RP LOG: Learning About Other Worlds

Jun 28, 2009 21:40

Who: Jon, Samus, Tieria
When: The other day around lunch time
Where: outside and then inside the hangar
Rating: G
Warnings: potential 00/Dark Stalkers/Metroid spoilers?
Notes: None
Summary: Tieria goes to check on Seravee, but meets up with someone rather shocking on the way... Jon, who's bringing lunch to Samus.

Still not comfortable with the idea of Seravee being tucked in with everyone else's mobile suits and other heavy equipment, Tieria, who was used to a life of heavy secrecy, decided he needed to check on it one more time. Okay, so it was probably the fifth time at least since his arrival. Probably more... but he wasn't counting. He made his way across the sand from the huts to the hangar.

His paws making little sound on the sand, Jon was making his way towards the hanger as well, just from the cafe rather than the cluster of huts. It was close to lunch time, and he was toting along a satchel that was packed with a meal for Samus and likely enough to feed any others who happened to be there as well.

Sound or no sound, there wasn't a lot of cover in the area, and it was awfully hard to miss a shape that large moving in peripheral vision. Tieria shifted his gaze towards it and stopped short, practically mid-stride. His eyes wide for a moment, he couldn't help but stare at the seven-foot-tall blue werewolf that was walking in the same general direction as himself. Sure, he'd been told there was a werewolf around, but it was quite a different feeling when the creature was standing there in person.

Getting the feeling he was being watched as he walked, Jon turned his head in time to see Tieria looking at him, and he couldn't help but chuckle at the pose the pilot was standing in. It was either some new kind of performance art or he'd been surprised seeing something, and, given what Jon was, he could guess it was the latter. When he was close enough so yelling wouldn't been needed, he waved a paw in greeting. "Good morning."

Well, that snapped him out of it. He finally blinked, straightening into a normal standing posture, though his shock still didn't quite fade. "Um... good morning," he said.

The shock was something Jon was used to seeing in one form or another with people when he first met them on the island. That or they thought he was a hallucination. Smiling when he came closer he stopped a safe distance away. "On your way to the hanger?" Obvious since they were outside the village and pretty much 'only' the hanger was in that direction, but it was polite conversation.

"Clearly," Tieria said somewhat flatly, as he'd made the same deduction about their surroundings and relative locations. "I'm assuming you are as well."

"Yes, I am," was his reply with a soft chuckle and a nod. "Getting close to lunch time, and I'm taking a meal out for Samus and who ever else is around at the time."

"Samus?" Tieria hadn't met this other person just yet. Well, rather than stand there gawking like an idiot, he should probably get moving again. The high number of shocks this place was throwing at him just didn't sit well, annoyingly enough. He gestured for Jon to walk with him before starting in that direction again.

Politely taking the offer to walk with Tieria, Jon fell into step with him, granted his were much slower to keep the pilot from having to run. "Yes, Samus Aran, a bounty hunter, about this tall, blonde, usually has a fox-squirrel on her shoulder." Describing his partner with a free paw at about her height.

"I haven't met her previously," Tieria stated, picturing the description as best he could. The idea of a fox-squirrel, however, was a complete loss for his imagination.

Jon nodded. "She spends quite a bit of time in the hanger, her Gunship is docked there, and pretty hard to miss." Not many got exactly what Arthur was until they saw him, and Samus had him with her, so he would save any explainations on that part for when they reached the hanger.

Which they weren't far from doing. "I think I've seen it," Tieria remarked. After all, it was the only non-humanoid looking machine in there. Though, the two other mechs, ES, if he remembered what Quatre had said they were correctly, didn't really look all that humanoid beyond having a torso, arms, legs and something resembling a head. He pushed open the door and stepped inside, holding it so Jon could follow.

"Thank you." Thanking him as he came in when Tieria held the door. His ears perked as the sound of his partner's music of choice reached him. Even though she had it turned down, it was rather hard for him to miss the heavy bass and screaming lyrics of the music Abby had been so kind to get her hooked on before being sent home.

Tieria nodded, also picking up on the music. Not as sharply as Jon might have, but it wasn't lost to him that she was listening to something clearly heavier in choice than his own tastes would have normally gone towards. That aside, his gaze drifted from the gunship in question towards his own rather large, heavy looking Gundam for a cursory look over to make sure there was no immediately visible damage.

Arthur, who didn't share his mistress's taste in music, was roaming around the hanger while she tinkered inside the gunship. Looking up when the door opened, and he heard voices his long ears perked recognizeing Jon's tones. Chittering happily, he hopped down from the foot of the Gundam he was standing on and trotted across the hanger to where the two were standing. Rubbing against Jon's lower leg lightly and looking up at him while he chittered again. The tone of the message either being a greeting or asking what his master brought for lunch.

Tieria looked down at the odd little creature for a moment. That had to be the fox-squirrel, then. "Arthur?" he asked.

"Yes, this would be Arthur," Jon said with a soft laugh, reaching down and stroking his ears before the small creature hoped onto his paw and stayed still when Jon stood back up. Turning to look at Tieria, large green eyes studying the pilot curiously.

Tieria had to admit to himself he was just as curious in return. Yet another creature he'd never seen before, he tentatively reached out a hand to it so it could sniff him.

Leaning out Arthur sniffed the pilot's hand, glancing up at him and then over at the assembled Gundams, as if making a connection to Tieria and the larger Gundam he had been standing on earlier. Chittering lightly, he nuzzled to Tieria's fingers, another friend made.

Tieria was a bit surprised once more at how quickly Arthur was willing to let himself be touched, just as the rabbit Haro named had been, as well as Hotaru's cat. He gently scratched at the creature's long ears for a moment. For some reason, he was beginning to wonder if animals just liked him.

Jon smiled when Arthur leaned into the scratches at his ears. He couldn't say for any other animals, but Arthur liked everyone he met.

"Oooh, someone met a new friend, huh?" The voice coming from Samus as she crossed to them from her Gunship. Dressed in jeans and a t-shirt that were slightly mussed from being in cramped places in her ship. Moving next to Jon, she stretched up and kissed his muzzle.

"And this is Samus. Samus, Tieria." Smiling again and introducing them.

Tieria nodded to Samus. "Hello," he said.

Samus smiled and nodded back. "Hi. The big one over there is yours, right?" Asking as she pointed to Tieria's Gundam.

He nodded a bit hesitantly, still not used to being so open with information like that. Of course, if people knew who the other ones belonged to, it wasn't hard to figure out the timing of his appearance coincided with the timing of Seravee's appearance. Even if he hadn't been in the Gundam, it was too close together. "It is," he said, glancing over at it. His rather overly critical eye landed automatically where Arthur had been standing, as if checking to make sure the little creature hadn't done anything to it.

Seeing Tieria look over Jon chuckled. "He knows better than to get into anything that might be open, and I doubt he could do alot of dammage otherwise."

"Hn." Tieria nodded, accepting that for now. Of course, he'd been coming here to check on the Gundam to start with, so, if anything had been done, he'd find it anyway. "Are you two from the same world?" he asked curiously then, studying them.

Samus shook her head. "Nope, Jon's from a version of Earth and I'm from a time in the future where the Federation has planets and colonies spread across the Galaxy. I work as a Bounty Hunter."

Tieria nodded. "He mentioned your job," he said. "I'm from a version of Earth as well, but we haven't gone beyond orbit, yet." They were trying to, but things had to fall properly into place first. So far, it hadn't been going well. He pushed that part aside. "From what I've heard, these Gundams that aren't from my original world are from another similar, but further advanced in space."

Samus nodded. "Their all functional machines. My Barrier Suit is basicly a very scaled down version... built by aliens.."

A scaled down version...? This caught Tieria's attention. Intrigued, he nodded. "Scaled down by how much?" he asked, having forgotten about lunch for the time being.

"Scaled down to my size." Answering with another nod. She was always glad to show off her grandpa's handywork and what the Federation, and other various other groups, had added to it/

At this, the Meister couldn't help but look impressed. "Can I see it?" he asked.

"'Kay." Grinning she headed over towards the Gunship, waving him along.

Jon chuckled and followed along. Bounty Hunters and their toys..

Tieria followed, not quite as enthusiastically as she was leading, but she definitely had his interest. He was curious about the gunship as well.

Leading the way up into one of the hatches of the Gunship Samus took Tieria to the locker where her barrier suit was stored. Keying in her code she opened it, said suit slideing out on its rack, ready to open for her to get in.

The ship tended to be crammped with more than one in there so Jon stayed outside with Arthur, feeding the Fox-Squirrel his own lunch.

Tieria noted the lack of space immediately. He stayed near the hatch, only moving closer when there was enough comfortable room for both of them. "Facinating," he said, looking over the suit closely. "And it's modular?" he asked, noting that it looked like it had places to install extra components.

"Mm hmm it is." Samus nodded. "Sealed and fully protected and functional in most any environment. Anything too extreme and additions can be made."

Tieria nodded. "That's impressive," he said.

"Thanks." Feeling like maybe showing off a bit she cycled open the armor, letting it unfold. "I'd offer to let you try it on but it's made to only fit me and could pinch in a few places."

"That's fine," Tieria said. He didn't need to do that.

"I've been tempted a few times to put the suit to the test against the Gundams.. On the ground I think I could be faster. Not so much with flying though." Closing the suit back up she smiled. "I was going to test it out against another pilot here but he left."

"Who was going to do that?" he asked, surprised at the idea. He'd be nervous to step on her or something if he lost sight of her. Against something that small, it wouldn't be hard. She could easily slip into a blind spot.

"Eagle, he left before you arrived. Piloted a mech that looked like a prehistoric bird of some sort.... "Petras" he called it I think."

Another non-humanoid mech... interesting. "That sounds like a design for a flight type," he said thoughtfully.

"Mm hmm, he seemed to think it could outfly anything on the island." Nodding.

"I can't see how your suit would match his mech, in that case," Tieria said. He shrugged slightly, dismissing it then. After all, the other pilot was no longer there.

"Eh, would have been fun to try. After planet eating aliens whats one flying robot?" Shruging the difference off and closing the compartment withthe suit.

"Planet eating aliens?" He blinked, looking back over his shoulder at her from the open hatch. "Those exist?"

"Um, they did.. for a while there." Nodding when he looked back.

Something Tieria was certain of was that planet eating aliens weren't going to be open to dialogs. That bothered him. If they had something like that for back home, how were they going to prepare for that? He frowned a bit. "For a while?" he then asked, going to move out now that they were done looking around.

"Yeah, Long enough for some space pirates," And her unmentioned evil 'twin' who would remain unmentioned as far as Samus was conscerned. "to cause come problems before I had to save the day."

"Hn." Tieria thought about that as he climbed back out of the gunship. For a moment, he'd actually forgotten about Jon, though he wasn't sure how when he spotted the werewolf again. Almost taken back once more, he squashed down the reaction just before it manifested itself as he easily dropped back to the hangar floor.

If Samus had noticed she probably would have giggled. It was hard for her to see Jon as scarry when he was sitting against the side of the ship with a book in his paws and Arthur curled up on his lap.

"Thank you for showing me," he said to Samus.

"Your welcome." Replying with a smile for the pilot.

jon, samus, tieria

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