Thus he has arrived

May 08, 2009 03:56

Who: Alucard, Seras, Jack O'Neill
When: Today
Where: The woods.
Rating: G
Warnings: Nicknames?
Notes: Finished. But still kinda open. You can greet him in the comments after he makes it to the village, if ya want.
Summary: The arrival of Jack O'Neill on the island. On a nice dark night with some nice dark vampires. No Jacks where harmed in the making of this log.

This wasn't the weirdest or worst thing to happen to him. Jack was oddly used to being beamed away in a flash of white light. However, not so used to being beamed away in a flash of white light then deposited in the middle of a darkened woods. He blinked a couple times, "Uh... Thor? Buddy?" He was supposed to be beamed back up to a ship not into the middle of nowhere, "This is going to turn out to be a bad day, isn't it?"

Seras was attempting and failing to give her master the silent treatment after he'd bitten another person on the island, even when she'd offered to hunt for him so he wouldn't have to. Unfortunately for the Draculina, she wasn't very good at it. "I'm still angry at you." Hoisting Harkonnen up on her shoulder, she turned her back to him.

"You've said that several times now Police Girl." Alucard said flatly as they walked. The older vampire knew that the Draculina was mad at him and had been for a while. But he got tired of animal blood after a while and the girl didn't taste good at all. Alucard stopped when he heard another voice and looked around. Ignoring Seras for a moment, he walked in a different direction and stood not too far from Jack. "It depends on what you think is a bad day."

Jack wheeled around on his heel at the sound of chatter. He squinted to make out the shapes. Huh, they don't look too bad. And they don't look like his normal enemies... expect for the all in black and foreboding part. Oh well, he raised a hand, "Howdy, folks! Don't suppose you could point me in the direction of the nearest Stargate." While coming off friendly, he did put his hand on his side-arm just in case.

Turning to face the man, Seras blinked red eyes at him. She didn't recognize him, but his clothes suggested military. And that accent... American? "I'm sorry, but what's a 'star gate?' Some sort of garden fence?"

"I've never heard of a Stargate before." Alucard said, looking over at Seras for a moment. "And I doubt that it's a garden fence, police girl."

Okay, Jack is used to that kind of reaction. He gestures with his hands in the vague shape of a circle, "Big round thing, flushes sideways...?" he voiced kind of trailed off, as he was distracted by his own thoughts. "Hey, where is this place anyway?" a finger gesture around.

"No... I can't say I've seen anything that looks like that," Seras said, adjusting how she held her gun. It wasn't heavy to her, but it did tend to be awkward. "You must be a new arrival. Welcome to the island, I suppose."

"No one is sure where this place is. It is a tropical island." Alucard said, stepping into an area where he could be seen better. Might as well be nice to the newcomer for now. "I am Alucard."

Jack sighed, he was faintly afraid of something like that. He runs a hand over his face then takes a new look at these two. Seras looks harmless enough, even with the big gun so his attention goes to Alucard first, "You really got this cliche vampire thing down dontcha?" Said as a joke, he really doesn't think he's a vampire. He waves that aside, "Name's Jack O'Neill. Don't suppose you two know anything else about this place?"

Seras had to quickly cover her mouth to hide the giggle, though there was a flash of fang first. "You have no idea, Mr. O'Neill. My name's Seras Victoria, Hellsing agency. The island draws people here and traps them, I'm afraid."

Alucard just smirked, flashing fang at Jack. "It isn't an act." Alucard said, pulling down his yellow sunglasses and looking at the newcomer. He wasn't going to do anything, except maybe let Jack shoot him up to prove it.

"Hellsing Agency? Never heard of it," Jack said in the most upbeat way. "Trapped here? You sure?" His expression slowly changes to one of mild disbelief, "Ah. So you're saying you are a cliché vampire?" At the same time he has a brief thought of something that happened in South America with zombies. His mouth opens and his head tilts, "Blood sucking and everything?" he grins suddenly, "In that case, better stand back... big Italian lunch. My breath could kill you."

It was no longer possible to hide her amusement as she simply let out a long peel of laughter. With an arm wrapped around her stomach, she set Harkonnen down to lean it against a small tree, ignoring the creaking sound it made from the weight. "Garlic doesn't actually bother us more than any other strong smell, Mr. O'Neill. And I believe that Master was the one who started the cliché."

"It was Stoker that started that rediculus rumor." Alucard said looking over at Seras. "That book left out a lot of things." Like how he became bound to the Hellsing family and the fact that a lot of things that seemed to bother other vampires didn't bother him at all.

Ah, laughter. That is a good sign. At least one of them has a sense of humor. Jack looks between the both of them, "Riiight." Another pause, "So you really are vampires?" Instead of waiting for an answer he keeps talking, "How's that working out for you? Good?" It's almost impossible to tell if he actually believes them or not, he's seen stranger things. He's killed 'Gods,' after all. "Oh, Hey! Is it true that a person will taste different, depending on what they eat?"

"You'd have to ask Master about that," Seras said, gesturing towards him. "All of the human blood I've been given was in medical bags, so I'm not sure what the donors liked to eat. But yes, we really are vampires."

"It depends more on how the person lives. and what they think." Alucard said. "Those who love battle taste different from those who love peace." He was thinking about the girl he had bitten not too long ago that tasted really bad.

"Huh," he gestures with his hand, "Who tastes worse?" Doesn't matter if he believes them or not, he really really wants to know. He looks between them again.

"You really shouldn't encourage him." She glanced around the woods, checking for anything that could be a threat to the clearly human man. "Master's been sampling."

"Someone who loves war tastes worse than a pure virgin." He said, looking over at Seras. "But warriors trained for battle are a rare treat."

Jack raised a brow at Seras, "Not supposed to drink from people?" said in a bit of a hopeful voice. His attention when back to Alucard, "That... really doesn't make me feel any better." he said with a finger wiggle. "In fact, it makes me start to think this is some big joke somebody forgot to let me in on."

Seras flushed at Alucard's comment, sending him an angry look. "No, he's not supposed to be feeding from people. If Sir Integra were here, she'd be making sure he obeyed the rules. Especially when he hasn't been asking!"

Alucard ignored the angry look and then looked back at Jack. "This is no joke." Alucard wasn't one to joke. He wouldn't mind if sir Integra was here, but preferred that she stay back in London. Though, he wasn't sure just how to prove that he was a vampire unless either Seras or Jack shot him.

Jack inclined his head, Alucard seemed far too serious to kidding. That never is a good sign. It's only so fun to watch the oh-too-serious reactions to disbelief for so long. "I'll just take your word not that one, Al." He is strangely comfortable with the idea of vampires. "Well, thanks for the greeting kids. Don't suppose you can point me toward a village or something? The knees aren't fond of sleeping on the ground."

"There is a village over that way," Seras said, making a gesture towards the direction it was in. "It's pretty dangerous in the woods though. I could take you there."

Alucard just stood quietly, surprised at the nickname that he had just been given. No one ever called him 'Al' or anything short of Monster or Demon most of the time. Pluto called him by his true name, but she was the only one.

"How dangerous?" Jack asked almost instantly. He has to figure out if it's something he can handle alone or not, after all. He's still not sure of the trust worthiness of these two... but more eyes in a night time scenario is never is a bad thing. And Alucard is forever branded 'Al' in Jack's mind. Forever.

"Giant wolves, polar bears, creatures like those," she said, secretly amused by the nickname. If Alucard continued attacking people, she'd have to spread it over the island for some form of revenge. "They aren't much trouble for a vampire, but for a human..."

"With the Police girl around, the wolves will stay away." Alucard said, looking over at the Draculina. "And I have yet to see a polar bear in the forest."

"Giant wolves? Seriously?" Jack gestures with at hand about how tall he thinks giant wolves would be. His attention goes back to Alucard, "With that big gun of hers, I can see why." He tosses up his hands, "Right! Lead on then, Sara."

Seras blinked at him, a little startled by the nickname. "Sara? Um..." She shook her head. "It's probably because I've been hunting them. They have a lot of blood. Well, come on then."

Alucard gave a dark chuckle. He'd follow from a distance. He was protective of the Draculina, he just wouldn't say it.

Jack is remarkably agile for an old guy and quickly hops in after her, "Sooo, what kind of people live here anyway? More like you or what?" They are forever Sara and Al to him.

"No, Master and I are the only vampires here," Seras said, taking up her gun again to start walking. "Though there are plenty of people who aren't human. Most are fairly nice."

Alucard slowly started to follow, blending in with the shadows. He knew when to keep quiet.

"Swell," Jack half mumbled, "What are they if they aren't human? None of 'em have glowing eyes right?" important knowledge after all. For him anyway. "Any of 'em I should be watching out for?"

"Master," she said automatically with a bit of a barb in her tone, just to prove that yes, she was still angry with the older vampire. "But I don't think I've seen anyone with eyes that glow. I've seen people with very strange eyes, not none that glow."

Jack paused for a second, "'Master?' You mean Al back there?" he gives a nod, "Well if you see anybody with glowing eyes and deep bass voice, let me know, will ya? They aren't exactly nice people."

"They are your enemy back home?" Seras guess, nodding to signify that she would. She stopped at the edge of the woods, the village clearly in sight. "It was a pleasure to meet you, but I need to finish hunting."

"Oh, you could say that..." Jack lets out a sigh when he sees the village. "Well, thanks for getting me this far," He waves a hand at her, "See ya around." And off he goes toward the village.

alucard, jack, seras

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