TD Log - Food and Drink

Dec 05, 2008 17:43

Who: Quatre, Wufei
When: Today
Where: Wufei’s hut
Rating: PG
Warnings: Quatre
Summary: Quatre feeds Wufei and plots.

Quatre bounded from his hut, all bundled up in a wool coat, scarf and gloves. He had a hat, obviously taken from Trowa, on and was carrying a few containers. The blonde came to a stop in front of a hut and knocked on the door.

Looking up from his book, Wufei padded over from the couch to answer the door.

"Hi Wufei!" Quatre said cheerfully.

"Hello Quatre," he said, stepping aside. "Come in."

He walked in, shaking the snow off of his head.

Wufei chuckled, staying out of the way of the flying snow.

"I brought you stuff."

He looked at the containers curiously. "What?"

He held out the containers to Wufei, smiling cheerfully.

He took them, taking them over to the coffee table to open.

Inside the various containers where all sorts of sweets, brownies, cookies, candies... There was also a few containers with various types of food, pasta, Chinese food...

Wufei looked back at him. "Thank you, but you didn't have to do this for me."

"I wanted to."

He smiled, taking out a brownie before closing most of the other containers. "Take a seat. I'll make us some tea."

"Alright." He then sat down, after removing his coat, scarf, gloves and hat.

Grabbing the kettle, he filled it with water before sticking it on the burner.

Quatre watched Wufei, eyes dancing.

Feeling eyes on his back, he glanced over his shoulder at him.

"I'm glad you're happy."

"It's not so bad here."

"It's not."

Leaving the water to boil, he came back in to take a seat on the couch.

The blonde stretched

"I'm surprised to see you out in the snow."


"You don't like the cold."

"This is my third year with snow. I've grown used to it. I still hate the cold, but love the snow."

Wufei shook his head, smiling. "It's pretty, I'll admit, but I doubt I'll ever become too fond of being out in it."

"Oh why not? You can ambush Duo with snowballs."

"L5 might not have been as warm as L4, but it wasn't very cold either, though what you suggest is tempting."

"I've ambushed Duo with snowballs. We need to get Heero and Trowa in on it too!"

He laughed. "Four on one, Quatre?"

"No. We can get Mariemeia or even Noin and play evenly!"

"That's still an odd number."

"There's also Relena, Hilde, Zechs, Mr. Khushrenada and my father!"

"Are you getting our entire world's share of the population involved?" he asked, standing up as the kettle started to whistle.

"I can."

"Sounds interesting."

"Do not doubt my powers."

"I don't." Pulling out a pair of cups and the tea, he started them to seep.

Quatre got up and wandered over to the table. He opened a container containing brownies.

Wufei set two smalls plate on the table, bringing over the cups before sitting down.

He sat down at the table, munching on a brownie.

Taking a brownie, he took a bite with a smile.

"Like them?"

"They're excellent."

Quatre beamed.

"Though if you keep having them around me too often, I'll have to double my training to keep up," Wufei said with a chuckle.

"That's how I get Duo, Heero and Trowa to work out."

The black-haired man laughed.

Quatre smiled.

Removing the bag from his tea and setting it on the plate, he stirred in a bit of honey. "As a child, I was once teased for my chocolate addiction." He shook his head, eyes distant. "It took forever to get her to stop."

"Your wife?"

Wufei blinked, startled as he looked back at him. "How did you know about..?"

"Wufei... Remember that one time we got drunk before I disappeared."

He flushed lightly. "Unfortunately, I do."

"You told me about her then."

He was quiet for a moment. "Do the others know?"

He shook his head. "I haven't told them. Not even Trowa."

"Thank you," Wufei said, looking down. "I'd rather it stayed that way."

"And it will. I promise."

He nodded, taking a sip of his tea.

Quatre smiled at him.

"How much did I tell you?" he asked. "I remember getting drunk, but not much else of that evening."


Wufei sighed heavily.

"You're an emotional drunk."

He scowled at himself, a light blush on his face. "I'll remember that."

Quatre reached out, patting Wufei's shoulder.

He didn't push him away, allowing the touch. "I never planned on telling anyone about her."

"The strangest things happen when you get drunk. I never intend to tell Trowa I got drunk."

"First time?" he asked with a light chuckle.

The blonde looked at Wufei. "No. But, he thinks I don't drink."

"I won't tell him otherwise," Wufei promised.

"Thank you."

Taking a brownie, he nibbled on it.

Smiling, he finished his tea.

"I should probably be sure to abstain unless I want all of my secrets known."

He looked at Wufei, just smiling innocently.

Wufei eyed him over his cup. "Do I even want to know?"

"Do you?"

"Probably not, but it's likely that I should ask."

Quatre laughed and then opened the container of Chinese food.

"You're determined to feed me, aren't you?"


Wufei snorted.

"You're a stick."

"I am not!"

"Are too!"

"Shū dāizi." Quatre said.*

He colored slightly. "Quatre!"


"I don't need you using her names for me."

He beamed at Wufei. "That should caution you from getting drunk."

Wufei narrowed his eyes. "Especially around you, it seems."

"Or Duo."

"At least Duo wouldn't know what I was saying if I slipped back into Chinese."

"See, I'd translate."

"You're more devious than you look."

"Of course." The blonde said as he put some of the Chinese food onto a plate.

"Does Trowa know what he got himself into?" he asked, smiling as he leaned against his hand.

"Do you think he would have married me if he didn't?"

"I couldn't say."

He rolled his eyes before saying something quietly over the food in front of him. He then began to eat the Chinese food in front of him. "Oh, I know you like pork, but don't expect me to ever cook you any."

"I don't expect you to," he said, nodding.

Quatre nodded.

Wufei took a plate, pulling a pair of chopsticks from a drawer.

Translations from Chinese

wufei, quatre

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