Enter Lockon Two

Apr 17, 2009 21:01

Who: Allelujah, Neil, Lyle, Jin
Where: Beach, Hangar, First Aid Station
When: When Lyle arrives
Warnings: Mild violence, 00 Ref?
Rating: PG-13
Notes: Finally finished yay!
Summary: Allelujah and Neil meet, Lyle falls from the sky, gets rescued, then healed.

Neil was walking along the beach with Haro bouncing along behind him. It was a nice day out and he had decided to go for a walk. Haro seemed to be rather enjoying himself.

Allelujah had been in the training grounds since it was so nice out, just to keep trying to get back to the shape he'd been in before his capture. After the routine he'd begun there, he started jogging down the path to the beach, the sand was harder to run on than dirt.

As Neil was walking, he spotted Allelujah jogging towards him. "Hello," he called, waving. Haro stopped bouncing and flapped.

Allelujah smiled faintly when he saw Neil waving, and stopped in front of him before answering. "Hello you two." For once he wasn't all that out of breath, he must be getting stronger again, finally.

"Out for a run, I see," Neil said with a smile. "It's good weather for it."

Allelujah nodded, "it is. I seem to be getting better, finally."

Lyle felt his Gundam shudder and he muttered an oath. The mission had taken a turn for the worse, and matters hadn't been helped any when he had been flushed out of his sniping position early on. Now his GN drive was acting up. "Come on, please don't do this," he said, feeling the Gundam beginning to lose altitude. He had not been very high to start with, but somehow he was up higher than he realized. It was going to be a long descent at this rate.

Neil nodded. "That's good. One of the joys of a long vacation." He suddenly had a very strange feeling and blinked, looking up towards the sky.

"More like recovering from a vacation.." Allelujah frowned. Noticing the upward glance, he turned a bit so he could look in the same direction.

Lyle cursed as the Gundam dropped like a stone. Perhaps the descent wasn't going to take as long as he thought--or hoped. "Warning Falling, Warning Falling," the Red Haro repeated, flashing its eyes and ears. "Yes, I know." Lyle said through gritted teeth. The GN drive still wasn't working and worse, he could make out lots of blue beneath him. The ocean. This was so not going to be a fun landing.

Neil blinked. Now he could see that something was falling... A mobile suit. His eyes went wide as he watched. This new arrival was going to have a heck of an entrance.

Allelujah's eyes widened as he realized the same thing just as Neil did. "..Think we could make it to the hangar and get Kyrios and Dynames in time to catch it?"

Neil shook his head. "I don't think so..."

Allelujah couldn't help but wince at the thought of the impact. "..Hope whoever's inside makes it.."

Lyle braced himself, even as the Red Haro flapped. "Impact Impact!" The last thing he saw was a small spit of land not too far from where he was going to hit the water. He could only hope that water was not too deep for Cherudim. At least he would not have to worry about water leaking in.

Neil immediately scooped up Haro as a wave of water came in following the sudden introduction of a multiple ton object. He didn't want the little robot being swept out into the water. They had enough to worry about at the moment.

Allelujah glanced over at the motion before returning his gaze to the water. They didn't need a repeat of when the Haro'd been swept out to sea. He started looking for any sign of pilot or machine.

"Submerging, submerging." The Red Haro said urgently, a new note entering into its system. The Haro did not like water for good reason: electricity and water mixed too well. Lyle looked up, wiping his forehead with a free hand. It came away smeared with blood. "Shoot, I can't afford a concussion." The Gundam sank swiftly, before it settled again with a shudder. This time it was on the ocean floor. He stared upward at the water between him and the surface and sighed. This was so not going to be pleasant.

Neil waited a moment, hoping either the pilot or the mech would surface. There was no telling how far down it was. "Allelujah, maybe you should go it get Kyrios." Kyrios was more aerodynamic and would have an easier time getting under the water than Dynames.

"Haro, we have no choice but to swim. We can't just stay down here...as nice as that would be." The Haro flapped its ears and flashed its eyes again. "Swimming? Swimming?" Lyle grimaced. "Take a deep breath, pop the hatch, and swim upward. Can't be that hard." Before he could change his mind, he took a deep breath and punched the button to open the hatch.

Allelujah gave a short nod before turning and running to the hangar to get his Gundam. Once there, he swiftly brought up the systems and did the shortest preflight he could without being stupid before moving Kyrios to the beach and into the water. He brought up the communications system and tried hailing the unfamiliar suit.

Lyle was not prepared for the water to come crashing down on him like it did. He had forgotten about water pressure, now he realized it was a dumb thing to underestimate. He struggled up to the surface, discovering that the Haro had wrapped itself around him to make him more buoyant. He only hoped that the Haro wouldn't suffer too much damage. A split moment before they reached the surface, the Haro let go.

Receiving no answer, Allelujah frowned with concern, especially when his sensors picked up a form rising to the surface. Figuring it to be the pilot, and trusting Neil to be able to handle helping, he kept Kyrios moving to the submerged mech. Kyrios grappled for the best angle to bring the other up to the surface and back to dry land.

Neil blinked seeing a form reach the surface, one of the them a red ball. A Haro? Neil put his Haro aside and immediately headed out into the water to try and gather the Haro and make sure that the pilot could get to land.

Lyle kicked to the surface, gasping for air. His head ached something terrible, but he had to find land. He looked around, fighting the waves that threatened to swamp him. Something that looked like land was on one side, so he struck out for it, praying that he would make it before a shark found him. Distantly, he wondered where his Haro had gone.

Kyrios broke surface a few minutes later with Cherudim in tow, and Allelujah had them both moving toward land, trying to move slowly enough out of the water so as to not hurt or disrupt Neil's progress toward the form of the pilot.

Neil didn't have to move far to get the Haro as it washed up rather quickly and he quickly moved it closer to land so his Haro could assist it with moving to shore. Figuring he probably needed to help the pilot, he swam out to find them.

A few minutes of struggling through the waves, Lyle found himself dog-paddling and gasping for air. His head throbbed something fierce. He strained to look for the island, but his vision had begun to blur. It was not a good sign, not with a head wound. As a last resort, he rolled over onto his back, letting himself float. Hopefully the current would carry him to land.

Kyrios managed to drag the other mech to the hangar and set it down where it could be worked on later. Allelujah moved his Gundam back to its spot before shutting the systems down.

Neil swam out, quickly finding the pilot. He managed to get a hold of the pilot, obviously unconscious and half swam, half floated back in the diretion of land. There was only so much he could do while keeping a hold of someone his size.

Feeling the odd sensation of something other than water tugging at him, Lyle struggled to open his eyes. It was a feat, prying open sensitive eyes that would rather not look up into the glaring rays of the sun. What he saw next almost gave him a heart attack.

Allelujah left Kyrios and the strange suit in the hangar, briefly looking it over and wondering why it looked so much like Dynames before shaking his head and running back to the beach.

Neil managed to pull the pilot onto the shore, his Haro sitting on the sand with the red Haro. He had noticed the suit looked a lot like the one he had worn in space. Neil pushed the wet bangs from his face and decided it was best to see if the pilot had any injuries so he removed the helmet. He blinked and the name just came out. "Lyle?"

Lyle blinked at the mention of his name, trying to focus his eyes on his rescuer. His head, despite the helmet, hurt and now his heart rate was quickly rivaling that of Cherudim's descent. "Oh God, no." He had to have been hallucinating.

Allelujah came upon them just in time to hear the words exchanged. Lyle? He was sure he'd heard that name before. He paused, they looked exactly alike. He shook his head before he remembered about when Neil told him about his twin brother. This could get..strange..

"Lyle, are you alright?" Neil asked, brushing his brother's hair to get a look at the injury on his head. Well, that wasn't going to help convince him he was all with it.

"No, no, no..." Lyle's voice quickly changed from disbelief to anger. "Wh-who are you?" He tried to rise to his feet, to get away from this person who seemed so familiar, too familiar to him. He stumbled and almost fell as the ground spun before him.

Allelujah reflexively stepped forward, reaching to steady Lyle. "You're..not dreaming, or hallucinating..That is Neil."

Neil figured it would be best to not reach out for his brother. He didn't want to push him back when he was barely stable on his feet. Since Allelujah was helping his brother, he just stood back up.

Lyle stared at Allelujah for a moment, trying to recall the familiar face of a friend and ally. He turned back to his brother…his twin. "B-but they said…you were…" He started to shake his head but stopped when he wiped away blood. He turned to Allelujah for an explanation, fighting to keep himself steady on swaying legs.

Allelujah patted the other man on the shoulder, gently. Was that recognition he saw? "He is dead..No, the two of us are still alive. It's this island..it doesn't really obey logic." He frowned when he noticed just how unsteady Lyle was, and cautiously reached out to pull one of the injured man's arms over his shoulder. He had a feeling the other was a little too off balanced to really be able to deal with Neil.

"Perhaps we should get him to the first aid station," Neil suggested. His head was bleeding a fair amount.

The words seemed muted to Lyle as he tried to process what Allelujah was telling him. He turned back to look at Neil. It was Neil, but he seemed different-other than for the fact that he was supposed to be dead. As for logic, Lyle though that the first aid station sounded good. "I could use a Tylenol," he admitted.

Allelujah smiled faintly and started the two of them walking to the first aid station. "You'll likely get a lot more than just that when we get there," he warned.

Neil nodded, following after them. To go along with the other things his brother didn't believe at the moment... "There are healers at the first aid station and they will take care of the injury quickly."

"Healers? I wonder if they can give me a new head?" Lyle muttered, tenderly feeling the welt on his forehead. "Or maybe a robot body…" he felt like he was forgetting something important. He tried to glance back at the ocean behind them, but the movement did not help his injury any and he quickly gave it up in favor of less pain. "What others?" he asked instead.

Allelujah heard the mutters and decided to answer them, even if they weren't meant to be heard. "Probably not a new head, and I doubt you'd be able to explain where you got a robot body when you go back home.." Others? He paused as he thought that over. "There are a few others from back home, Miss Sumeragi, and Feldt. Otherwise, there are a lot of people from various worlds."

Neil nodded, following silently for the moment. He watching to make sure that his brother was alright.

Lyle smiled in spite of himself at the familiar names of Sumeragi and Feldt. They would be welcome sights to see. But people from other worlds? Would they have Gundams as well? Or maybe different technology? He winced. "I gotta stop thinking so much." Unfortunately, that didn't stop him from addressing his deceased brother who was being unusually silent. "So…uh, Neil…when did you get here?"

Allelujah smiled faintly as they reached the edge of the village. He had a good idea how Lyle felt, and couldn't blame him for saying that. He fell silent, to give Neil a chance to answer and talk with his twin.

"As far as I know, I have only been here a few months, but it varies for other people arriving how long it has been," he remarked, moving up to walk along side both his twin and his adopted brother.

Lyle, grateful that Neil had decided to join in the conversation, spared a glance in his direction. "…A few months?" He swallowed hard, trying to figure out how that could have happened. He gave up when his headache only grew worse. He noticed that they had left the beach more or less behind them, and had entered a village of sorts. "Are we, uh, getting close?" he couldn't help but ask. The headache was steadily growing worse and his eyes were beginning to cross.

"For me he was gone three years before I came here. Time is rather odd here, as well." Allelujah chose to comment, even if he didn't completely understand it himself. He nodded at the question, "yes, just a little further."

Neil nodded. He could see the first aid station in the distance. "We're almost there, Lyle." He was worried about his brother.

Lyle wished he could just close his eyes for a moment to relieve them from the glare of the sun. He fell silent as he focused on staying awake, or at the least placing one foot in front of the other. He had a feeling that nodding off now would be a bad idea.

Allelujah frowned slightly, noticing the changing expressions on the older man. He had a feeling he knew what was going through Lyle's head. "Just stay awake a little longer. I don't mind you leaning on me."

Neil also noticed he had fallen silent. He took Lyle's arm to help him stay up. "Keep talking to us," Neil said. "We're almost there."

Lyle jerked when he felt someone grab his arm. It woke him up a little more, despite the fact that his feet felt like lead weights. Was this how his Gundam always felt? "Umm...talk, right..." he couldn't think of anything.

Allelujah frowned and tried to step up their pace a little, keeping Lyle's arm over his shoulders. "What's been going on back home?"

"Tell us about that," Neil said, urging his brother on as well.

Lyle grimaced. "Back home? The usual. Actually, I had just talked with Tieria...and..." he trailed off again, realizing that the topic might be a bit touchy. At least to Neil, if not to himself.

Allelujah jogged the older man a little. "Actually, we don't know." He glanced around Lyle to silently ask Neil if the subject really was touchy, having the feeling that was part of Lyle's reluctance.

Neil didn't have any problem with the topic as far as he knew. "You can tell us, Lyle," he said.

"Well, I guess...I'm a sniper you know. Took out a few of the enemy at long range. Before I got shot..." Lyle shook his head a little to clear his mind and instantly regretted it as his vision became hazy. He started to lose his balance.

Allelujah nodded, listening even as they arrived in front of the first aid station.

Jin was inside, working, no idea that anyone was outside.

Neil moved away enough to open the door, holding it open for Allelujah and Lyle to pass through.

It was then that the doctor looked up. "Yes?"

Lyle blinked as they stepped out of the glaring sun. He breathed an audible sigh of relief as finally his eyes could make out something other than glare of sun on sand. He paused to wipe the small trickle of blood that was itching on his face.

Allelujah helped Lyle inside. "Would you mind taking a look at him?"

Neil shut the door behind Allelujah and Lyle. "He might have a concussion."

"Not at all." Jin replied.

Lyle winced. "Might have a concussion? I think I'm hallucinating." His knees started to give and suddenly it was very hard for him to keep his eyes open.

Allelujah tightened his hold on Lyle, and brought him to one of the tables. "And then some.."

He rolled up his sleeves and walked over to where Lyle was.

Neil followed him over, ready to help if he was needed.

"WIll both of you please step back?" Jin asked as he began to look Lyle over.

Allelujah stepped back as asked.

Neil stepped back as well.

Lyle resisted at first, before giving up and sinking back on the table. He watched the person standing before him warily.

The doctor than began to look him back over, taking note of his wounds.

"How is he?" Neil asked, playing the anxious brother now.

Allelujah put a hand on Neil's shoulder in an attempt to offer comfort.

"He'll be just fine." Jin replied. He then put his hands over Lyle's head. "Ha, ki." he whispered as a blue glow began to appear.

Lyle was almost out of it when the blue glow surrounded him. In a half-stupor, barely conscious state, he started to pull away. "Wh-what are you doing?" his voice was weak.

"Healing you. Don't move."

Neil watched quietly from where he stood by Allelujah.

Lyle kept his eyes fixed on the person so called "healing" him. He was starting to feel a little better as the light continued to envelop him.

Allelujah kept a hand on Neil's shoulder.

Jin stepped back when Lyle was healed, and the blue glow disappeared. "You will still be sore for several days, but your injuries are healed."

Neil smiled, glad that his brother was going to be okay. "Thank you, Jin."

Allelujah nodded at Jin.

Lyle grinned as he felt his body responding. "Now that that's over with..." He was sore, but not sore enough to prevent him from doing one last thing. His eyes landed on his brother at the same time his fist did.

Jin glared at Lyle, "If you're going to fight, take it outside. I won't have you fighting in this place."

Neil clutched his face. Damn, that hurt. "You punched me on the side my blind eye is on," he remarked, gritting his teeth.

Allelujah scowled at Lyle. "Why'd you punch him?"

Lyle, shaking his hand, turned to Allelujah. "I had to be sure he was real..." Lyle looked at his brother again, soaking in the fact that his brother was standing before him in flesh and blood--his blood. "He's real, alright."

"Now that that's over with, you should get out of here." The swordsman focused his gaze on Lyle, catching Neil with it as well. "I don't want to have to heal anyone else today."

Neil nodded. "Okay."

Allelujah shook his head slightly at Lyle. "..Let's go then.."

Lyle turned to the healer even as he headed for the door. "Are you sure I'm not still hallucinating? Because I can clearly see my brother standing right there." He pointed to his twin. "And he's supposed to be dead."

Jin shook his head, sighing. "You're not hallucinating. I healed him when he got here."

Neil nodded. "He did."

Allelujah rolled his eye at Lyle. "He's very much real, can't say he's alive because he's not..I thought the same when I first got here."

"But how? Last I heard, Neil-" Lyle was surprised at how hard it was to say his brother's name; his voice caught in his throat. Neil was alive here and now. Did it really matter how? They could be brothers again--he hoped.

Neil walked over to Lyle and put an arm around him. "Let's go. We can talk."

Allelujah shrugged. "I don't get it either. I just figure to enjoy this place as long as possible." Of course that had taken him a while to get to that point, but he wasn't going to mention that as he walked over and opened the door for the twins.

Lyle resisted at first, but slowly he he accepted it. It had been so long since they had last seen each other. "So how long have you two been here?" Lyle motioned around them as he stepped outside.

"A couple of months," Neil admitted. He knew that would probably freak his brother out a bit.

Allelujah shrugged. "Just a few weeks for me. Maybe as long as two months.."

Lyle paled a bit. "So you've all been here...?" He shook his head. He wasn't ready yet to confront the logic portion so soon after his injuries had been healed.

"I know..." Neil said softly. "It's rather strange, but welcome to the island."

Allelujah nodded, deciding not to mention how long Sumeragi or Feldt had been there. "I'd not think too hard about it.."

Lyle attempted a smile. "Some welcome, huh?" He paused before saying: "Thanks for your help in rescuing me. And Neil, sorry about the punch."

lockon neil, npc: jin, allelujah, lockon lyle

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