RP Log - Uranus, No Breaking Brains!

Dec 03, 2009 11:31

Who: Uranus, Pluto, Neil, Tieria
When: yesterday
Where: Hut 1
Warnings: none really?
Rating: PG-13
Notes: A log that's actually NOT backdated!
Summary: Uranus just had to tease Pluto, and Neil & Tieria just had to come in at the wrong moment.

Uranus decided to go see Pluto. So, she headed over and without even knocking, she went right into the hut. Seeing her old friend wasn't there, or in the main room at the moment, the blonde just made herself comfortable on the couch, feet propped up on the table.

Pluto came home after doing a few things around the village, not expecting anything out of the ordinary today. She entered her hut, and blinked when she saw Uranus just making herself at home there. "When did you get in?"

"About five minutes ago." She replied tossing the fashion magazine she'd been reading back onto the table.

"At least you weren't waiting too long for me, then." She smiled, ignoring the fact that her magazine was just tossed in front of her. "Any special occasion, or just wanted to see me?"

"I wanted to go sleep with Neil." Uranus said sarcastically, "Of course I wanted to see you."

"I might have a few issues if you ever did decide to do that first one." Pluto winked at her friend, knowing that was only a joke. "So might Thala."

"That is true and he's not exactly my type." Uranus crinkled her nose.

The Guardian sat down on the couch, pushing Uranus' legs off the table for now. "So what's on your mind?"

She sat up and shrugged. "Not much, just bored. Thala's at work."

"Uh-oh." She knew what Uranus did when she was bored, and it wasn't a comforting thought. "Should I start being worried?"

"I haven't now or ever modified a silly string can to be used for a sniper rifle."

That wasn't exactly a comfort. Pluto shivered at the thought of Uranus doing that, knowing that if she did there'd be at least three cans of silly string that were modified that way. "Don't."

"I don't plan on it!" Unless of course, if Duo and Jr convinced her.

"You never plan on it."

She whistle innocently.

Pluto sighed, not trusting that whistle for even a minute. Uranus wasn't innocent.

Uranus grinned at Pluto. "So~ Any plans for Christmas?"

"None really. We should get everyone from our world together for Christmas, just our own little celebration." Pluto smiled a little, "I'm sure Neil is going to be doing the same for his group."

"Yeah, we can do that." Uranus smiled, "It would be fun."

"I think so." Pluto was relieved that the conversation had turned to another topic that didn't involve possible pranking wars or generally bad ideas.

"Who's hut would we host it at?"

"We could host it at yours if the pilots from the other world with large mobile suits have their own gathering." Pluto smiled, "I don't think mine would work."

"Alright. Thala will have an excuse to decorate."

"She'll love that excuse."

Uranus nodded. "Yeah, she will."

"I wonder what else is going to be happening this year...last year it snowed."

"Snow's always fun." Uranus chuckled.

Pluto smiled, "It can be. But then you have to come inside when you're soaked through..."

"Mhmm." She poked Pluto.

Pluto squeaked, pulling away from Uranus. "What was that for?!"

"Because I could." the blonde replied.

"That's not a good reason!"

"Yes it is!"

"No it's not!"

"Is too!"

"Is not..." Pluto looked away, wondering for a moment how things ended up back at the level of children fighting about something.

Because. they had been friends since the dawn of time, well practically..

"Now that the childish silliness seems to be over..." She looked over at her friend. "Was there something else on your mind?"

"No." She said with a shrug.

"Oh well." Pluto smiled, getting off the couch. "Want me to get you something while you're here?"

Uranus grinned.



"It's never nothing with you."

"How's you and Neil?"

Pluto smiled, sitting back down for now. "Everything's going well. We have our disagreements every now and then, but nothing we haven't been able to eventually talk through."

"How's your attitude?"

"My attitude?" She wasn't sure what her friend was getting at.

"Are you short with anyone?" Uranus leaned forward a bit, not looking at Pluto.

"Um...not really...why are you asking this?"

"So... You're not getting laid?"

Pluto's cheeks started turning dark pink, not liking where this was going.

"Or are you? Because, you know... Sex helps with one's foul mood." Uranus teased, with a grin on her face.

Now the dark pink got even darker, Pluto shook her head in denial. "I'm not! I haven't been with Neil long enough for that!"

"You two have been together for what? Ten months?"

"Almost..." She looked down at the floor, trying to hide the fact that she was embarrassed at the topic. "But that's still not enough time!"

"Getting laid is perfectly acceptable!"

Neil and Tieria were heading back to Neil's hut after spending some time working on the Gundams. Neil was completely unaware the conversation going on at his hut. And of course he chose to open the door on that completely awkward statement. Neil just kind of stopped, surprised.

Tieria almost walked into Neil's back, not having heard it outright.  He pulled up short.  "Lockon?" he asked quietly.

Pluto tried glaring at Uranus for that comment, but it wasn't as effective with her cheeks bright red. "I'm not like that!"

Uranus looked up and waved cheerfully. "Hey guys. We're just talking about Pluto's nonexistent sex life."

"URANUS!" Great...more people around. Pluto glanced over to see Neil and Tieria, two people she definitely did not want hearing about this.

Neil's face just went bright red at that comment and he debated turning around and shutting the door. He had no idea what to say.

Tieria felt his face get very warm, which he had finally learned meant he was blushing.  He bristled a little.  "I do not believe their sex life is of any concern to you!" he snapped at Uranus rather defensively.

Uranus looked at Tieria. "I was just teasing. I know Pluto's not that kinda girl."

Pluto was looking away from Tieria and her boyfriend, just so they couldn't see how dark her face was. "She's known me since I was a child."

"Which is a long time."

Neil blinks a bit and finally got himself to be able to speak again. "Well, that you have," he said, choosing to ignore the other topic that had been present since he had walked in.

Tieria's glare remained firmly in place, and he took a deep breath, hoping the warm sensation in his face would go away soon.

Pluto was taking a deep breath herself, hoping that her blush would soon fade. Damn Uranus for bringing up the subject.

Uranus relaxed back. Her work was done.

"Are we going inside or not?" Tieria said to Neil, still standing behind him in the doorway, his tone somewhat sharp to cover his embarrassment.

Neil nodded. "Would probably be a good idea." He finished stepping inside so Tieria could enter.

He stepped in the rest of the way and closed the door.  Then, he headed for the kitchen.  He needed get some of the thoughts out of his head that Uranus had indirectly planted there.

Chaos. Havoc. Embarrassment? Uranus had succeeded.

Uranus had beyond succeeded with embarrassing Pluto, the Guardian's face still slightly hidden from everyone. "You didn't have to do that!"

"Why? It was fun."

Neil followed after Tieria. For some reason, something strong sounded like a good idea at the moment.

"That was... unnecessary," Tieria said.

"So?" Uranus asked glancing at Tieria, "You need to get the stick up your ass, out."

"URANUS!" Okay, so making fun of her was one thing, Pluto expected that. They were friends, after all.

"And with that ladies and gentleman. I should make my grand exit..." The blonde stood up and headed for the door.

Neil glared at Uranus from the doorway to the kitchen. On the same token of Tieria protecting Neil, Neil felt he had to protect Tieria.

Tieria shot a sharp glare at Uranus.  "There are boundaries one shouldn't cross!" he snapped.  Who was she to tell him anything about himself?

"She's never really learned much about boundaries." Pluto's voice came softly from her seat on the couch, "Not in the entire time I've known her."

"No I haven't, and doubt I ever will!" She called before exiting the hut.

Tieria growled a little, clenching his fists as he glared at the closed door.

Neil grumbled under his breath, most likely insults in what he remembered of Gaelic and another language he knew insults in.

Pluto looked up just enough so she could see what the other two were doing, although her face was still bright red from her blushing. "That's a waste of time."

Tieria shifted his glare towards Pluto for a moment, clearly not worried if letting off some steam about the comments Uranus had tossed at him was a waste of time or not, and then backed off, disappearing into the kitchen once again.  He sat down at the table.

"I know it is," Neil remarked, going to get his drink. Irish whiskey perhaps. "That doesn't mean it still isn't infuriating."

"That's why she does it." Pluto wasn't going to get anything for herself, instead trying to will her blush away. "To get a reaction."

Tieria just mentally sighed, glaring at the table as if it had done some great wrong to him.

Neil poured his drink. He took a sip of it. Probably wouldn't help much, but it would make him feel a bit better. He walked over and put his hand on Tieria's shoulder. "She gone now," he just reminded Tieria.

"I know," the other Meister grumbled back, sounding a little frustrated.  He looked up at Neil, a little unsure of his next question.  "Do I really have a 'stick up my ass'?" he asked quietly, looking a little confused for a moment.  "And why did that feel like a bad thing for her to say?"

Neil chuckled and shook his head. "No, I don't. It's supposed to mean that you are overly serious and can't have any fun."

"What's wrong with being serious?" Tieria asked, sounding annoyed again.

Neil shrugged. "It's supposed to mean that you can't have any fun... so serious you have to work all the time." He had seen Tieria have fun here so he didn't think that fit Tieria.

Granted, that fun was usually forced on him or dragged out of him somehow, so it might not really count, but still... He frowned a little.  "Oh."  He was used to working all the time.  It wasn't bad...  He sighed a little, then glanced at the door into the other room.  "I suppose I should apologize," he said quietly so Pluto wouldn't overhear.  He had given her a rather nasty look, and without real reason.

"If you want to now," Neil remarked. He took a sip of his drink. "I think we are all a bit flustered after what happened."

He nodded.  That was certainly true.

Neil smiled, sitting down across from Tieria for the moment. He sipped his drink.

"Are you alright?"

Neil nodded. "Just a little surprised that I walked in to hear something like that."

"I still don't think it's any of her business," Tieria said a little darkly.

Neil nodded. "No... it isn't." Unfortunately there wasn't much he could do about it... especially after she had already said something.

Tieria sighed, then got up and headed into the living room.  He paused, just out of Pluto's immediate line of sight.

Pluto had heard the sound of someone coming into the living room, but couldn't tell from the sound which one of the Meisters it was. She also didn't feel like looking, while her blush had faded some, it was still obvious that she was embarrassed by what happened.

Neil got up and walked to the doorway of the kitchen, still holding his glass.

Maybe he didn't need to apologize, per se, but he still wanted to make sure she was okay.  "Pluto?" Tieria asked.

Pluto looked up when she heard her name, unable to keep from blushing again when she saw that it was Tieria there. "Y-yes?"

He looked down.  "Are you alright?" he asked.

"I will be..." She admitted, looking down as well. "It's nothing."

Tieria frowned.  He didn't think it was just nothing.  "She had no right to ask," he said quietly.

Pluto sighed, talking a few minutes before giving her thoughts on the matter. "She didn't have to ask...but if she hasn't learned by now, she never will."

Neil nodded. He had to agree at this point that she probably wouldn't change.

Tieria sighed, but withdrew.  He knew he wasn't going to get anywhere by arguing anyway.  "I... apologize for my outburst," he said.

"It's all right." She didn't blame Tieria for his outburst. When it came to Uranus, there were very few people on the island who even understood how she thought. Pluto smiled faintly, "I don't blame you for what happened."

"It was uncalled for," he insisted.  "I shouldn't have done it."

"Perhaps not, but what has happened, has happened."

That seemed to be a lot of things lately.  Tieria nodded.

Neil nodded. "Can't change it now... just try to stay away from Uranus in the future." He was joking about that... at least mostly. "Would either of you like something to drink?"

Pluto shook her head, not feeling the need for anything right now. "Not right now, I'm fine. Thank you for offering."

Tieria shook his head about the drink.  "Why would I stay away from her?" he asked.

"It was just a joke," Neil said dismissing it. "Just because of what happened earlier."

"Whatever the case, I'm just glad things didn't end up all that bad."

"Hn."  Tieria looked down with a small sigh.  "I think I should go," he said then, turning to head for the door.

"You don't have to if you don't want to." Yes, he would rather have the time with just Pluto, but he didn't want Tieria to feel that he was being forced to leave.

Pluto smiled a little at Tieria, "It's all right if you stay. I think it might be better if you did, actually, to get Neil's mind off things that he might be thinking.

He paused, giving them both a somewhat confused look.  "If you really want..." he said, somewhat unsure of the situation, now.  That had surprised him.

"It's fine if you want," Neil said with a smile.

Tieria nodded a little.  "Alright."

"There's enough room for all of us in here."

Neil nodded. "And I'm sure the rabbit would like to see you," he added.

That got a small blush out of him. Admitting he was developing a soft spot for domesticated animals wasn't exactly something he was willing to do just yet.  He nodded again.

Pluto kept her urge to giggle at Tieria in check, knowing that it wouldn't help things any. "The rabbit would like to have company other than Neil and some Haros."

Neil nodded. "She gets bored of us after a while...and Lyle doesn't seem to be able to be around her for long."

"Why not?" he asked, curious about Lyle.

"He sneezes a lot after spending any significant time around her or a room that she's been in for a while."

Tieria considered that for a moment.  "He's probably allergic."

Neil nodded. "Anew thinks so too."

"It's possible." Pluto added, shrugging her shoulders a little. "The rabbit cannot be around me."

Neil nodded. "That's okay. Fluffy likes to sneak in here sometimes."


"Fluffy is Hotaru's cat. For whatever reason, cats seem to like me where other animals want to flee."

Neil nodded. "She's a cute cat. Mostly gray with blue eyes."

"I think I might have seen her," Tieria said.  "I had one follow me home from the laundromat about a month ago, but I don't think they're the same."

Neil blinked. "I don't think so. Fluffy usually follows Hotaru."

Tieria shook his head.  "No... Trowa mentioned that this particular one was actually living in the laundromat for some time."

Pluto sighed, wondering about that cat herself. "I don't know where that one came from. But that cat seems to like helping with the laundry."

Neil nodded. "I think I've seen that one too."

Tieria nodded.  "That's sort of how it started," he said.  "She started helping with my laundry..."  It still sounded really weird.

"Did you take her in?"

"She sort of decided to come with me," Tieria said.  "I'm not sure I had much of a choice."

Neil smiled. "Well, that happens sometimes... kind of how I ended up with the rabbit."

Pluto chuckled softly, wondering how the animals knew who to go to at times. At least they never really came to her, except the cats.

Tieria was a little amused to know that the rabbit had sort of chosen Neil instead of the other way around.  It didn't surprise him, either, that Neil didn't turn her away.

"So do you want to go visit with the rabbit?"

He hesitated for a second.  "Okay."

"I'll just stay out here while you boys go do that."

"Alright, let's go then." He smiled.

Tieria gave Pluto a tiny little smile before heading into the other room with Neil.

lockon neil, sailor pluto, sailor uranus haruka, tieria

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