RP Log - Chess? At Least No One Hates Chess

May 11, 2008 19:15

Who: Marie and Duo
Where: Cafe-substitute, game room
When: Friday
Warnings: GW references
Rating: G
Notes: none
Summary: Duo goes over to find Marie and they talk a bit while Marie kicks his butt at chess.

Marie sat at Jon's makeshift cafe, sipping some water as she took a break after her usual soccer after class.

Duo stretched his arms after his own class. He wandered towards the temporary cafe set up, spotting a familiar redhead sitting at one of the tables. He'd been meaning to talk to her. He walked over. "Hey," he said.

Marie looked up to see Duo there, just nodding a little to him at first. "Hey...I hear everything's back to normal for you guys now."

He smiled a bit. "Yeah... for the most part... I mean, bein' around here really ain't normal." He pointed at the other chair. "Mind if I join you?"

"Not really," Marie shook her head, "Go ahead."

Duo sat down, leaning on the table. "So, this ain't bad in the meantime, huh?" he remarked, looking at the little outdoor cafe Jon had set up as a temporary fix to the destroyed cafe issue.

"It works for now." Marie managed a faint smile, although it was fake. "I hope the cafe gets rebuilt soon."

"Yeah... me, too. I might go into brownie withdrawal." He smirked. Not that no one else made brownies, but it was well-known fact by now that Duo had a tendancy to raid Jon's stash when they were there.

Marie nodded, "I think everyone knows about you and Jon's brownies."

He grinned. "What've you been doing?"

"The usual. Classes, football, homework."

"Been hangin' out with anyone?"

Marie nodded slightly, "Tatsuki. She's fun to be around, and she can play football."

"Cool." He smiled. "You been okay lately?"


He raised an eyebrow at her, looking closely.

Marie drank some of her water, avoiding looking at Duo for now.

"Marie." He gave her a serious look. "Don't do that."

"Do what?"

"What you're doing."

Marie shook her head, not really sure of what to say to Duo right now.

Duo sighed. "Fine." He sighed

"I just don't know right now."

"Don't know what?" he asked, looking a bit worried.

Marie shrugged a little, "What to say."

"Oh..." He frowned a bit. "You sure nothing's wrong?" he asked.

Marie nodded.

He nodded. "Alright." He gave her a weak smile. "Just... you didn't seem like yourself, that's all... so I was just worried."

Marie managed another fake smile for Duo, "I'm fine."

He frowned a bit, and then nodded. "Alright," he said. He got up, looking rather rejected. "I'll leave you alone, then." He didn't believe her, but he couldn't force her to talk.

"Don't look so down." Marie commented, "Go have fun with Miss Hilde now that she's back."

"She's not the only person in my life, Marie..." he said.

"I know. But you need that right now after the fight you had when she left."

Duo sighed. "We're okay," he said, giving her a small smile.

Marie nodded, "That's good."

He nodded. "Yeah."

"And you and the pranksters?"

Duo shook his head. "I wasn't really up for pranking recently," he said.

Marie smiled a little, "That's good."

"That's good?" he asked.

"Yeah. It means you won't get hurt."

Duo shrugged. "Nah. I'm not worried about that."

"Others are."

He just waved it off. "It's fine."

Marie shrugged, "Okay."

"Hey... wanna play a game?" Duo asked. "Or... Well, nevermind... you just got back from that, right?"

"What kind of game were you thinking of?"

He shrugged. "I dunno... you pick."

Marie had to think for a few minutes, "Well, not football since I just came from there."

"Whatever you wanna do," he said, giving her a smile.

"What board games do you know?"

"Mm... well..." He thought about it for a moment. "Chess... checkers..." He shrugged. "We didn't have a lotta games at the Church."

"I know how to play chess."

"Okay." He smiled a bit.

Marie smiled a little, "Did you want to play?"


Marie grinned, "That sounds great!"

"Alright... let's go."


He smiled and put his hand out for her.

Marie went and took Duo's hand, "So whose hut are we playing the game at?"

"I dunno... we gotta get the game from the game room, first, though."

"We could just play it there, then."

"That works."

Marie grinned, walking with Duo to the game room.

Duo smiled at her and opened the door for her.

Marie walked in, heading right for the board games to find the chessboard and pieces.

Duo pulled a couple of chairs over to a table.

Marie brought the game over, and set up the board.

Duo sat down, watching her set up.

Marie sat down once everything was set up. "Do you want white or black?"

"Do you hafta really ask?" Duo smirked.

Marie laughed, "Yeah."


Marie nodded, moving the board so Duo had the black pieces in front of him. "Then I'm white and go first."


Marie didn't take long to think about her first move, moving one of the pawns out.

Duo did the same, moving a pawn.

Marie smiled as she moved another of her pawns, "This was another way to pass the time in the hospital. Miss Une brought a small magnetic chessboard with her."

Duo nodded. "Hospital stays are boring," he agreed.

"They are. I don't like being poked and prodded and told to stay in bed."

He moved a piece, shaking his head. "Nope... considering they always poke where it hurts... then ask if it does."

Marie moved a piece in response, nodding. "Yeah. And other dumb questions."

Duo snorted. "Yeah." He moved his piece. "I kinda snuck out, though..." he admitted.

Marie chuckled as she thought, then moved a piece. "I'm not surprised you did something like that."

"Well, I kinda had to," he said as he looked over the board and then made his move. "I was wanted by OZ."

Marie made another move, "What got me the most in the hospital was the 'Do you still hurt?' question."

Duo smiled a bit. "Yeah... It was like... I can't get out of the damn bed without cringing, what do you think?" He shook his head, moving.

"Or I couldn't really sit up without my chest hurting for a while there." Marie commented as she made her move, "Of course I'm still hurting at that point!"

He chuckled a bit. "Yeah." He moved another piece. He sighed slightly.

Marie nodded, moving her piece. "It sucked."

He laughed. "Hey... Une would kill me to know you're talking like that."

Marie laughed, then grinned. "So she doesn't find out."

He laughed again. "That works."

"She doesn't need to know," Marie grinned more.

"Nope... Definitely not. Especially when she's been trying to get you away from that." Duo rubbed the back of his neck and then moved a piece.

Marie nodded, moving another piece. "I know what she wants me to do. I just don't know if it's really the right thing for me."

"No... but that's okay," Duo said as he made another move. "Even so, you don't need to be picking up certain words from my vocabulary." He chuckled a bit nervously.

Marie laughed, "Why not? I've already picked up a lot from hers that are much worse!"

"Something tells me she didn't want you to hear them," Duo said knowingly.

"That doesn't stop me from learning them if I overhear them."

"No... I can't imagine it would," he said with a chuckle.

Marie smiled, "I'm sure you did the same thing in different circumstances."

"It's how I picked up most of my vocabulary," Duo said. "Just... overhearing things."

Marie nodded, "I overhear a lot too. More than Miss Une thinks I do."

He smiled. "It's the easiest way."

"It is."

He nodded at the board. "Your turn."

Marie looked at the board, spending a few minutes in thought before moving a piece.

He smiled a bit, moving again.

Marie nodded, and moved again.

Duo frowned. It was definitely getting to the end of the game now. He looked the board over and made another move.

Marie moved another piece, "Check."

Duo bit his lip and tried moving again to cover for it.

Marie chuckled as she moved another piece, "Check again."

Duo grumbled. If this kept up, she'd have him in check mate in only a few moves. He moved again, now on the defensive.

Marie moved on the offensive again, getting pieces in position for checkmate.

Duo moved again, trying to get some momentum back.

Marie moved again, "Check."

"Gyah..." He scanned the board and then moved again. He was running out of options.

Marie moved again, now there was only one move Duo could make..."Check."

Forced, Duo made it, if only to stay alive.

Marie grinned, then made her final move. "Checkmate."

He stared at the board for a moment, looking to make sure. But, that was it. "Yeah... check mate." He chuckled. "Good job."

Marie smiled, "You played a good game."

"I would hope so," he said, cleaning up the pieces. She had set up the board, so he put it away.

Marie got up, "That was fun."

"It was." He grinned at her.

Marie looked out and saw the sky getting more vivid as it got closer to dinnertime, "I guess I should be heading back to the hut now..."

Duo looked out the window as well as he walked back towards her. "Yeah," he said. He put his hand on her back. "C'mon... I'll walk you back."

Marie nodded, walking back to her hut with Duo.

When they got to the door, he gave her a quick hug. "I'll see you around, okay?" he said.

Marie hugged Duo back, "Yeah!"

He grinned at her. "Enjoy your dinner!" He waved to her as he headed off.

mariemeia, duo

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