TD Log - Bad Nagi, no training

Nov 22, 2008 15:05

Who: Skilgannon, Tsuzuki, Nagi, and Jin
When: Yesterday
Where: Training grounds and First Aid Station
Rating: G
Summary: Tsuzuki and Skilgannon take an unconscious Nagi to the first aid station.

Skilgannon jogged along the path to the training grounds, as per his usual routine. He hesitated at the edge of the grounds, cold blue eyes surveying the ground.

Tsuzuki flew over the island, exploring it from a safe height just over the trees. Spotting someone down on the ground, he stopped, watching him curiously.

The Damned swiftly noticed a form sprawled against one of the many boulders. Pale eyes widened in some concern as he swiftly walked to discern whether the young man was only unconscious, or worse.

Seeing the other person as well, Tsuzuki let himself drop, landing neatly on a boulder. "Is he alright?"

Skilgannon controlled the flinch when he heard an unsuspected sound. He glanced up and nodded slightly. "He appears to just be unconscious. Though I am hardly a healer."

He stepped forward, placing his fingers against Nagi's neck to check his pulse. "He's alive anyway."

A corner of Skilgannon's mouth twitched upwards in mild amusement. "Yes. Perhaps we should take him to the healers on this island."

Tsuzuki nodded, gathering the teen into his arms with practiced ease. "He doesn't weigh much more than Hisoka."

Skilgannon stood up as he commented. "He does not appear to take very good care of himself."

He frowned, looking down at him. "No wonder. Where are the healers stationed?"

"This way." Thoughts of continuing his routine had flown to the back of the warrior's mind when he'd seen Nagi. Skilgannon turned and lead the way to the First Aid station.

Following him, he stumbled briefly over the uneven ground before simply lifting his feet and flying. He didn't want to drop the kid.

Skilgannon glanced over his shoulder when he stopped hearing footsteps behind him, and blinked in surprise at the flying man. "I can carry him if that would be easier for you. I know this path quite well."

"No, this is easy enough," Tsuzuki said. "It's not the first time I've carried people this way."

The Damned shrugged slightly and returned his gaze to the path in front of him. He kept walking and soon they'd reached the edge of the village.

"Do you have any idea what happened to him?"

"No, he was already on the ground in that position when I arrived."

"He doesn't look injured..." He frowned.

The former priest thought for a moment before offering, "It could just be exhaustion.."

"Stupid," Tsuzuki muttered.

Skilgannon chuckled quietly, agreeing inwardly.

"My partner did the same thing far too often."

"I used to as well. Then I could no longer afford to." Skilgannon shrugged. As they had reached the First Ait station, he opened and held the door open for Tsuzuki and bundle of unconsciousness.

Feet touching down, he carried Nagi in.

Skilgannon followed the shinigami in.

Setting him down on a bed, Tsuzuki looked around.

The Damned walked over to a door, thinking it might lead to an office or something, hoping to find one of the healers there.

"Is there anyone here?"

Jin walked out of the backroom, drying his hands. "Hello, can I help you?"

Skilgannon stepped away from the door as it opened and nodded slightly, gesturing behind him. "We found him unconscious at the training area."

The former soldier sighed and shook his head. "Lie him down on the bed."

"Already done," Tsuzuki said, moving out of the way so that the man could see.

"Good, good." Jin walked over and pressed one hand to Nagi's forehead.

The shinigami took a step back from him. He was a bit uncomfortable around doctors, for good reason.

Skilgannon followed after the healer, waiting silently for the man to decide what was probably wrong with the young man.

Jin looked at Skilgannon. "Go stand with Asato."

Tsuzuki blinked.

Skilgannon frowned slightly at the unfamiliar name before deciding it was the name of the man who had carried Nagi. He walked over to stand next to Tsuzuki.

Jin sighed. "Nagi exhausted himself, again."

"Does he do it a lot?" Tsuzuki asked, still unsure how the other man knew his name.

"Yes, he does." Jin covered Nagi with a blanket and went to get some painkillers.

Skilgannon shook his head slightly, reminded of how he used to do much the same.

Tsuzuki sighed. "I was right. Exactly like Hisoka."

"Did you find Nagi in the training grounds?"

Skilgannon nodded. "Yes."

"Just clarifying. Thank you."

"What does he do that exhausts him so much?" Tsuzuki asked.

"He's a telekinetic. He uses that with his ability to call lightening." Jin explained.

The shinigami shook his head.

The Damned frowned as he muttered. "That's too much power for one so young.."

"I've seen others who are younger with more power."

Skilgannon sighed quietly. "It is still too much of a burden to bear."

Jin nodded. "It is."

Tsuzuki was quiet as he held back.

"You two can go. Thank you for bringing him in."

Skilgannon nodded slightly before turning to go.

"Take good care of him," Tsuzuki said softly as he stepped towards the door.

"I will. Take care Skilgannon, Asato." Jin called.

Skilgannon controlled a flinch, knowing he had not given his name to either of the men. At least the healer had not spoken his given name. He walked on out the door without a backward glance.

"How did he know my name?" he asked uneasily.

Skilgannon frowned. "Perhaps he is a telepath. I merely wish he had more discretion when rifling through others' thoughts."

"I hope not."

The Damned raised a brow at the other. "Then how do you explain his knowing our names, when we had not given them to him?"

"Gossip?" Tsuzuki suggested lightly. "If he could read minds, why would he use my given name? I rarely use it."

Skilgannon shrugged. "Why use your given name, but not mine? I know little about the gossip of this island, so I cannot give much thought to that."

"I don't know much either. I haven't been here very long."

"I have been here some months. I do not spend much time around others though." Skilgannon commented.

"I don't like spending too much time on my own," Tsuzuki said.

"That is your choice." Skilgannon smiled faintly. He had his reasons for rarely seeking out company.

He put on a big smile. "Reminds me too much of my youth. Not fun times."

Skilgannon did not bother hiding a chuckle in response to the smile, regardless of it being false or not.

The smile became a little more real in response. "So, even though he sort of did it for us, it seems like introductions are in order. Tsuzuki Asato of the Meifu."

Skilgannon nodded politely. "I am Skilgannon."

"Nice to meet you regardless of the circumstances."

Skilgannon smiled wryly. "And you."

"I'll leave you be if you'd like to continue your run," Tsuzuki said with a nod.

The warrior nodded. "Perhaps our paths will cross again. I am not that difficult to find."

Tsuzuki waved, lifting into the air again.

Skilgannon set off at a jog, heading back to the training grounds.

skilgannon, nagi, tsuzuki, npc: jin

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