Who: Setsuna, Tieria
When: A couple days after Halloween
Where: Tiera's hut
Rating: G
Warnings: References to Gundam stuff
Notes: None
Summary: Setsuna comes by to invite Tieria to a dinner he planned with Neil.
Setsuna tromped up the steps to Tieria's hut with the sort of purpose only the most confident of men can manage - or those utterly unaware of the possible futility of their missions. He knocked, took a step back, and waited.
Tieria blinked, walking over to the door. It had been a purposeful knock, one that wasn't going to let itself be ignored. He frowned a bit and opened it up. "Setsuna."
"Tieria," Setsuna nodded, waiting to be let in, meeting Tieria's frown with his own placid blankness.
Well, he shouldn't really be surprised. Tieria was fairly sure the young pilot didn't know any other way to knock. He stepped back, remembering his manners that he should let him in.
Setsuna nodded and came inside, stepping out of the way for the door to be closed but proceeding no further. He looked around with a smidgen of curiosity, but no more.
"Did you need something?" Tieria asked as he closed the door. He headed further inside, glancing back to see if Setsuna would follow.
Setsuna did follow, keeping a polite space. "Are you doing something next week?" he asked after a moment's inspection.
"I hadn't anything planned," Tieria said. At least, nothing out of the ordinary. There was the job thing, which was nothing, really. Of course, there was the other plan going on with Lyle, but Tieria doubted anything would come from that so soon.
"Neil and I... we had thought of a get together with the Meisters. A dinner," Setsuna informed the other.
Tieria looked a little surprised for a moment. It was something he expected from Neil, for sure, but Setsuna...? "Really?" he asked.
Setsuna nodded. "I offered to cook," he explained, blinking those big almond eyes at the now shorter Meister.
Tieria wasn't quite sure what to say at that point. However, he had a feeling that he'd be disappointing the others if he didn't come, especially if Setsuna was willing to actually cook. He nodded a little. "Alright," he said. He wasn't generally picky on food, so he wasn't overly concerned with the potential menu.
"Are you allergic to anything?" Setsuna pressed his questions.
Tieria shook his head. He couldn't think of anything that he might have had any sort of reaction to, and was fairly positive beings like him didn't have allergies.
"All right," he nodded to himself. "I shall inform Neil. He... wants to have it at his hut. He promises Pluto and Anew will be out of the way."
Tieria nodded. "I don't really have issue with either," he said quietly. Though, with where his recent thoughts had been traveling, seeing Pluto and Neil actually together might be a little awkward, but he was willing to put that aside if it made Neil happy.
Well, Setsuna did and that was why she would politely be asked to occupy herself for the night. "It will be you, me, Allelujah, and Neil," he declared. "Just... the originals, the Meisters."
Tieria blinked. "And Lyle?" He was in the hut with Neil, Pluto, and Anew...
"I did not think... not for this dinner," Setsuna admitted.
Tieria couldn't help but feel a little relieved at that. Relations between him and Neil's brother were still a little... tense... even if it had been Setsuna's idea to bring Lyle on board.
A decision Setsuna was not sure he agreed with, now, but one that at the time had been necessary. "You will come?" he asked again.
Tieria nodded. "I will."
He nodded. "All right. I will inform Neil." He turned sharply, finding no other reason to remain. In some ways that was a shame, but not any Setsuna could identify.
Tieria was a little taken back by Setsuna's abruptness. In a way, he felt the same... that it was shame they had nothing more to share, really... but, like Setsuna, couldn't find a reason to stop the encounter for ending. He hesitated, waiting until Setsuna had even gone and opened the door. "Did you want anything?" he asked suddenly, feeling like there should be something else, but he didn't know what.
Setsuna paused in the doorway, turning back to look at Tieria, actually mulling over that. "Do you keep tea here?"
He nodded. "Quatre drinks it often," he said. "We have different kinds." He said that last as if it was a novelty. To him, it was.
"Anything to help one sleep?" Setsuna narrowed the choices, and he could only assume Teiria would remember for what he would need such a thing for.
"I think so," he said, going back mentally over the list of options Quatre had told him he had in the cabinet. He turned and headed into the kitchen, expecting the other Meister to follow. He opened the cabinet and began looking at the different boxes they had stored there.
Setsuna did so, quietly taking a seat at the table to wait for Tieria's results, his eyes roaming around the room. "Quatre is the pilot of one of the other Gundams?"
"He is," Tieria said. "It's the one with the two curved blades." He found a box with camomile, which he remembered was good for being calming and sometimes even sleep inducing, depending on strength and tolerance. He put water on, deciding to have the same kind for himself.
"I see," Setsuna nodded. "And the others?"
"The pilot of the one that has the large gatling guns also lives here," Tieria said. "The others I have not yet met." He took out two mugs and prepared them while waiting for the water to boil.
"The other who lives here?" Setsuna continued with his questions, finding it odd that the pilots should all be so grouped.
"Yes. I have not yet met the fourth person here." He poured the now heated water into the mugs before bringing them over and sitting down to wait for them to steep.
"I meant his name," Setsuna's lips twitched, maybe in a smile, maybe annoyance. He took his mug with a small nod of thanks, watching the water and turn the color of tea.
"Trowa Barton," Tieria said. "He's the veterinarian."
Well, since Setsuna had no reason to go to the vets, he remained unaware of the other's existence, though he was slightly aware of Quatre. The others, though, still remained a mystery. "I see," he sipped at the tea slowly, but shook his head and set it down to steep more.
Tieria glanced at his reaction, then went and got two spoons, handing one to Setsuna. He then stirred a little at his own tea. "Quatre identified himself and the other to me," he said. It had surprised Tieria with how open Quatre had been with the information, but the young man had also identified himself as an empath, so perhaps he had felt he could trust Tieria with the information. "He also told me the Gundam with the angel wings belongs to a pilot named Heero."
Yes, that one had intrigued Setsuna. He found the wings to be rather extraneous, but perhaps there was a reason behind them. "Perhaps it would be good if all the Gundams met," he said aloud.
Tieria nodded, swirling the tea once more with his spoon before tasting it. He put the spoon to the side, satisfied. "Having spent time with Quatre and Trowa, they would be good allies to have. I have yet to meet with my last roommate in person, but I have spoken to him over the network." Tieria frowned a little. "He has a Haro." This baffled him slightly. After all, it was strange enough that different worlds all had Gundams, but Haros, too? And, at the same time, Quatre and Trowa didn't have them in their world.
That caught Setsuna's attention and he frowned. "A Haro?" he asked for clarification. "How is that possible?"
"I am not sure," he said. "It's pale green, like one of our maintenance Haros. It's also slightly larger."
"Worth investigating," he decide. "Perhaps we should discuss it at the dinner." Though the dinner was supposed to be a time to recollect, it could not do harm to look towards the future.
"We can," he said, nodding in agreement with the idea. "I'd like to learn more about the pilots for those other suits in the hangar as well. Two of them don't resemble any model I've seen before."
"Indeed," Setsuna agreed. "It would be good to know their capabilities as well." He didn't like not knowing such things, especially with something as powerful as a Gundam on the other side. And he somehow felt they were real Gundams, not fake like the Thrones. Yes, very dangerous in that ignorance.
Tieria nodded. "From what I've seen, they do not use GN drives," he said. "It's a different kind of power system."
"How could they move without the GN drives?" His brow furrowed. "Would that not limit their mobility to something like that of the Flags at best?"
"I don't know," Tieria said. "I haven't seen one move."
That was even more worrisome then. But, maybe he was thinking to much in terms of a war. This place was supposed to be peaceful. He had no reason to believe that the other pilots would be against or with them. Or if there even were sides now. "Something to be discussed," he decided.
Tieria nodded. "Perhaps one of the others has had more interaction," he offered, noting Setsuna's discomfort. "They have been here longer."
Yes, most people had been. He simply nodded, deciding for now the point was moot without the other Meisters to discuss it with. "Do you have any requests for the dinner?"
Tieria thought about that for a moment, but then shook his head. He really didn't know what his preferences were, always just eating what was available on the Ptolomy or at one of the bases. He rarely had gone anywhere that involved food, except maybe the Federation/A-Laws banquet, but he hadn't exactly had the opportunity to eat anything that night for obvious reasons.
Well, Tieria was entirely to helpful, wasn't he? He sipped his tea, looking down at the swirling liquid afterwards. "Perhaps something simple then."
Tieria nodded. "That might be best," he said, almost looking apologetic. This lack of knowledge about even himself was beginning to truly grate on his nerves.
"I think everyone will like meat spiced with mexican herbs and cheese," Setsuna said aloud, looking over at Tieria.
Tieria nodded a little. "Probably," he said. He didn't have an issue with it as long as it wasn't overly spicey. One thing he had noticed about himself lately was that he tended to avoid very hot and very sweet foods, preferring more subtle and lighter flavors. Not that he hated anything spicey or sweet, just anything that was on the extreme end of that.
His choice affirmed, Setsuna sipped his tea once more, looking around the kitchen in search of something to say. He'd never spoken so much in his life as he had on this island, and it was... strange. "Thank you for the tea," he finally managed.
Tieria looked over. Like Setsuna, he wasn't much of a talker, but here, he couldn't avoid social situations like he could on the Ptolomy. Work had always been something to fall back on. Sure, they worked as a team, but idle chat wasn't something they often shared. He nodded. "You're welcome," he said. He looked back down at his cup for a moment, running his thumb along the lip slowly. "Thank you for inviting me," he said in return.
Setsuna turned that deep gaze on Tieria. "You are a Meister, Tieria. You're... family," he said, as Neil might have put it.
There was that word again. It did strike a chord somewhere inside him. Tieria didn't know why, or how, or what it was, really... but it felt pleasant. His look softened, almost a smile as he nodded. "Yes," he said. "We're a family."