A New Beginning

Jun 05, 2009 11:26

Who: Anew and Lyle
When: Takes place after the Babelfish event
Where: The Hangar
Rating: PG
Warnings: I fear there may be lots of Fluff.
Notes: Some Gundam00 references and potential spoilers.
Summary: Anew and Lyle sort out their feelings and pasts.

Lyle emerged from his hut feeling as though the day was already headed downhill. He headed slowly for the hangar, deciding that he might as well check up on Cherudim since its repair.

Anew was in the hangar already. She had been checking up on the repairs of said Gundam. She had on different clothes than she had been wearing when she and Lyle first met. One of the Haros was currently assisting with the repairs.

Lyle started feeling better as he reached the hangar. He entered, heading for his Gundam before realizing he was not alone. The sounds of Haros warned him that someone else was probably nearby.

Anew heard someone come in and turned to look. She spotted Lyle and smiled. "Hello, Lyle."

"Hello Anew." He glanced around the hangar, surprised that she was already here. "Have you been here long?"

Anew shook her head. "Not too long."

"Need some help then?" Lyle offered, wondering what she was up to. They really hadn't spent much time together yet, but he was hoping to change that.

Anew smiled. "I'd like that. Thank you."

Lyle grinned. "Sure, what are you working on?"

She handed him what she was holding so he could see. "I found some diagonistic equipment so the Haro is working on the system around the GN drive to try and get it working, so at the moment, I'm just helping it with that."

Lyle nodded, glancing at the data. It was then he had the distinct impression that she knew more about what she was doing than he did. "Anew, can I ask you a question?" He hesitated, unsure how to phrase it what he wanted to say.

Anew looked over at him. "Of course, Lyle. You can ask me anything." She was assuming his question probably had something to do with the data since it was his Gundam.

"How much do you know about...us?" He kept his eyes fastened on the data sheet, using his peripheral vision to record Anew's reaction. It was a loaded question, referring to either Celestial Being as a whole, or his and Anew's relationship.

Anew was silent for a moment then said, "I believe I'm from further along than you are so I know where our relationship leads." She didn't want to tell him more. More would lead to explaining about her own fate.

Lyle was caught off guard by the admission and for a moment he felt his heart flutter. There was a relationship between him and her! But...something must have gone wrong, or she would have elaborated. Right? Or maybe he was reading too much into it. "So there is a light at the end of the tunnel...."

If Anew had known of the reference of dying as going towards the light, she might have laughed. Instead she answered honestly. After talking to Pluto she had been thinking about what she would say to him. "I really shouldn't tell you," she remarked with barely any hesitation. "I know too much about what happens."

Lyle nodded, understanding that was the issue he had had with Tieria. It was a careful balance, but at the same time, it was a bit nerve-wracking. Lyle hesitated before asking: "How much do you know about me?"

She looked back at him again. "I know that you are a Gundam Meister and the person I love. I know that you have a twin brother who died four years ago."

“Is that all?” Maybe he sounded a bit too relieved. So at least he hadn’t spilled everything to Anew, but at the same time, maybe that was what caused the…latter incident? It was hard to tell, since he still didn’t have her side of the story and he was only working on what he knew-which wasn’t much.

Anew nodded. "It is." She smiled.

Lyle smiled half-heartedly. "Seems like we both have stuff we really shouldn't tell."

Anew nodded. She looked at the ground after a moment. "There is something I should tell you... but it will probably reveal to much of what is supposed to happen in the future."

Lyle had completely forgotten about the data he was holding. "Well, from what I've heard, it's not like we're going anywhere anytime soon. But..." He still wasn't in any hurry to spill his own secrets.

She looked back at him. "For the moment it is not important." No one knew she was an Innovator except for Pluto. "I promise... if a certain person shows up here, I'll explain... even if it means I have to tell you about what happens."

Lyle nodded. "Anymore, it's hard to tell when or where people will show up." He really wanted to know who this person might be, but he doubted Anew would tell him even if he asked.

"He's not here," she said. "If he shows up...my telling you is better than him telling you." Unfortunately, this was true.

Unfortunately, this did not help satiate Lyle's curiosity at all. He ran through a quick list of "hes" that might pertain before quitting halfway through the Celestial Being members. He had no idea, and even if he did guess, there was still no way of knowing. "Yeah, it probably doesn't matter that much anyway."

"Not at the moment, it doesn't," she said. "If he shows up... it will matter."

Lyle frowned. "Whoever he is, he doesn't sound like a nice guy."

Anew shook her head. "Some would say he isn't."

"What do you say?" Lyle couldn't help the bit of jealousy that rose up in him. Just thinking about someone that would make Anew uncomfortable got him riled up.

Anew was quiet a moment. She didn't know what to think about Ribbons. He was her leader, even though she had bad-mouthed him to Pluto. Even so he had forced her away from Lyle. "I don't like him either," she said after a moment.

Lyle snorted. "Well, if he ever comes around here, I'll be sure to beat some sense into him. Or at least a healthy dose of respect." He paused, surprised at the intensity of his feelings for Anew. His cheeks reddened a little.

Anew smiled. She walked over and kissed Lyle on the cheek. "Thank you, Lyle." That made her glad that they had found each other.

Lyle looked at her in surprise, but his features had softened. He slipped an arm around her, holding her near him. "Anew...I..." Lyle mentally berated himself. How was it that now of all times he was tongue-tied?

Anew smiled, waiting for him to be able to speak.

It was now or never. "Anew, whatever happened in the past--er, future?--I'm glad you're here." Lyle returned her kiss with a smile.

"I'm glad you are here too." She lay her head against his shoulder.

Lyle smiled, wrapping his arm around her. "Are you enjoying your time here?"

Anew leaned into him. "I am enjoying it here... Are you?"

Lyle nodded. "Yeah. It's nice getting to know people. And..." he smiled, "It's interesting to learn of other worlds."

She nodded. "That is." She chuckled. "We'll both have the opportunity to talk to your brother."

Lyle looked down at Anew. "You're not going to tell him too many incriminating things about me, are you?"

Anew chuckled. "Of course I won't. You may have to worry about the reverse though."

Lyle scrunched his face up. "Oh, right. And all this time I was thinking it was going to be a relaxing get-together. At least Neil doesn't know everything."

Anew chuckled. "That's probably good. And you don't know everything about him either."

Lyle glanced up at the ceiling of the hangar. "Hmm, I wonder if I could beat it out of him...though he might not appreciate the direct route."

Anew lightly poked Lyle. "I don't think he'd like you trying to beat information out of him."

Lyle flinched at the poke. "I was just kidding. I wouldn't beat up my twin. Besides, he'd probably get even at some point."

Anew nodded. "Perhaps." She leaned up and kissed him.

Lyle met her halfway for the kiss. "You seem to be in a good mood. Any particular reason why?"

She shrugged. "No particular reason."

Lyle met her gaze, trying to read her mind. He smiled wrly. "Are you sure? Because I'd hate for you to lose the good mood and then have to struggle to cheer you up." Although, in the short time he had known her, she had been pretty upbeat most of the time. Just, perhaps, maybe not as affectionate as she was now.

"I'm just glad to be here with you. Unless you suddenly disappear, I don't think I'll suddenly get depressed."

Lyle shook his head. "Trust me, I don't plan on leaving anytime soon." He smiled down at Anew. "Especially now that you're here."

Anew smiled brightly. "I'm glad."

Lyle shook his head. "I guess I've missed you more than I think I have."

Anew chuckled. "I think you have."

Lyle embraced her long enough to whisper, "Anew, I never want to be separated from you again."

Anew felt her face go hot when he said that. A streak of sadness also hit her. "I...I never want to be apart from you either."

"Then we'll make the most of our time together. Sound good?" Lyle smiled hopefully.

Anew smiled. “That sounds wonderful.”

Lyle relaxed, unaware he had been on edge. "So how about we check on the Haros and then maybe grab a bite to eat?"

Anew nodded. "Sounds good."

lockon lyle, anew

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