A New Arrival Appears

Aug 24, 2009 23:43

Who: Setsuna, Open
When: Now (the Present)
Where: the beach, but can conceivably move
Rating: for safety PG-13 depending on who says hi
Warnings: possible cursing depending on who says hi
Notes: It is an open log. Anyone is welcome to join and say hello to Setsuna, but no promises on his reactions. (Please note that Setsuna is from the second season, just after rescuing Allelujah and Princess Marina)
Summary: Setsuna has just arrived at TD and he's quite confused. Someone come and clear up the fog?

Setsuna couldn’t decide what sensation hit him first - the smell of ocean in his nose, the taste of salt and iron in his mouth, or the feel of sand and water caressing and cushioning his body.

Either way, none of those sensations meant anything good.

While figuring out exactly how he’d gotten into this predicament was essential, it could also wait until the pounding in his head stopped and he’d ascertained that he was intact - though the tang of iron in his mouth suggested he was not. Carefully he levered himself up, flexing fingers and arms, twisting his head, arching his spine, taking deep breaths. In any other situation he would have forgone this careful examination of himself in favor of cover, but with A-Laws as diligent as they were he figured he had time to conduct such explorations since he was not yet held in a prison cell.

Everything seemed in order save for a slight pain in his ankle, but for the time being it was negligible. The most important thing right now was moving away from the beach and into cover. Regardless of whether or not the island was immediately in the control of A-Laws, Setsuna couldn’t afford to be discovered and neither could Exia.

That thought made him pause. Exia. Where was it? He rolled into the shadows trees a ways up the beach, for the moment ignoring the crunch of sand in his suit and hair, looking out at the choppy ocean waters. He could see no sign of Exia, and for that matter he wasn’t even sure how he got out of Exia. As far as he knew he had been inside the Gundam, out on patrol for the Ptolemy II. He doubted he hit the eject button, since the seat was nowhere near by and there would be other tell tale debris about.

Which meant that either Exia had been captured, or if he had been lucky it was sunk beneath the waves. That last option possessed a whole slew of problems he didn’t even want to fathom at the moment, but at least it meant that Exia was unfound if not safe.

That much done he looked inwards, blinking slowly as he took in the sight of huts. So the island wasn’t abandoned. That was good, but the huts themselves didn’t say much for the island’s technology level. But considering possible damage to his ankle and the fact he knew absolutely nothing about where he was, it wouldn’t be terribly smart to avoid the people that inhabited them either.

Checking a last time to make sure that no possible A-LAWS were about (not that he’d see them without Exia’s sensors before they arrived, but it never hurt to be careful), he eased out into the sunlight, careful to keep weight off his damaged ankle, and headed for the huts, not really sure what to expect.

samus, lockon lyle, setsuna

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