelujah's grumblings. He'd woken alone that morning-nothing unusual there and he shouldn't have been surprised for the reoccurrence. But he had. He was still debating whether it was a good thing or not.

Sumeragi had only just woken up... normal for her, really, when she had no reason to get her up early. Taking a leisurely stroll along the beach as well, she was on her way away from the village as she spotted Allelujah heading back in. She smiled, giving him a small wave, but then pouted a little when he didn't immediately return it. As they got closer, she noticed he seemed a bit lost in thought. "Allelujah?" she called.

His stride broke slightly at the sound of his name. He blinked and looked up, focusing on the familiar face for a moment before shoving his thoughts of the night before away from the front of his mind. He managed a small smile, though it probably seemed a bit forced. "Miss Sumeragi..Good morning."

"Good morning," she said, giving him a small smile. "How are you?" She walked over to meet him now.

Confused. Conflicted. He wanted to say both in reply to the question. But..would that be fair to Setsuna? To put an uncertain name on..whatever had happened last night? So much for pushing it to the back of his mind. "I..I am alright. How about you?" He stopped when they were standing a few paces from each other.

"Not too bad," she said. "It's been a little quiet." She smiled at him, almost sadly.

Allelujah nodded. "You did not catch that illness that was going through, did you?" He felt guilty then, that he hadn't really been keeping an eye on her as he had. As he felt he should be. The small frown reflected that sudden guilt.

"A little..." she said nonchalantly. "It was just a flu." She shrugged like it was nothing... not that it had felt like nothing. "Did you?"

He sighed quietly, gaze shifting away. He nodded, "I was taking care of Setsuna and Tieria, caught it when they were mostly over it."

"They were both sick?" she asked, a little surprised. So maybe it had been a little worse than she thought if Allelujah had caught it, too. "I wouldn't have thought you could get it."

Allelujah nodded, then shrugged before commenting, "Miss Pluto was ill as well."

"Mn..." Sumeragi nodded. "Interesting..." She sighed a little. "At least it's over with now." She gave him a quick smile. "You're feeling better, though? And Tieria and Setsuna?"

"Yes..I am glad the mass illness is over.." His gaze was studiously away when he replied, though he felt a bit of warmth rise up to his face again. "I am fine, as is Tieria..Setsuna..keeps getting sick, though he seems to be dealing with it alright."

"Perhaps it's a good thing the weather seems to be shifting again," she said with a small smile. "That could be causing his colds. I know he doesn't take good care of himself unless we push him to."

Allelujah nodded slightly. "I hope it gets warmer again soon, he hates being ill, though he does not complain. Well..not too much, at least." He couldn't help the quiet chuckle, "You know that small glare he gets when he feels he is being hovered over."

Sumeragi chuckled at that as well. "You've been hovering much, then?" she teased Allelujah.

Which brought a darker blush to appear and he sheepishly ducked his head. "I try not to.."

She leaned closer. "You're blushing," she pointed out.

Allelujah ran a hand over his face to try and get the blush under control again. "..Am I?" Yes, it was evasive, but..what was he to say?

"Mm-hm~." She chuckled. "What's the matter, Allelujah?" she asked him. "You seem distracted about something."

He threw a half hearted frown at her before his hand rubbed the back of his neck subconsciously. "I..Sorry..I'm working something out.." Well, trying to, would be more accurate.

"What is it?" she asked. "Maybe I can help." She reached over to take his hand gently.

Allelujah blinked in surprised, a bit startled when she took his hand. He couldn't help but stare at it for a long moment before shaking his head slightly. "I..shouldn't. I'm sorry.."

"Why not?" Was that disappointment on her face? Maybe...

"It does not just affect me, if I were to tell you..I do not feel I have the right.." He couldn't meet her eyes, so he completely missed the disappointed look on her face.

She squeezed his hand lightly. "Okay..." And, yes, a little bit of that disappointment seeped into her tone. "But, I am here for you. You know that."

Hearing that disappointment got him to finally look up again, a small frown of concern appearing. "I do know that, thank you. I..I will tell you, if I can.." Belatedly registering the light squeeze of his hand, he returned it just as gently, hoping to show he did appreciate her concern and support.

Sumeragi offered Allelujah a small smile, and then moved in to hug him.

Allelujah reflexively jerked away, hand tugging free from hers. His gut reaction was to back away from her - the ever-present memory of last night's event again reared its head. Something told him he shouldn't let anyone that close until he and Setsuna had sorted things out.

She froze when he pulled away, blinking up at him. "I... I'm sorry..." She stepped back, not having expected that reaction. He'd never pulled away before. Awkwardly wringing her hands, she looked down for a moment. "Maybe I should go..." she then said quietly.

His visible eye was wide in surprise at his own reaction. "I..No, I'm sorry..I'm..confused," he finally admitted that aloud, if quietly. Something he hadn't told Setsuna, however obvious it had been, it had not been said until then. His shoulders hunched and he reflexively huddled into the warm jacket he wore, finally turning his gaze down dejectedly.

"It's okay..." she said quietly.

Allelujah sighed quietly. "No it isn't.."

Sumeragi looked up at him.

"I hurt you.."

"I assumed too much," she said. "I shouldn't have tried to hug you like that."

"As a friend?" Allelujah finally glanced up at her, a slightly lost look in his eye.

"Well... yes..." she said, though her tone was a little hesitant. "I mean... we haven't done anything further, so..." Now it was her turn to blush slightly.

And his blush was back. The lost look was replaced with guilt as he looked away again. "I..Should not have backed away, I am sorry.."

She looked down.

Hesitantly, he stepped up to her and awkwardly held his arms out, inviting her to try again.

She gave him a questioning look for a moment, almost looking to see if he really wanted to hug or if he was just doing it to make her feel better.

It was a bit of both, really. Allelujah tried for a reassuring half-smile.

She couldn't help but give a weak chuckle at his expression and then hug him for it.

He managed not to flinch, which served to reassure him as well as he hugged her gently.

She looked up at him. "Maybe we should get another drink together sometime," she offered. "Just... not at the bar." She gave him a little smile.

Allelujah nodded, a slight chuckle creeping out. "Just let me know when and where. Though..Really, Miss Sumeragi..Zelas is not that bad."

"I... I don't know."

"Do you believe Hallelujah would continue going there if there was a danger to either me or him?"

"No... but I don't think Hallelujah likes me very much right now, either," she said softly.

Allelujah had to restrain himself from commenting that Hallelujah probably prefered her over Setsuna at the moment, opting to simply frown slightly. After a moment, though, he managed to comment, "He is who he is..and there are few he does like. Zelas..might actually be one of them.."

Sumeragi just gave a weak smile. "I suppose."

He gave an awkward shrug.

She patted his chest slightly. "So... you're really okay?" she asked him.

Allelujah gave a small nod. "Yes."

Sumeragi nodded and smiled a little. "Okay." She pulled back, giving him a little tap on the chest with her forefinger. "Don't get too distracted, hm?"

He blushed a bit in embarrassment, though he did manage a small smile. "I will do my best."

"You know Tieria hates it, too," she teased him, then unwrapped herself from the hug. "I'll see you soon?"

Allelujah nodded, letting her pull away and his arms drop back to his sides. "In my defense, he did the same when he and Setsuna were taking care of me." To a lesser degree, but there were two of them! "Yes, soon."

She giggled. "As long as he wasn't terrible! And I hope he took care of you return!"

He smiled. "He wasn't, and I recovered quickly, thanks to them."

"Good." She smiled. "I'll see you later then."

Allelujah nodded. "You take care."

She headed off, then, continuing her walk along the shoreline.

Just as he started walking again, this time at a faster pace as he started his usual jog-just a bit later than usual.

sumeragi, allelujah

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