RP Log - After the Party

Feb 20, 2010 00:08

Who: Pluto & Neil
When: Valentine's Day
Where: Hut 1
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Just implications, that's all
Summary: Pluto and Neil head back to their hut and have a little more fun of their own.

Neil lead Pluto back to their hut after the dance. Opening the door for her when they arrived, he smiled at her. "That was a great party," he remarked.

Pluto nodded, going through the door and sitting down on the couch just so she could get off her feet. She smiled faintly, glancing at Neil. "It was a nice party, and it was nice to have a chance to dance again."

Neil nodded. "It was nice to dance again. I think I'm getting better at it." He sat down next to her on the couch.

"You are, it just takes practice." She couldn't help but blush faintly at him sitting down next to her, considering the fact that they had been around each other for most of the evening. "You can't learn to dance without having practice at it."

Neil nodded. "I know... we should practice more often then."

"If you can find a space for us to practice, then we can. I don't think Lyle and Anew would appreciate us moving the furniture to do it."

Neil chuckled. "Maybe the gym. There is room there. Also dancing here is a bit more dangerous with the little cat wandering around the hut."

"Yes, it is." Pluto smiled faintly, still blushing a bit. "Perhaps the gym, after people are not using it for sports."

Neil nodded. "Or the backroom of the arcade after we are closed," he suggested. People usually didn't come in late to the arcade.

"Perhaps." Truth be told, that wasn't the first thing on Pluto's mind right now. It had been a romantic night, and she wasn't sure if she wanted anything further to happen or not.

Neil stretched a bit. "Do you want something to drink?" he offered.

Pluto blinked, watching Neil out of the corner of her eye. "If you're getting something..."

Neil nodded. "I was planning on it."

"Then I'd like something, thank you."

"Alright, what would you like?"

Pluto looked at Neil, "What are you getting?"

"Probably a beer." Neil had given up on wine. It wasn't quite what he was used to.

That was one area they disagreed, since Pluto wasn't going to consider drinking beer. "A glass of wine, then, please."

Neil nodded. "Red or white?" he asked as he headed into the kitchen.

"White." She didn't feel like anything too strongly flavored right now.

Neil nodded. "Sure thing." He poured a glass of white wine for her and then poured his beer into a glass. He was at least civilized enough to not drink it out of the bottle. He brought both drinks out, sitting down beside her and offering her the wine.

Pluto smiled and bent her head slightly in thanks as she took her glass, taking a sip of her wine in the hopes that it would help her calm down just a little. She was only going to have one drink, so she wasn't going to do anything she would regret.

Neil smiled, raising his glass in a small toast and took a sip of the beer in his hand.

"Silly boy..." She couldn't help it, it just came out. That did not bode well for the rest of the night.

Neil chuckled. "Indeed I am."

Pluto sighed slightly, taking another sip of her wine before she said something without thinking again.

Neil took a sip of his beer, relaxing on the couch.

His girlfriend wasn't quite so relaxed, but part of that was her increased awareness of just how close she was to him. The nervous feeling she had started again, her stomach trying to turn itself in knots instead of relaxing like she had wanted to.

Neil didn't say anything for the moment, just so they could finish their drinks in peace.

Pluto took her time with her wine, not wanting to rush it. At least by the time she finished it, her stomach wasn't as knotted up as it had been.

Neil smiled at her. He stood up, holding out his hand to take the wine glass from her to take both back to the kitchen. "So... what should we do with the rest of the evening?"

She handed the wine glass back to Neil, her eyes looking downward instead of at him. Unusual for her, a little hesitation entered into her voice, "I-I'm not sure."

Neil blinked, definitely surprised by that. He took the glasses back to the kitchen then came back to her. "Kore? Are you alright, love?"

Pluto blushed, not sure if she really was all right or not. She didn't answer, unsure of what to say for once.

Neil sat down beside her again. "Kore, you know you can tell me anything. You know that right?"

She nodded, more to reassure Neil than fully understanding his question. "I know..."

Neil leaned over and kissed her on the cheek, putting his arm around her.

Of course, Neil's actions didn't help matters any as he brought her closer to him. She felt her cheeks turn red, hiding her face against him.

Neil blinked as Pluto hid her face against him. "Kore? What's wrong?" he insisted.

"Nothing." She answered too-quickly, trying to deny that something was wrong. "Nothing's wrong."

"I think something is," Neil remarked. "Want to tell me?"

Pluto shook her head, not wanting to talk about what was bothering her. "No...it's nothing."

Neil looked concerned. "Are you sure?"

She nodded, taking a brief moment to look at him. Her cheeks were flushed, and she wasn't sure what to say.

Neil now looked rather confused. "Does it have something to do with us?"

"I...well, yes." She looked away from Neil, folding her hands in her lap. "I'm nervous."

"Why are you nervous, love?"

"Why shouldn't I be?" She responded, looking down into her lap. "We've been living together for almost a year. I don't know how much time we will have here on this island, and I don't want to do anything that I will regret."

"I don't know how much time we have either, but I want to spend as much of it as possible with you. I love you so much, Kore."

Pluto sighed, moving one of her hands from her lap to take Neil's. "I love you, Neil. That's why I don't know what to do."

Neil gently squeezed her hand, his other one brushing her hair from her face.

"Neil...?" She wasn't expecting that, almost forced to look at him since he brushed her hair away.

"I love you so much," he said softly. "There's no reason to be worried. No matter what I'll still love you."

Pluto blinked, then a sad look appeared in her eyes. "That's sweet. But it doesn't help."

"Oh? Why doesn't it?"

"I still don't know what to do." She leaned against him, seeking warmth for now as a way to distract herself from her nervousness.

"Oh..." Neil was more than happy to offer the warmth for her, holding her close, gently stroking her hair.

"Was there anything that you wanted?" Pluto was feeling a bit more relaxed when Neil stroked her hair, it being one of her weak points.

"Other than to spend time with you... I can't think of anything." He continued to stroke her hair.

"Really? I do mean anything...I won't get mad at you for anything that you suggest."

Neil nodded. "I know... I just want to be with you."

Pluto smiled faintly, closing her eyes as she let an arm slip around Neil. "You're sweet."

Neil held her close. After a moment, he leaned in and kissed her on the head.

She had been content in Neil's arms, feeling safe there until he kissed her head. She raised her head to look at him, silently wondering why he would do such a thing.

Neil smiled. He wasn't quite sure why he had, but he had felt like he wanted to.

Pluto brought her hand up to stroke Neil's cheek, unwilling to take her eyes off him now that she was finally more relaxed. A faint smile showed on her face, "Maybe we should move out of the living room. I'm not nervous now."

Neil smiled, leaning his head against her hand a moment and nodded. "Alright, let's go."

She slowly got up, smoothing out her black dress before making her way back to her room. Well, hers and Neil's room at this point.

Neil got and followed her back to the bedroom.

Once she was in the bedroom, Pluto sat down on the bed. There was enough room beside her that Neil could sit there if he wanted, or he could pull the chair over to the bed. It was his decision.

Neil walked over and sat down beside her. He smiled, leaning down and kissing her cheek. "I love you so much, Kore."

"I suppose my asking how much is just a little on the to be expected side?" She smiled, glad for the slight distraction.

Neil chuckled. "If you want."

"Silly boy." Pluto looked at Neil, chuckling a little. "Well...maybe not quite a boy."

Neil grinned. "Nope, not really the boy part."

The grin made the butterflies in her stomach come back, did he know exactly how he looked when he did that? She shyly turned away, glancing at him.

Neil blinked. "Kore?... Sorry about that."

"Sorry? Why?" It was her turn to blink, it was just a reaction to seeing him grin. Although, that grin did start bringing other things to mind, things that she didn't want to acknowledge. "It's not your fault."

"Okay," he replied, holding her close.

Pluto took in the warmth of his arms, as well as his scent now. She felt safe and comfortable, that nothing could hurt her as long as she was next to him. It was a nice feeling, although she knew she couldn't spend the entire night like that.

Neil rested his head against her's. He was glad that she felt safe with him. Even though she was stronger than he was, he felt good to know he made his girlfriend feel safe around him. He gently rubbed her back.

Pluto let out a content sigh, smiling faintly at Neil rubbing her back. She didn't even ask him to do that, but it helped her relax and feel nice. Maybe even a little more than nice, depending on how long he was willing to do that.

Neil was more than willing to keep doing that. He liked having his girlfriend that close to him. Rubbing her back when she was so close to him gave him an excuse to stay that close to her, so he continued.

She finally opened her eyes after a few minutes of that, leaning her head back to look up at Neil. "Did you want me to lay down? It might be easier if you wanted to keep on rubbing my back."

Neil thought a moment then nodded. "Yeah, that might work better." He smiled.

Pluto smiled, working out of Neil's arms just long enough to lay face-down on the bed. Her head was on a pillow, and she pulled her hair to the side just to make it easier for him. He also got a nice view of her shoulders that way, not that she minded at all.

Yes, it was a rather nice view. Neil moved to kneel near her. Slowly he started to rub her back and shoulders, enjoying the contact he got to have with her.

At least there was no chance that Pluto would fall asleep, as nice as the massage was. She opened her eyes for a brief moment, just to look at her boyfriend.

Neil smiled down at her, his hands still rubbing over her back.

After a few minutes, the contentment she got changed into something else, and she rolled onto her side in spite of still wearing her gown for the dance. "I think that's enough..."

Neil blinked and moved his hands away. "Okay..."

Pluto chuckled at Neil's reaction, not expecting that. "Dear, if you keep that up, I'll lose control."

"Oh?" Neil reached over and stroked her cheek. "What if I want you to?"

Now it was her turn to blink in surprise, her eyes wide as he stroked her cheek. She felt strange, in a way that she wouldn't be able to explain if he asked her to. "Why...?"

"Well, you keep so much to yourself... maybe it would be good to let yourself lose control." Yes, he did now have an idea about what she was referring to.

"I'm not sure..." She had no idea what would happen if she lost control of herself, looking down and away from his sight. "I feel like I can't lose control, since the times when I've unwittingly let my emotions show through, I've hurt people."

"You're not going to hurt me," Neil remarked. "Besides, if you can't lose control around the person you love, who can you?"

"I..." He had a point, damn him. She couldn't lose control around anyone. She had to grudgingly admit, "I don't know."

Neil kissed her cheek. "I don't mind if you do around me."

Pluto blushed, still not able to meet his eyes right now. "Maybe...I don't know...I don't want to do anything that would hurt you or cause you pain in some way."

"Kore, love," he said, touching her cheek. "You're not going to hurt me. I want you to be able loosen up, especially around me."

"I don't know if you know what you're asking." She swallowed nervously, unable to hide it any longer.

Neil put his arms around her. "Kore... I don't care. I want you to be able to open up."

Pluto wrapped her arms around Neil, looking up at him with wide eyes. "Neil...I'm nervous. I'm afraid of myself, and what I'm capable of." And afraid of how you make me feel, she silently added.

"I know what you are," Neil said softly. "And I don't care. It doesn't matter to me. I love you for you."

"It doesn't?" She couldn't help but raise her hand to touch his cheek, slowly letting down some of the barriers she kept up just to hide who she was. "You're sure?"

Neil nodded, leaning his hand a bit into her touch. "I'm sure. It doesn't. I love you, Kore."

Pluto felt her stomach start turning, knowing what she wanted but unsure if she could even act on it. "What do you want?"

"I want to be close to you. I want to touch you..." He moved his hand to stroke her leg.

She turned red at feeling Neil's hand on her leg, knowing that her heart was beating faster now. Moving closer to him, she wrapped her arm around his waist. "Tonight...? Or...are you wanting more out of our relationship, in spite of what will happen?"

He nodded. "Tonight is good. And yes, I do want more out of our relationship."

"I suppose it's good that you're honest about it." The Guardian couldn't help but feel nervous, especially since she was used to not living in the present. Living in the past, sometimes. With an eye to the future, naturally. But the present? Not so much.

Neil chuckled. "I guess it is." He leaned down and kissed her.

Pluto kissed him back, unable to think of any other way to react to him. He had opened up to her, perhaps she should do the same after she was actually able to speak again.

Neil broke the kiss and smiled down at her. "I love you so much."

"You've said that several times tonight. I don't think I'll be able to forget it." She smiled, just letting him know that she wasn't actually annoyed with him.

He chuckled. "I guess not."

She decided that he was spending too much of his time saying random things, softly kissing Neil before he could say anything else.

Neil kissed her back happily, his arms wrapping around her.

Pluto sighed happily a short while later, glad that she was feeling better after a shower and lying down after hers and Neil's activities together. She smiled faintly up at Neil, not minding her discomfort right now.

Neil smiled gently lying down next to her. He reached over and stroked her hair. "I love you, Kore," he said though he had said that several times tonight already.

"Stop it, Neil, before I have to make you be quiet." She rolled onto her side, wrapping her arm around his waist so she could snuggle with him. "I know that."

Neil chuckled, wrapping his arms around her to hold her close. "I know you do... I just like saying it."

"You're silly." She was relieved that he was holding her close, glad for the contact right now. She needed to feel him next to her just to ease her mind, and make sure that he wasn't going to leave.

"Yes I am," Neil replied. "But I'm going to stay here and take care of you." He kissed her forehead, still holding her close to him.

Pluto lay there next to Neil, moving his hand down to her abdomen. She was a little sore, and wanted a little extra warmth there. "Just stay by me, that's all I want. I'll be fine after some rest."

He nodded, letting his hand rest where she had placed it. "Alright, whatever you want, love."

She smiled faintly, glad that she was going to get her way in this. "Whatever I want? I suppose it's a good thing that I just want to curl up here in your arms."

Neil chuckled. "I guess it is. I'm not complaining though." Of course he wasn't. He got to spend time cuddled with his girlfriend.

"That's good." Pluto was thinking that she could get used to this, being in Neil's arms more often than she already was. "If you had any complaints, I wouldn't want to hear them."

"Why would I complain about that? I'd be crazy." He could get used to this as well, having his girlfriend cuddled in his arms.

"I was thinking you could complain about something else, maybe. If you were inclined to do so." She didn't really think he would complain, but one never knew. "I'm glad you aren't."

He smiled, kissing her forehead gently. "Nah. Not going to complain when I get to spend time with you."

"That's good. I just want to stay with you, maybe cuddle a little before I fall asleep. I'm sorry if I do anything out of the ordinary over the next day or so."

He nodded. "That's fine. I think we're both going to fall asleep together soon."

Pluto sighed, nodding in agreement. She knew that she was tired after things, and she was sure he was as well. "That's true...but still, things are different now."

Neil nodded. "It's true things are different, but in a better way yes?"

She nodded slowly, having to admit that after she thought about it. "I think so."

Neil smiled. "That's good. I'm glad."

Pluto sighed happily, pressing her body against Neil's in a combination of just wanting to and needing the warmth. He really was nice and warm.

Neil reached down and pulled the blanket up around them to help keep both of them warm. "This should help," he said, rubbing her back with one hand.

"Thank you, dear." She smiled faintly, just glad to be by him. "Just let me know if I don't seem myself."

He nodded. "I will. I'm sure after we both get some sleep, we'll be feeling more like ourselves again."

"We'll see." She yawned, their actions catching up to her. She lay her head down on Neil's chest, shifting a little so she'd be comfortable.

Neil held her close, letting her rest. He closed his eyes, stroking her hair gently.

lockon neil, sailor pluto

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