RP Log: Now Usagi's Plotting Against Others

Apr 26, 2009 23:28

Who: Usagi, Pluto
When: After work Thursday
Where: The village
Rating: PG
Warnings: Mentions of SM.
Notes: Time confusion?
Summary: Usagi catches up with Pluto and they have a nice little chat.

Usagi sighed as she closed to the arcade behind her. Honestly, couldn't they let her play the games occasionally? The job was cruel. Off in the distance she spotted a tall graceful figure with long green hair. Now here was a perk to her day. Taking off into a sprint, blond pigtails trailing behind her as usual, she yelled: "Pluto!"

Pluto turned around when she heard her name, stopping where she had been heading towards the grocery store to get some things for dinner. It was hard to not miss the blonde pigtails bouncing towards her. "Princess?"

Flashing the other senshi a smile as she came to a stop next to Pluto. "You don't have to call me that, Usagi's just fine, you know. Are you done with work too?"

Pluto smiled, nodding slightly although she doubted she would ever be that informal to the much-younger girl. "I'm done with work for today. It's nice being in the clothing store, but it's much nicer out here now."

Her hands went behind her back in a typical teen-Usagi motion. "It is nice. I can't wait for the water to get warmer so we can all go swimming. Heard Neil and Sakura were planning a beach party for that day. Are you going to go?" All of that was said in one breath, but Usagi didn't seem to need the air to say that.

"Do you really think I would not show up at a beach party that Neil is planning?" Pluto laughed softly, ignoring the way Usagi let all of that out in one breath. "The water should be warm enough sometime next month for it."

"Oh right, the two of you are dating now. Silly me forgets that sometimes." She bonked herself on the head lightly, tongue sticking out a little. "I'm totally going to spend my birthday at the beach. Every will be invited."

Pluto shook her head at Usagi, it seemed like some things never did change. Although, in some way, it was a good thing that she wasn't changing considering some of the other things going around the island. "I'm sure not everyone will show up. Those who were assassins in their own world tend to keep to themselves."

Putting a finger to her lip briefly, Usagi consider this. It wasn't a long thought process, but then again was it ever really? "Well, that won't stop me from inviting them. What they choose to do with the invitation will completely be up to them." She paused. "I heard Diana left." Her voice was quiet as blue eyes looked off into the distance.

Pluto smiled, that was definitely like the girl she had watched from afar at times. She was a little bit older now, but not older enough that she had really changed. "Yes, Diana left. But I'm sure that she's fine."

A flash of an emotion crossed her face before it was gone, replaced with a genuine smile. "I know she is. After all, she got to go back to be with her parents and Chibi-Usa."

Pluto nodded, "And remember, I'm sure Minako would love to have you visit us sometime. I'll just have to make sure Neil and I stay in my room."

"I'll invite her to come have a slumber party with me and my hut mates. We'll have fun!" Usagi pouted. "Why would you hide from us? It's not like there's matchmaking to do between the two of you now."

"That sounds like fun for all of you." Pluto sighed at seeing Usagi pout, shaking her head a little again. There were some things about her love life she just didn't think needed to be made public.

"So have the two of you gone out on a date since the Valentine's dance?" A sly grin.

"A date?" Pluto's cheeks turned a bit pink against her dark skin, shaking her head a little. "We usually just eat dinner together if I make it. He can cook sometimes, but our tastes in food aren't quite the same and he's more willing to try what I like."

Usagi didn't comment on the blushing, as she knew it would mean the end of the conversation. "Maybe we can go on a double date!"

"Don't you think that would be a bit awkward?" Pluto just liked spending time with her boyfriend in her own way, without others around.

"Why would it be awkward? It's supposed to be the more-the-merrier, right?" How oblivious could she get? Usagi didn't even catch a hint of what Pluto might be trying to relay without using the actual words.

"Not in everything..." Pluto shook her head, definitely not wanting to be on a double date, not even with her best friends. "Neil and I aren't like the two of you."

Usagi sighed, shifting anxiously from one foot to the other. "I was hoping maybe being on a double date would help things more comfortable between me and Mamo-chan." Even though she didn't want to admit that there were issues between the two of them, especially not to Minako, Usagi felt comfortable telling Pluto.

That was news to Pluto in one sense, but not another. She knew that at some time, she and Neil were going to have their awkward moments. "Maybe being with Hotaru and Nate on a double date might be better, they're at least closer in age. But is there something awkward with the two of you that you don't want to face?"

"Time. There's a lot of time separating us." Did she even need to say anymore to the Guardian of Time?

"He does not even know about the events from what I remember with us, let alone what you have gone through." Pluto nodded, then smiled at Usagi. "The only thing I can suggest is that you talk to him about what you can, without him knowing everything about the future he will be facing."

"I know. There's just so much I want to talk to him about, but I can't. It seems to be that way with all of you, though. I can't help but think that maybe, if I say something to any of you, maybe things wouldn't be so hard for you in the future." A small, yet somewhat sad smile graced her lips.

Pluto chuckled faintly, shaking her head. "Uranus and Neptune you can talk to about things. They left not too far away from where you came from. And I already know how the threads of time are weaving in everyone's case, so there is nothing that you could say that would change the future for me."

Her smile changed. Just knowing that there was someone she could talk to if the need ever arose, had lightened her heart and mind greatly. "Thank you, Pluto. You wouldn't happen to know what's been going on in the worlds we left, would you? I'm not sure how everyone would react if suddenly we were gone, we do have a planet to protect and it's hard to do it from here?"

Pluto shook her head, unable to see anything past the threads of time around the residents of the island, and even that wasn't accurate at times. "I do not know anything about how other dimensions are, and I cannot see the timestream around everyone here accurately. Only most people, but not all."

Usagi smiled. "Well, I hope no one's panicking because we're gone. Not sure how they'd handle that. I do trust them to keep things safe in our absence in any case." She thought about what the other senshi were doing right now.

"I know no one is panicking because I am gone." Pluto smiled faintly, thinking back to what her father had told her. "The Gate is in the best hands that it can be without my being present."

"I suppose not, and if I'm the furthest along the timeline then I can only assume that maybe time stands still for the others, or continues on because none of you ever went missing for very long." Vaguely she wondered what Pluto had been going to do, and if she was keeping her.

Pluto had no idea of how time was working between their home world and this island, and she was not about to make her head hurt by thinking too much into it. All she needed to know was that time flowed differently. "Time flows differently here. In some ways, it is like the dimension that the Gate of Time is in."

"Right." She nodded, totally not even going to attempt to think on it anymore, she had done that too much already. "So, where were you headed?"

"I was heading back to my hut for a few minutes." Pluto smiled slightly, "I got off work early today, so I was thinking of heading to the lagoon just to sit there for a while before making dinner for myself and Neil."

"Right, perhaps I should let you go, considering I was going to head over to the training grounds. You know, do some of that training you all seem to think will help while I'm here." Usagi gave her a cheesy grin.

Pluto chuckled a little, not bothering with too much training in her time here. She had all her other lifetimes to perfect her skills, but only this time here for her to live a 'normal' life. "I hope it will help you. If needed, you could learn basic fighting skills from some of the people who monitor that area other than Uranus. She can help with your Senshi powers."

"If time stands still for the others back home, then I'm not sure if it will actually help when I go back. The only reason I do it is because I want to be stronger to protect all of you. What good is a princess if she can't protect her friends?" She rocked back and forth on her heels.

"I don't know if time is actually standing still or not, or what will happen when you leave this place. I know what will happen for me, but that is because of where I was when I arrived here." Pluto sighed, not sure of what to say beyond that. She had to think for a few minutes, then tried to smile for Usagi's sake. "The important thing is to use the time here in the best way possible."

Laughing, Usagi pushed one of her pigtails over her shoulder. "I have a lot of time to get stronger, so I may not be training all the time, but I go everyday. Just to make sure I don't get lax by the time I go back."

"Just going every day will help you, considering how little time you seem to spend on honing your powers back home." Pluto could not resist the little jab, "At least it will improve more than your schoolwork will."

Usagi shuddered at the thought of homework. All the homework she could be missing and might have to make up when she returned. That was a total nightmare. "I'm not sure my schoolwork will ever improve."

"One can always hope, I suppose." Pluto sighed, shaking her head a little. "It will have to at some point, sometime."

"You'll be hoping forever." Usagi grinned.

"That's what you think." Pluto chuckled, waving it off.

Her face screwed up, wondering just what Pluto knew. "That's no fair. You can't be cryptic like that."

Pluto smiled faintly, knowing that she had every right to be cryptic like that. It was part of who she was, and that was not going to change.

"You and the rest of the Outer senshi are too distant. Sure there may be an age difference, but we're all working towards the same future. So we have to work together." Usagi smiled.

"We are distant for a reason, Princess. You will be the ruler of our system, but Uranus, Neptune, and I must all guard your kingdom from outside attacks. We are not meant to be close to you."

"We all live on Earth now, it's our home. That includes you three as well. We might as well be family since we're all connected." Her smile didn't falter in the least.

Pluto shook her head sadly, that faint smile still on her face somehow. "It may be home after we are reincarnated, but we will always have a gulf between us."

The smile became wistful. "No, I don't think it will always be that way."

"I think that we will have to agree to disagree on this."

"Then I'll just have to change your mind about it." Sticking her tongue out, Usagi moved away a little.

"We will see, Princess." Pluto shook her head at the childish action, not about to sink down to that level.

"I should probably let you move on so you can make dinner for Neil." Her voice had that romantic tone to it.

Pluto chuckled softly, shrugging a little. "I will get some inspiration for dinner first, after I head back there. I wish you well in whatever you decide to do here, Princess."

"My next step is to plan a slumber party! The three of you will be getting invitations, so don't be surprised." With a backwards wave, Usagi was off running towards the training ground.

Pluto sighed, shaking her head a little as she watched Usagi run off. A slumber party? That seemed a bit childish to her…

Of course it was childish, but didn't everyone need a moment like that? Besides, they were on vacation, who knew if they would ever get to have a chance like this again.

sailor pluto, sailor moon usagi

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