RP Log: Ends With Water, Again

Apr 27, 2009 00:56

Who: Ran and Omi
When: Today, evening
Where: The sports complex
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Little bit of bad language.
Notes: None
Summary: Ran seeks out Omi after a month of not speaking and hence, they patch some bridges.

Ran had figured enough was enough. So, he went searching for Omi. The school, library, cafe, flower shop. He then walked into the gym...

The blond was wearing Capri’s, a loose shirt and his normal backwards hat, playing basketball by himself. Shooting the ball, it swished into the net quietly. When the door opened to reveal Aya, Omi nodded. "Aya."

"I'd prefer it if you called me Ran.."

Ran? Since when? He asked himself. "If that's what you want. Did you need something?"

"We need to talk." He said shutting the door.

"Okay," he responded, going to pick up the ball and going to sit on the bleachers. Nervously he picked at his pants.

Ran walked over to the bleachers and sat down.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" Omi asked quietly.


"All right. So go ahead." Sometimes talking to Aya Ran was like pulling teeth. Or something equally unpleasant, and other times it was okay, but considering they hadn't really spoken since then it was hard to even look at the other member of his team.

"I'm not sorry that I slept with Brad. But, I am sorry that I hurt you." he said.

He gave Ran a small smile, while still avoiding his eyes. "It's fine, Ran. There's no need to apologize. Sometimes things happen, but there's no use in crying over spilled milk, right?" While he'd been gone from the flower shop, Omi had taken a lot of time to think. Spent a lot of time wandering while he did it, too.

"I would like it if you came back to the shop..." He said softly.

Omi blinked in surprise, then burst out laughing. "I...you...." He was laughing so hard he couldn't get what he wanted to say out.

He looked at Omi.

"Ran, I went back to work almost three weeks ago." He said when the laughter subsided.

That caused him to blush and duck his head. "Oh well...."

Finally he gave Ran a genuine smile. "And you're supposed to be observant?"

"I haven't been working lately."

"I noticed. Any particular reason why?" Omi asked, leaning back.

He shrugged a bit. "I just didn't really feel like it."

"Does it have to do with the fact that Crawford left?" He questioned quietly.

"..." Ran fell silent, lowering his head, bangs covering his eyes. After a moment, he nodded. "Yes."

Hesitantly he patted Ran's shoulder. "I'm sure he'll be back eventually." Omi paused. "I guess now it's my turn to tell you to come back to work."

"Right..." He sighed and glanced at Omi.

Quickly he retracted his hand. "Right. It isn't good if you stay away for too long. Who will lift the heavy plants when they need to be moved?" Omi joked.

"You'll find someone."

"Oh...and look who I found. You. So get your ass back to work." Omi gave him a cheeky grin before moving away quickly.

Ran glared at him.

Snickering, he passed the ball towards Ran, knowing the other could easily catch it.

He caught the basketball.

"You do know how to play, right?" Omi said, playfully dangerous.

"Yes. I'm not a simpleton." He replied rising to his feet.

"You sure about that?" Omi grinned widely.

He threw the ball at Omi.

Catching it easily, the teen checked it back, going on the defensive.

He smiled and then tied his hair back.

Omi wasn't sure how long they had played, but it was long enough to work up a sweat. Breathing heavily, the teen flopped onto the cool floor, taking off his hat. "I'll win next time."

Ran chuckled, having barely broken a sweat. "Try it."

Lazily he waved a hand through the air. "Later. Much later."

"Are you tired?"

"Yeah. I've been up since the crack of dawn. Worked at the flower shop, then stopped by the training grounds before coming here. It's been a long day." Omi said, sitting up.

"That's your own fault."

"Well, sorry for trying to give you some therapeutic game. Next time I won't even bother." His tone was light and teasing despite his words.

He smirked and then walked over to Omi.

Curious, the teen blinked up at Aya.

He picked up Omi.

"Hey! What are you doing? Put me down!" His struggles were futile, as usual.

"That's a secret."

Giving up, Omi let him do as he liked.

He whistled as he carted the young man down to the beach.

The teen rolled his eyes. "You're going to dunk me in the water, aren't you? Can't you think of something more original?" Plus the last time he'd ended up in the water, Omi had dragged Ran in with him.

This time he wasn't going to. Ran kept whistling as he walked down the beach.

Just in case, Omi grabbed Ran's hair.

"Let go."

"You first."


Omi eyed him suspiciously.

"Let go of my hair, I will put you down on the sand."

Slowly, the teen released the red hair, still watching him carefully.

Instead of tossing Omi onto the sand, he tossed him into the water.

"Fuck!" Was all he managed to get out before he sank beneath the water. Surfacing, he glared at Ran.

Ran stood there, a few ways from the water, smirking.

Still glaring, Omi trudge out of the water, then proceeded to stand near Ran, shaking the water from his person.

He moved away quickly and then bolted back towards the village.

Sighing, Omi didn't even bother to chase after his team member. "I'm gonna kill him later."

ran aya, omi

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