Who: Momiji, Trowa, and Milo
When: a few days ago
Where: the hotspring
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Summary: Momiji and Trowa have a random chat and Milo goes swimming.
Momiji skipped along the path up to the hot springs, secure in knowing nothing would try to hurt him from the forest. He loved the fact that he could go to the hot springs so often, back home he couldn't go nearly so often.
Trowa was already up at the hot springs. He hadn't been for quite a while so he had come to enjoy sometime up there. Milo had followed him up there and laying by the side of the spring, alternating between looking at Trowa, watching some bird fly around, and swatting at his own reflection in the water. Trowa chuckled at the wolf, wondering if anyone else would be joining them.
After a few minutes, the young blond arrived and went into the changing room, humming cheerfully. He was unaware of Trowa and Milo being around, not that he minded company. After he changed, he came out. Seeing the others, he smiled brightly. "Hi!"
Trowa smiled when he spotted Momiji. "Hello. How have you been?" Milo looked up from swatting at his reflection in the water again and wagged his tail.
Momiji walked over to Milo and scratched behind the wolf's ears, completely unafraid. "I've been great! How about you two?"
Milo wagged his tail happily at having his ears scratched. Trowa smiled. "I've been great as well. And as far as I know, he's been great as well."
The boy chuckled, smiling brightly as he continued to scratch behind Milo's soft ears. "That's good. He looks happy."
Trowa chuckled. "He usually is happy most of the time." Which was good since he was still technically a wild animal. "So anything new happening with you?"
Momiji nodded in reply. Slipping into the water, he let out a happy sigh. "Mm..Marie and I went looking for Halloween costumes yesterday. And I ran into one of the new people on the island. He's interesting! Seras-san wasn't too happy about it though.." Not that he was sure why, it was just enough that she was unhappy about whatever it was Pip had done. Momiji'd found him nice.
Trowa chuckled. "Probably someone she knew from home if she's already annoyed at him. Did you two find interesting costumes?"
Momiji laughed. "I think so. And yeah, but you'll just have to wait and see! Are you planning on getting a costume?"
Trowa nodded as Milo returned staring at his reflection in the water. "I just need to talk to Quatre and see what we are going to do, but yes, I'm planning on it."
The blond smiled brightly. "That's good!"
Trowa nodded. "It should be a fun party this year." Milo swatted at his reflection again then looked between Trowa and Momiji, wagging his tail.
Momiji giggled at Milo and playfully splashed the wolf. "Of course it'll be fun! Parties are supposed to be fun."
Milo tried to catch the water that was splashed at him. Trowa chuckled. "Of course they are. The one last year was a lot of fun."
Momiji laughed and splashed at the wolf again. "What costumes did you and Quatre get last year?"
Milo again tried to catch the water that was being splashed at him. "Last year it was prince and princess." Yes, it sound very odd since they were both guys, but no one had really seemed to mind.
Momiji smiled brightly. Who was he to say crossdressing was wrong? He felt he looked better in girl's clothes, and dressed in them as often as he knew he could get away with it. Which, sadly, wasn't that often with Pluto around and working at the clothing store. "Do you have pictures that you wouldn't mind showing me?" He continued to play with Milo, quite happy to oblige the wolf.
Trowa nodded. "I think I have some at the hut. I'll show them to you sometime." He smiled, watching as Milo tried catch the water again. Yes, he was a rather bored wolf.
Momiji cheered quietly. "I'll be sure to come over soon!" He smiled with amusement at Milo.
Trowa chuckled. "Okay." Milo was obviously now debating getting into the hotspring with them.
Momiji laughed before swimming away a little.
That only tempted Milo more. He quickly hopped into the water. Trowa chuckled, sure Milo would get out himself it was too hot for him. For the moment though, Milo started swimming around.
Momiji laughed again and swam over to Milo and scratching his ears. "Does he often jump in the water?"
"Sometimes," Trowa remarked. "Though I've never seen him swim in the hot springs before. Doesn't mean he hasn't done it before." Milo was obviously a happy wolf.
The blond chuckled. "Well, it is getting cooler now. Maybe he wanted to get warm?"
"Perhaps. He does like to go swimming in the ocean in the summer."
Momiji smiled. "I bet that's it."
Trowa chuckled. "He'll probably be up here more often during the winter." Milo deciding he had had enough climbed over to the edge of hot spring and pulled himself out, walked a little bit away, and shook the water out of his fur.
"Great! I probably will be as well. I love being able to come up here whenever there's time," Momiji commented. He smiled, watching Milo dry off.
Trowa nodded. "I do like that. This place is good for that." He chuckled, watching as Milo lay back down by the edge of the hot spring.
"Are you able to visit many hot springs back home?"
Trowa shook his head. "No, there aren't many where I'm from."
"That's too bad.." Momiji frowned slightly before his cheerful smile returned. "All the more reason to make use of this one while you're here!"
Trowa smiled and nodded. "It is. What about you?"
"My family owns a hot spring facility a ways from Tokyo, and I go there whenever I can." As usual when he thought about his family, Momiji had to struggle for a second to keep his habitual cheerfulness on his face. He missed them, even Kyo.
"Ah. I see."
Momiji smiled, glancing away as he started swimming around again.
Trowa stretched relaxing back into the water.