Aftermath of Bored Haros

Apr 16, 2009 20:53

Who: Allelujah, Neil and Haros
Where: Their hut
When: Just after the log where the Haros bothered Snape
Warnings: uhh...Fluff? I think?
Rating: PG-13 to be safe
Notes: Ongoing, continuing in comments because muns failed to remember log xP
Summary: Allelujah and Neil find out about what the Haros did to Snape just before said cranky guy left, then they talk.

Allelujah headed back to the hut after work, as once Hallelujah'd returned control to him, he'd gone and finished the day, what little was left of it. He wasn't entirely sure what had happened, as once again his alter had decided to block. Hands in pockets, he wasn't paying much attention as he walked.

Neil was sitting on the couch, reading a book. He looked up as Allelujah came back. "Hello, Allelujah."

Allelujah blinked when he looked up, then promptly burst out laughing. Somehow he'd missed seeing Lockon's change of hair color, and Hallelujah hadn't shown him.

Neil rolled his eyes, knowing why he was laughing. "Yeah, yeah. I know."

Allelujah managed to contain his laughter, though a few more chuckles escaped as he grinned at his friend. He walked over and very nearly flopped down on the couch. "Who got you?"

"I think Pluto said Samus," Neil remarked. "She got me for St. Patrick's Day."

Allelujah smirked and poked him. "Did you have fun?"

Neil nodded, grinning. "I did. It is my national holiday after all."

Allelujah smiled. "Good. Go drinking?" He asked, seemingly innocent even as his grey eye showed he was teasing.

"Of course I did."

Allelujah chuckled. "How could you have avoided it, right?"

Neil chuckled. "Yeah. So how have you been?"

Allelujah smiled faintly. "Alright, I guess..I'm really beginning to think the island wants Hallelujah to be in more control than he ever had back home..It's taking time to get used to."

Neil chuckled slightly. "That's got to be interesting."

Allelujah feigned an irritated scowl at Neil. "He blocks everything now. I have no idea what the hell he does, and there's nothing I can do to stop him. I don't think that's a good thing." He was more resigned to it than irritated.

"He was at the bar on St. Patrick's Day," Neil remarked. "Just doing his general sort of thing."

Allelujah sighed and leaned his head on a hand, proping it up on the couch's arm next to him. "Didn't hurt anyone, did he?"

"As far as I know, he didn't, aside from the usual banter with me."

Allelujah smiled faintly. "That's good. He made us skip work, that much I know. When I finally was able to take over again, it was after lunch."

"Think Hallelujah will eventually get his own body like Jamie and Eagle?"

"It's starting to feel like it..That will take even more getting used to.." Allelujah didn't want to admit he already 'saw' Hallelujah in his mind while they talked. If the alter did get his own body, what would that do to Allelujah's sanity?

"I think that will take some getting used for everyone if Hallelujah is on the loose 24-7," Neil said putting his hand on Allelujah's shoulder.

It was at this point that Neil's orange Haro returned home, followed by Sumeragi's blue Haro. The two haros came into the hut.

Allelujah smiled faintly, appreciating the gesture even if Neil didn't completely understand. "Yeah.." He glanced over, seeing the two Haros come inside. "Hello Haro..s.."

Neil did understand enough to know that it would be difficult on Allelujah physically and mentally if he were to be physically separated from Hallelujah, but he smiled. Following Allelujah's gaze, he chuckled at the Haros. "Hello!"

The Haros flapped in greeting, then one of them said, presumably to the other Haro, "I liked the part where he stopped moving! Stopped moving!"

Allelujah had the feeling he'd cling to Hallelujah, at least for a while, if only for the familiar and unconscious presence the other'd had in his head since he was young. When the Haro spoke, he blinked. "..Who stopped moving..? And what did you do?'

Blue Haro flapped and left very quickly. The orange Haro also flapped, but didn't answer.

Neil narrowed his eyes at the Haro. "What did you do?"

The Haro flapped again.

Allelujah frowned at Haro. "Haro. At least tell us who you two were talking about."

"Snape! Snape!"

Neil dropped his head into his hand. "Haro..."

Allelujah sighed and hung his head resignedly. "What'd you do to the poor idiot?" Now he was starting to sound like Hallelujah. Flee!

"Bother! Bother!" Haro said, happily flapping.

Neil blinked. "Bother?"

The blink was mirrored with Allelujah. "..Just how did you 'bother' him?"

Haro started bouncing and flapping, repeatedly saying. "Bother! Bother!"

Neil couldn't help it; he just doubled over laughing. He knew he shouldn't...but it was amusing.

Allelujah snickered despite himself. Part of him felt sorry for the older man, but the other part knew that had been deserved.

Neil stopped laughing and looked his Haro which was watching them again. "Don't do that again."

Haro flapped. "Okay! Okay!"

Allelujah's snickers ceased when Neil spoke seriously. He nodded in agreement with the instruction, and in approval at the agreement Haro gave.

Neil smiled. "Good, we got that settled. Go check on Tieria, see if she needs more food," he told the Haro.

Haro flapped and headed off.

Allelujah smiled faintly, watching Haro leave before shaking his head slightly. "Wonder what got into them...I hope Snape's alright.."

Neil nodded. "Me too. It might have been because of the way Snape reacted toward Pluto and myself. They do read the network."

Allelujah nodded. "Maybe..I'd been hoping to avoid that trouble by switching with him though."

Neil sighed. "Or maybe they are starting to think too much for themselves. If stuff like this continues, I'll see if Feldt can take a look at his programming."

Allelujah grimaced and rubbed his forehead. "Great, robots thinking too much for themselves..And causing havoc."

"Just what we need, right?"

"Yeah right." Allelujah smirked slightly. "Just have to wonder what else will happen or come appear."

Neil nodded. "Yeah, I wonder that too."

"How's it going with making more of them?"

Neil chuckled. "We haven't started yet. I need to get a hold of Feldt so we can start working on that."

Allelujah smiled faintly. "How is she? I've not actually talked with her yet.."

"She seems to be well, but I told her about me and Pluto and I doubt that's helped any."

Allelujah sighed quietly. "That's too bad..I hope she'll be alright.."

Neil nodded. "I hope so too. It is my hope that I can arrange for the two of them to meet when there are others around and I'm not."

Allelujah nodded. "I think that would be best."

Neil smiled slightly. "I know I shouldn't be around for that. It'll make their meeting more awkward."

Allelujah put a hand on Neil's shoulder in a comforting gesture.

Neil smiled. "Thanks."

Allelujah smiled back. "It'll work out, I'm sure."

Neil nodded. "I know it will. I just want to make sure that when Pluto and Feldt first meet, they actually talk."

"It would be best if they actually talked," Allelujah agreed.

lockon neil, allelujah

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