RP Log - Things Could Be Worse

Dec 01, 2009 17:14

Who: Pluto and Neil
When: after the log with Neil and Setsuna
Where: Hut 1
Notes: backdated liek woah
Warnings: none
Summary: Pluto's there when Neil gets home with visible bruises.

Neil headed back to the hut after talking with Setsuna. He hadn't felt that bad at lunch but now he was starting to hurt more as he walked back to the hut. He wasn't going to complain about being in pain. He had already decided. That didn't hide the fact that he was walking a bit awkwardly and he probably had a forming bruise on his forehead now.

Pluto was finally taking some time to herself now that Halloween was over, reducing her hours at the store for the moment. She knew it might get busy again once things got closer to Christmas, but the peace was nice now and she was relaxing in the hut.

Neil stepped into the hut. "Hello, Kore," he said when he stepped inside. He winced a little when he stepped inside.

Pluto looked over at the door when she heard Neil, smiling a little at him. She didn't notice him wincing, acting as if nothing was wrong. "Hello, Neil."

Neil shut the door and walked over towards the couch. However, part of the way there, he had to stop... stupid being hit so hard in the kidneys.

Pluto walked over to Neil, frowning when she saw that he had to stop before reaching the couch. "Did something happen to you?"

"Setsuna and I were practice sparring... I guess I wasn't quite at the level I thought I was." He wasn't going to mention that Setsuna had temporarily lost himself and had just kept attacking him.

Pluto shook her head, not liking the sound of that. "You got hurt." She just gave Neil a stern look before heading to the kitchen for some ice. "You need to be more careful."

Neil nodded. "I know..." He continued his walk to the couch and sat down. "I'll try next time."

Neil would be able to hear a few sounds from the kitchen that muffled his girlfriend's sighs, and she walked out a few minutes later with a bag of ice and a towel. "Here, this should start helping. Where does it hurt?"

Neil put the ice pack on his side. "I got hit on both sides... and my head hurts." And his muscles ached from having to hold off Setsuna.

At least he wasn't being whiny. Pluto sighed again, carefully sitting down next to Neil. "Do you need to lay down for a bit?"

Neil shook his head. "No, I'll be fine... I'm just sore... I haven't done that in a while and Setsuna's quite strong."

"If you say so..." She didn't really think that Neil was as fine as he was claiming to be, but she wasn't going to say anything about it. If it was worse, it would make itself known.

Neil closed his eyes and tried to rest a bit. He winced when he had to move his arm.

"Neil, you're not fine right now." That wince, the Guardian caught. She wasn't sure sitting up was really the best thing for him at the moment. "Come on, you should probably lay down."

Neil nodded, not going to argue with her. "Okay..." he relented. Slowly he pushed himself up.

Pluto got up before he did, ready to help him if he needed it. When he made it up, she took his hand and led him towards their room. "If you need anything, let me know."

Neil nodded. "I will..." He hadn't hurt this much earlier, but now he was. Probably adrenaline finally wearing off. He didn't want to be moving like this tomorrow or Setsuna would get worried.

"You better." Pluto gave him a stern look just to reinforce her point, pulling him with her as she went into the room. "You. Lay down."

Neil nodded. "Yes, ma'am," he said with a bit of chuckle as he moved to the bed and laid down.

"Now, be a good boy or I'll have to do something about that." Pluto wasn't actually being entirely serious either, but was keeping up the serious looks. She really didn't want Neil either making things worse or hurting himself further.

Neil nodded. "I will." He settled back and closed his eyes again. He did feel better laying back, the ice on his side helping to it seemed.

Pluto sat down on the bed, again being careful so Neil wouldn't end up getting moved around. "Is there anything I can do to help you feel better?"

"Heat would probably help," Neil said, more to himself than to her. It would help loosen up everything that was complaining at the moment.

"Well, that isn't much help..." Pluto chuckled, running her fingers through his hair. "There's several ways to get heat on those areas that are hurting. Where does it hurt?"

Neil opened his eyes. "Aside from the where I got hit, my limbs are kind of sore." Like he had said, Setsuna was strong.

"If you hurt all over, maybe you should take a hot bath." That was one way that she could think of for him to get the heat he needed on his sore spots, and it was a reasonable way.

Neil nodded after a moment. "Yeah, that sounds like a good way to do it. Going up to the hot springs is probably out of the question."

"I don't think you want to walk that far just to get a hot bath." Pluto chuckled, still running her fingers through his hair. Some of the pain could be from muscle tension, and she knew that helped relax him. "I'll get a bath started for you."

Neil smiled. It did help him relax. "Thank you," Neil said still smiling.

"You're welcome." She got up, disappearing into the bathroom for just a few minutes to get the water started for Neil. She was going to just let it run, coming back into the bedroom. "I started the water. Do you need help getting up?"

"I think I can get it," Neil said slowly pushing himself up. He set the bag of ice to the side to get up then picked up again when he was up.

"If you can get it, then just take as much time as you need in the bath." Pluto smiled, "I'll be in the kitchen for a while."

Neil nodded. "Thank you, Kore." He headed into the bathroom to take a bath.

Pluto headed back into the kitchen, getting some tea made while Neil was in the bath. She wasn't going to start dinner until she had a clear idea of what he wanted, but he could at least get something to help him stay relaxed once he was out of the bath.

Neil rested for a while to let the heat help his sore muscles. After a while, he got out and got dressed again. Yes, that had helped. He headed back out to the kitchen to find Pluto.

Pluto was waiting for Neil, tea in a pot and cups already out. She smiled over at him, glad to see that he didn't seem to be having as much trouble walking. "At least you look a bit better now."

Neil nodded. "Yeah, I'm feeling a bit better." Where he had gotten hit still hurt some, but that was going to be the case until the injuries healed. "Thank you for making tea."

"You're welcome." Pluto nodded a little, handing him his tea. "Did you have something in mind for dinner later on?"

Neil took the cup of tea. "Maybe we can have soup and sandwiches... or something like that?" he suggested. He took a sip of his tea.

"That sounds like a good idea. We have soup in the fridge that I can heat up." Pluto smiled a little, getting herself some tea and sipping it. "So you are feeling a little better?"

Neil nodded. "I think so. I'm not quite as sore as I was when I first got home."

"Well, that's a relief." Pluto let out a sigh, glancing at Neil under her lashes. "Although, I suspect that you may have to have the bed tonight. Or at least be in it."

Neil smiled. "Thank you. It will probably help."

And Pluto's mind promptly went somewhere else for a moment, although she would never admit it. "I'm not so sure unless you don't mind cold feet. This isn't serious enough for me to let you have the bed to yourself."

"We've shared the bed before," Neil remarked. "I don't mind."

"Well, that's true." She couldn't help but turn a little red, and looked away from Neil. "Just not when you're hurt."

Neil put his cup of tea down and put his arms carefully around her. "I'll be fine, Kore," he said softly.

Pluto blinked, not sure why Neil did that. He was the one who was hurt, so he didn't need to be so careful with her. "It's not that!"

Neil smiled, letting go of her and picking up his cup of tea. "Oh?"

Damn the man right now. Pluto looked away, not going to admit that she was worried about Neil trying to act as if nothing had happened to him, when he was so sore he had problems walking.

"I'm not going to be running around today," Neil remarked. "I'll take it easy."

"Good." Pluto turned her back on Neil for the moment, busying herself with something just to hide that she was thinking about things. "I don't want you whining because you got hurt."

"I'm not going to whine..." Neil said.

"I'll hold you to that."

Neil nodded. "Okay."

Pluto finally looked at Neil again, more of a glance than a look. She wanted him to not do such reckless things, but it seemed that he was going to do them anyways, whether she wanted him to or not. Again, damn the man.

Neil walked over to the chair and sat down, sipping his tea. "I'm sorry, Kore."

"For what? You didn't do anything wrong."

"I'm just being an inconvenience to you," he remarked. His stupidity usually did.

Pluto shook her head, having a feeling that Neil was going to be beating himself up now. She just hoped this wasn't going to be a habit. "You're not an inconvenience."

Neil smiled. "Thank you... so do you want to do something tonight? Something that doesn't require me moving a lot?"

"What did you have in mind?"

"Maybe we could watch a movie or something after dinner."

Pluto chuckled softly, "Only if we kick the Haros out of the room that's supposed to be yours. I don't think we should be taking up the living room all the time, in case your brother and Anew want to do something."

Neil nodded. "We can do that. And we just need to move the rabbit to another room. That shouldn't be too hard. Just move her to her travel cage and take her to another room to sleep."

Pluto smiled, nodding. "We can always move the rabbit to my room so she can get used to it. I won't actually be in there."

Neil nodded. "That is true."

"So what movie did you have in mind?"

Neil shrugged. "I'll let you pick."

"All right, then." Pluto chuckled, walking over to Neil. "At least you can't hurt yourself any further if we're just watching a movie."

Neil chuckled. "Hopefully not. You never know though," he said with a wink.

Pluto laughed, poking Neil in the chest. "Don't find a way to do that."

"I'm not going to be actively trying to."

"You better not." Pluto gave her boyfriend a somewhat stern look, then started walking off towards her bedroom. "How about we watch the movie now, and then you can watch one of your choosing later?"

Neil got up and followed. "That works."

lockon neil, sailor pluto

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