RP Log: Making Friends

Nov 22, 2008 15:33

Who: Lockon, MOMO
When: a day after Lockon is reunited with Haro
Where: first aid station
Rating: G
Warnings: spoilers
Summary: MOMO checks on the newest patient and they talk.

Lockon opened his eyes, still resting in the bed at the first aid station. He glanced over at Haro who was sitting on the bed near him. Haro flapped in greeting, but didn't say anything, knowing he should be quiet in case there was someone else who was trying to sleep. Lockon smiled and pushed himself a bit.

MOMO had just come in for her shift and poked her head through the curtain to where the beds are. She smiled, seeing the man there was awake. "Hi," she said.

Lockon smiled at the person who had poked their head in. "Hello there, young lady."

Haro flapped. "Haro! Haro!"

MOMO smiled at Haro. "Hello, there." She looked back at Lockon. "I'm MOMO," she said, stepping through the curtains. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling a bit better," he said. "Lockon Stratos. And this is Haro," he said gesturing to the orange robot sitting beside him.

MOMO smiled. "Haro is cute," she said.

"Haro! Cute! Cute!" Haro said flapping.

Lockon chuckled. "It's nice to meet you MOMO. Do you work in the first aid station as well?"

"I do. I use ether to heal people," she explained.

"Ah. That's helpful," Lockon said sitting up a bit more. Haro rolled closer to him. "Probably comes in handy at times."

MOMO nodded. "Especially when a certain gunman from my world gets himself in trouble," the pink-haired girl said with a giggle. "Do you need anything?"

"Maybe some water," he said.

MOMO nodded and disappeared just long enough to come back with the requested water. "So, what do you do?" MOMO asked Haro.

Haro flapped. "Haro help Lockon! Help with Dynames!"

"What's Dynames?" she asked, not addressing the question to either in particular, but to both.

"Dynames is my Gundam," Lockon expained. "Haro helps me pilot when I need to aim and he helps me repair Dynames."

"You're a Gundam pilot, too? Do you know any of the ones here?" she asked suddenly.

"I've met Trowa and Jamie. They helped me find Haro."

Haro flapped. "Was waiting for Lockon! Was waiting for Lockon!"

"But you don't know anyone else here from your world," MOMO devised. She nodded, smiling at Haro.

Lockon shook his head. "As far as I know, none of them are here. And I didn't see my teammates' Gundams in the hangar... I kind of wish they were here."

MOMO nodded. "Yeah, I can imagine."

Lockon smiled. "Not much I can do about it though, but hope they show up."

"Yup." MOMO smiled at him.

Haro flapped. "Feldt! Feldt!"

Lockon chuckled. "You want Feldt to show up?"

"Is Feldt another pilot?"

"She's a crew member on the ship that carries our Gundams in space," Lockon explained. "There's been a few times where Feldt and Haro hang out together."

"I can't see why not," MOMO said with a giggle. "Haro's cute."

Haro flapped. "Haro cute!"

Lockon chuckled. "Indeed. I don't blame you for missing her, buddy."

Haro flapped again.

MOMO smiled.

"I wouldn't mind Feldt being here," he remarked. "She's a nice girl."

Haro flapped again. "Tieria! Tieria!"

Lockon scratched the back of his head a bit in confusion. "You want Tieria here too or are you just spouting off names now?"

MOMO giggled. "Who's Tieria?

"Tieria is one of the other Gundam pilots. He can be a bit...unfeeling at times, but he's not bad."

"Unfeeling..." MOMO nodded. "Sometimes Ziggy seems that way, but I know he's more than he lets on."

Lockon nodded. "I know what you mean."

"So, you've been to the hangar, then?"

Lockon nodded. "Only briefly to find this one since he was calling for me."

"You might have seen Zebulun!" MOMO said cheerfully. It was the only pink mech in the hangar, hovering slightly with a humanoid, but stylized design.

Lockon chuckled. "I probably did. I saw a fair number of them when I walked in."

"That one's mine," she said. Of course, seeing as how she only looked to be thirteen years old, that probably sounded rather odd.

Lockon nodded. He was a little surprised based on her apparent age, but he assumed that she knew how to use it. "You'll have to show me sometime."

"Okay!" MOMO said. "I'll ask Jr to come with me. While I can use it alone, it works better with two people."

Lockon nodded. "Sounds good and maybe I can show you Dynames while we are out there as well."

"Okay. Jr would like that, too," she said happilly.

Chuckling, Lockon nodded. "Alright then. I don't mind showing, at least here I don't."

"Well, there's no one here that shouldn't know anyway, right?" MOMO asked. "Because you're here by yourself."

Lockon nodded. "I guess...it's mainly just paranoia. When I came here, however I came here, the fighting was still going on. I don't know if it has ended or what's happened. So many people would have killed to have information on the Gundams back home."

MOMO nodded. "In a way, that's like the mechs from my world. People are always trying to get information on them."

Lockon nodded. "For a while, there were no mobile suits that could even hope to rival the Gundams."

"For a while?" MOMO asked, catching the phrase. "What happened?"

"They...started catching up," Lockon said. "The more we fought, the more information they gathered. And their mobile suits started improving."

She nodded. "That makes sense," she said. "It's always beneficial to gather information when you can and use it to your favor."

Lockon chuckled and nodded. "We did that too, but there were times when information we were trying to hide got let out into the open by circumstances beyond our control."

"It was my... function... to gather information about enemies and analyze it, presenting possible strategies... Though, I've done a lot in the way of other functions as well. I've gone beyond my original purpose."

"Ah. Everyone gathers information. We gathered about our enemies, and our enemies gathered information about their enemies. It's part of trying to survive."

"That was why my kind were developed," MOMO said. "To help gather information on and fight against the gnosis."

"What are the gnosis?" Lockon asked.

"They're extra-dimensional beings," MOMO said. "They have an ability to exist out of phase with our own plane of existance, yet attack us from that safety. Up until the development of KOS-MOS and the Hilbert effect, we had no way to fight back because we couldn't attack across planes. The Hilbert effect actually pulls the gnosis into our plane so we could fight back."

Lockon nodded. "Sound interesting...and very deadly in that respect."

"Very deadly!" Haro said, flapping. "Very deadly!"

"They are... they can turn living beings into pure salt," MOMO said.

Lockon blinked. "Wow...that's definitely different."

She nodded. "It's frightening."

"I would imagine. Our enemies had the possibility of being hit at least. That's...that's something to face that."

"Very brave! Very brave!" Haro chirped.

MOMO smiled. "I guess. It's just what Jr and I do."

Lockon nodded with a smile. "Well, for us, that's something since we don't have to worry about beings that can't be hit.... Well, we do, but just not in the same way."

MOMO giggled a bit.

Lockon smiled. "So do you like being here? On the island that is."

"It's been a good break from what I had been doing back home."

Lockon nodded. "I would imagine. Probably will be the same for me and Haro."

"You should enjoy it while you're here," MOMO suggested. "It's frustrating not going back home, but bad things are kept to a minimum most of the time. It'll be okay. And who know what you'll have to go back to if and when whoever's in charge sends you home." She smiled. "It'll be a good rest."

Lockon nodded. "I'll take advantage of the time that I'm here. At least here I don't have to worry about fighting."

She nodded. "Good." She looked at Haro again. Can you hear me, Haro? she asked it, using the connection she normally used to access the UMN.

Haro flapped. I can hear. I can hear.

Lockon glanced over at Haro's flapping, not sure if there was a reason for it.

MOMO smiled brightly. Good! she said brightly. It'll be nice to have a real connection again. Do you mind if I talk to you this way? She didn't notice Lockon curiosity at first.

Haro doesn't mind. Haro doesn't mind.

MOMO giggled suddenly.

Lockon blinked and scratched the back of his head. Why was he suddenly getting the idea that they were talking with him hearing it?

MOMO looked at Lockon. "I'm sorry... I wanted to try something," she said. "I can talk to some computers without using any physical or vocal interface. It's one of my functions."

"Ah. So you were talking to Haro. That's fine."

Haro flapped happily.

MOMO nodded. "I've been unable to access the UMN from here. It's the network back home. I've felt a bit cut off without it."

"Ah. That's understandable. I don't mind as long as Haro doesn't."

"Haro doesn't! Haro doesn't!"

MOMO smiled. "I'm glad."

Lockon smiled. "I know Haro will like having someone to talk to." It made sense. In some ways, she reminded him of Feldt so it seemed only natural that Haro would seem to take to her.

"I wonder if he could talk to Zebulun," MOMO pondered out loud.

"Your mech? Maybe. He can connect to Dynames."

"Maybe we should try it sometime."

Lockon nodded. "We should. It would also be interesting since there are so many mechs here if he could connect to them."

MOMO pondered it. "He'd probably have an easier time connecting to the other Gundams first... but you'd have to ask the other pilots to see if they're okay with it."

Lockon nodded. "Especially since once he tapped in, he could collect data that was stored on their mobile suit."

"Exactly... and I know not all of them are all that trusting."

Lockon nodded. "I understand. I wouldn't want some strange robot tapping into Dynames's systems. Especially since Dynames is designed to have Haro take control of it."

"I don't know if any of the other mechs are designed to be controlled like that by an AI system," MOMO said. "Most need a pilot... I think most of the computer connections are diagnostic only."

Lockon nodded. "I'd suspect so. None of the other three Gundams in our group were designed to be controlled by a Haro."

"Only yours?" MOMO glanced at the little robotic ball for a moment. "Why?"

"Because Dynames's skill is being a sniper. There are times when I need to focus everything on aiming so Haro takes over so Dynames isn't a ready target."

"Oh." MOMO nodded. That made a lot of sense. "He's a safety." She smiled at Haro. "You have an important job, huh?"

Haro flapped. "Important job! Important job! Help Lockon! Help Lockon!"

Lockon smiled.

MOMO giggled.

"A very important job," Lockon said.

"Are you doing okay?" she then asked Lockon. She didn't want to tire him out or anything.

"I'm a little tired," Lockon said. "I might get some sleep." He lifted Haro from where he was sitting and moved Haro so he was sitting on Lockon's leg temporarily. "If you want, you can take him so you two can talk."

"Only if Haro doesn't mind," MOMO said.

"Doesn't mind! Doesn't mind!" Haro replied.

MOMO giggled. "Okay!" she said happily. She picked him up, holding him carefully. "I'll be right out there by the desk if you need anything," she told Lockon.

Lockon nodded. "Thanks." With that, he settled back to get some rest.

lockon neil, momo

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