RP Log - He's Awake!

Dec 06, 2008 15:26

Who: Nagi, Lockon, MOMO, Schuldig (sorta)
When: While Nagi and Lockon are both in the first aid station
Where: first aid station
Rating: PG
Warnings: lecturing ahead
Summary: Nagi wakes up to find another arrival and a robot around, until MOMO comes in and makes things worse.

Nagi stirred in his bed, feeling twinges of pain throughout his head. He didn't know quite where he was, yet, and cautiously opened one of his dark blue eyes. The other opened as well when he was satisfied that there wasn't enough light to make his headache worse, and he looked around just enough to see that he was in the first aid station.

Lockon was sitting up slightly in bed. He was feeling a bit better now. Haro was sitting beside him, "sleeping" for the moment. Lockon really should have been sleeping himself at this hour, but he was too distracted with thoughts.

Nagi pushed himself up in bed so he was sitting up, his stomach growling slightly as he tried to put together the pieces of how he ended up in the first aid station. The last thing he remembered was training to try to keep his powers under control...maybe he overdid it a bit.

Lockon looked over, spotting the only other occupant of the first aid station sitting up. "You're awake now," he said with a slight smile. "Feeling better?"

Nagi turned, looking at the man who had spoken. He didn't recognize the voice at all, and took a good long look at the man in the other bed. He nodded slightly in response, not feeling like saying much for the moment.

Lockon nodded. "You were unconscious when they brought you in," Lockon remarked.

"I figured that out." Nagi replied in his typically flat voice. "I don't remember being taken here."

Wow... that reminded him of Setsuna. Lockon shook that off. "I'm sorry. I haven't introduced myself. I'm Lockon Stratos."

"Nagi Naoe."

"Nice to meet you. So how long have you been here?"

"At least three years between here and a desert." Nagi shrugged, "It's better than my world at this point."

"Oh? How so if you don't mind me asking?"

"I don't want an organization of psychics after me because I'm more powerful than they are." Nagi smirked slightly, making him look slightly evil. "I don't think allowing their leaders to be killed helped matters any."

Lockon blinked. There was mildly disconcerting. He wasn't quite sure what to make of that especially the psychic part, but he decided to not dwell on it too much. "Yeah...that would make life rather difficult."

"Safer here." Nagi looked at the other side, seeing the small table with the painkillers and water already there for him. He sighed, then drank the water and left the pills there.

"It does seem that way," Lockon remarked. "I've only been outside the first aid station for a bit, but I do get that sense."

"What kind of world you from?"

"There's violence and war," Lockon remarked. "My teammates and myself use our Gundams to try and end violence on Earth."

"Another with Gundams..." Nagi filed that away in his little information broker head, although he doubted that many would be interested in it.

Lockon nodded. "It does seem like there are quite a lot of them."

"There are."

"How many people are here?" Lockon asked. "Are there a lot?"

"I think several people left shortly before I ended up in here, so I can't say exactly how many there are."


Nagi shrugged, "Easy way to guess is see how many huts there are. Four to a hut."

"Ah. That is an easy way of figuring it out."

"It is." Nagi put his hand up to his head, thinking that laying back down might be a good idea.

"If your head is bothering you, just tell me and I won't bother you." He didn't want to keep him up especially since he was only recently brought in.

"It will bother me for several days." Nagi sighed, laying back down. He had a feeling that starting tomorrow, he was going to be lectured nearly to death about both his training and his obvious lack of taking care of himself.

Lockon nodded. "Do you want me to see if I can get you something?" he asked. He had been here a few days and wasn't hurting as much so he was more able to move.

"That depends on what you can get."

"What would you like?"

Nagi shrugged slightly, "I should eat before I get another lecture..."

"Hmm...I'm not sure I could do that without the doctors getting mad at me, but I could let them know that you are hungry so they can get food for you."

"Chances are, whoever's around will lecture me about that when they bring food." Nagi resisted the urge to snort, and he knew that the lecture would be worse if it was MOMO around.

"Ah. Well, I can't say anything. I just met you." Lockon glanced back at Haro, who seemed to be "waking up".

Nagi seemed somewhat better about that response, "Other than that, just some more water...I don't know how long I was out."

Lockon nodded. He slowly stood up and went to get some more water for Nagi. He came over and set it down along with a few saltines that had been over in that area as well, probably for people to eat before taking medicine. "This is the best I could do for the moment."

Nagi nodded, sitting up so he could have the crackers and water. Anything was going to help him at the moment. "Thanks."

Lockon nodded. "No problem."

Haro flapped, now awake. "Lockon! Lockon!"

Lockon turned to the robot. "Hush...he has a headache."

Nagi winced a little at the robotic voice, turning to see just what made that sound. He saw the basketball-shaped...thing...there. "What?"

"That's a Haro. It's robot from my world," Lockon remarked. "He helps repair my Gundam."

Haro flapped in greeting, staying quiet this time.

"Oh..." Nagi was familiar with the idea of robots, although they weren't exactly in use in his world. They were just a research interest.

Lockon nodded. "They are quite handy."

"That would be handy for you."

Lockon chuckled. "Yeah. They aren't so handy for other people, but they make good companions."

"Wouldn't work for me." Nagi shrugged, "It would wind up electrocuted on accident..."

Lockon chuckled, heading back over to his bed. "They are fairly durable. This one has gone in space and in the ocean and survived. I don't know if it would survive electrocution, but I'm not going to check."

"You might want to keep it away from me, then." Nagi replied, concentrating on his glass of water. "I seem to electrocute everything around me at times..."

"Ah. Then I'm sure you understand if I don't bring Haro over to meet you," he said sitting back down on his bed.

"It's safer that way." Nagi drank the rest of the water quickly, trying to get his mind off things. "Watch out for the glass in the training grounds."

"Ah...okay, I'll do that."

"That would be my fault..."

"Ah. I guess that makes sense." At least in connection with electrocuting things it did.

Nagi nodded, although by his tone and downcast expression, it was clear that he wasn't proud of what he could do. It was part of the reason for his current state.

Lockon was silent. He could tell the teen was upset, but he wasn't quite sure what to say to him. Psychic powers were beyond his realm of expertise. "Is there...anything you want to talk about?"

Nagi shook his head, he wasn't the type to just open up to someone without good reason. And he really didn't know all that much about Lockon...if it was Duo or Heero asking, that would have been another matter. Even Quatre would have gotten his thoughts out of him eventually.

Lockon nodded. "Alright. Well, if you are still here when I'm able to leave, I can get someone for you if you want to talk to someone."

"They'll find me." Nagi shook his head again, "It won't take long for word to get to those I'd talk to, if they haven't heard already."

"Ah. Okay."

"If a German with bright orange hair shows up here, can you try to keep him away from me?"

Lockon nodded. "Well, I won't know if he is German, but if I see someone with bright orange hair, I'll try to keep him away."

"Thanks." Nagi nodded, knowing he didn't want to deal with Schuldig. "He'll be a pain in the ass."

Lockon chuckled. "I'll do my best."

"You can't miss him. I think he's the only one with orange hair."

Lockon nodded. "Alright then."

"I can answer questions that you might have...I won't be able to rest for a short while."

"I'm correct in assuming that we can't leave this place?"

Nagi nodded. "People can leave at the whim of whoever controls this place. There is a...being...here who can leave here at...her...own will, but that would not be advisable."

"Hmm..." Lockon thought about that. Obviously one of the people here who wasn't very good. "I see."

"The Guardian of Time can send people away, but that is also too risky to try."

"Guardian of Time?"

Nagi nodded, "She's not human, and technically dead. But she can send someone to another dimension...if you don't mind going to an underworld."

Lockon blinked. "Nah...I think I'll just stay right here."

"She runs the clothing store, so you'll meet her eventually."

Lockon chuckled at the image of the Guardian of Time running a clothing store.

Nagi shrugged, he didn't quite see the humor that Lockon obviously found.

Lockon shrugged. "It's probably because I don't know her."

"She is someone who cannot answer a question with a straight answer."

"Ah." That was a little strange, but he figured there was a reason for that.

Nagi shrugged a little, wishing he had a little more than just crackers right now. He idly wondered if he could make it to the cafe on his own... "I'm the closest to an information broker around here."

"Hmm...interesting." Honestly Lockon wasn't quite sure what information would broker at least from what he had seen. "Every place has them I guess."

"Yeah. I've been stuck here the longest of everyone, I think..."

"Three years, right?"

Nagi nodded. "Duo came shortly after I did. Bombay has been around longer than me, but he doesn't remember anything."

"Why's that?" Lockon asked.

"I don't know. All I know is that he doesn't remember anything." He looked a little down at that, considering that the assassin in question had tried to start a fight in the arcade not too long before he ended up unconscious.

Lockon nodded. "I take it he was a friend of yours before he lost his memory." He guessed this because of his reaction.

"We were friends, for the most part..."

"That must be hard...that he doesn't remember."

Nagi nodded slowly, but he had his doubts about it being a bad thing that Omi didn't remember anything about what had happened. There was a lot of crap that he was better off not remembering, after all.

MOMO entered the first aid hut then.

Lockon looked over as the door to the first aid station opened and closed. He spotted MOMO. "Hello, MOMO," he said to the young woman. Haro flapped in greeting.

Nagi did not like the sound of that. He remembered the last time he had to deal with MOMO in the first aid station, and he did not want to risk being lectured from her. For some reason, the phrase "Shit out of luck" came to mind.

"Hello, Lockon... Haro," she said in greeting to the two.  She spotted Nagi then.  "I see you're awake again."  She studied him carefully, her golden eyes taking in more than his appearance.

Lockon watched MOMO. Haro flapped again.

Nagi shrank down under MOMO's gaze, knowing she could see more than Lockon could. "Yeah..."

Her eyes shifted slightly to the small pill bottle on the table next to the teenaged assassin, then back to him.  She eyed him carefully.  "How are you feeling?" she asked him.

"Head hurts and I'm hungry. What else did you expect?"

"I can get you food, but Dr Itsuki did leave medication to help with your pain."

Nagi sighed, not really interested in the pain medication.

Lockon just listened, figuring it better not to intervene since he didn't know the situation and it wasn't his place to step in.

"You should take it," MOMO said.  "I'll be back with food."  She turned and headed out.

Nagi waited until MOMO was out of earshot before he started muttering, "I don't like medicine..."

Lockon nodded, hearing what Nagi said. He understood how people could feel that way.

MOMO returned not long after with a tray of food.  She brought it over to Nagi's bedside.  "You have to eat," she admonished him.

Nagi sighed, he didn't want to have to listen to that yet again. He took a look at the food to see if he really wanted to eat it or not.

She'd brought back some soup with noodles in it, looked like a light chicken broth with some vegetables, some bread, and juice.

Nagi picked up the juice first, sipping it as he considered the soup. When his stomach felt ready a few minutes later, he started on the soup.

MOMO frowned.  "You should at least try the medicine Dr Itsuki gave you."

"I might..."

"It'll help," MOMO said.  "You'll be able to function sooner than if you don't."

Nagi shook his head, he had a different opinion of function than MOMO did. He knew full well that no medicine was going to bring his powers back sooner than just resting would.

She put her hands on her hips in a huff.  "Nagi... it's either that or be stuck in here longer."

"I'm stuck here until I get my powers back." Nagi replied, ignoring the Gundam pilot in the room. "No medicine is going to bring them back any sooner."

"I think you could probably leave sooner~... if you felt better sooner~... regardless of powers~..." MOMO said in a somewhat singsongy voice.

The singsongy voice had a habit of making migraines worse. Nagi winced in response, wishing MOMO would just shut up already.

"Hmph."  She nodded.  "My point exactly."  She turned and picked up Haro.

Haro flapped happily. Hello. Hello. he said to MOMO over their connection.

MOMO giggled.  Hi, Haro! she said happily.

Lockon chuckled slightly, knowing this time that they were talking over a computer connection.

Nagi ignored MOMO to concentrate on his soup. As long as he wasn't being lectured, all was good with the world.

MOMO smiled as she held the little orange robot.

Haro flapped again, happy to have someone to talk to since he couldn't talk out loud since Nagi had a headache.

How are you, Haro? MOMO asked.

Haro is well. Haro is well. How is MOMO?

I'm good, Haro, MOMO answered.  She glanced at Lockon.  "How are you doing?" she asked.

"I'm doing better," he said. "Still a bit sore, but a lot better everything considered."

"That's good to hear!" she said brightly.  "You should probably be ready to find out what hut you're in soon!"

Lockon nodded. "That's good, though Haro will probably miss getting to talk to you whenever you come in," he added.

"Haro can come visit me whenever he wants," MOMO said with a giggle.

Lockon chuckled. "Okay."

Nagi was about half-done with his soup, and he sat back now that his stomach wasn't hurting as much as it did when he woke up. He wasn't quite sure about eating the rest of the soup, but munched quietly on the bread.

MOMO smiled at Lockon happily.  She then glanced at Nagi.  "Done?"

Nagi shrugged, "Not sure about the rest of the soup, but I will finish the bread."

"I can put the soup in the fridge in here and it can be heated up later," MOMO suggested.

"That's fine." Nagi replied, the flat voice coming back with that.

She nodded and took the container of soup, covering it back up, and placed it in the fridge.  "I still think you should try the pain medication."

"I'll consider it."

MOMO frowned at him.

Lockon blinked. Haro flapped.

Nagi narrowed his eyes at MOMO. "You know you won't get the answer you really want."

"Nagi... you're underweight, you're working yourself too hard, and you're not taking care of yourself," she rattled off.  "What do you expect people to do?"

"I don't really care what happens to me." Nagi admitted, looking down. "And I don't know why anyone should really care what I do or why."

"Because people care about their friends," MOMO said, moving next to him.  She smiled a bit.  "There are people in existence that actually don't like to see others suffer or harm themselves."

"You have heard what my job is?"

"And that doesn't matter here," MOMO said.  "You've still made friends."

Nagi sighed, "Just a few...you could count them on one hand, and one doesn't remember anything. Frankly, he wouldn't care about what happened to me right now."

"But, if he was friends with you before, he can be friends with you again."

At that exact moment, in came Schuldig. He walked over and set a tray containing ramen soup down on Nagi's table. "You need to eat," he said simply and walked back out.

Nagi looked up, blinking at the flash of orange hair that he saw. "What the...?"

Lockon blinked as well. Wasn't that the person he had been told to watch out for?

Nagi looked over at the table, sighing when he saw the bowl of ramen. "Was that Schuldig?"

MOMO nodded.  "Does he realize there's already food here?"  Would Nagi have preferred ramen?

"He probably did it because Crawford told him to..."

MOMO shrugged.  "He's right, though."

Nagi sighed, of all the people on the island it had to be Schuldig. "Doesn't change anything."

"What doesn't change what?"

"Schuldig coming in like that."

MOMO sighed.  "Either way, he's right.  You should take care of yourself.  There are people here who care about you."

Nagi shrugged, still having his doubts about that. The only people he thought would really care outside of Schwarz would be Duo and Heero.

She gave him a somewhat sad look and then straightened up.  She smiled at Lockon and Haro and moved away from them.  "I have things I need to finish up, but I'll be around if you guys need anything."

Lockon nodded.

Nagi nodded, if only to let MOMO know that he heard her.

The Realian nodded and quietly slipped through the curtain, disappearing once again.

lockon neil, nagi, schuldig, momo

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