RP log - Rest and girl talk.

Apr 26, 2008 23:37

Who: Jon, Samus, Samgo, MOMO, Kirara
When: Backdated, to the night of the full moon
Where: The jungle
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Summary: Jon's headed out to the jungle to spend the full moon out there, Samus goes with him. They run into Sango and Kirara. MOMO gets involved, A puppy sleeps and girls talk

With the beginning of sunset Jon and Samus had left his hun and made the way towards the jungle. Partly Samus went with him because she was worried about him but the other part was she just didn't want to leave him. He'd been alone the last time and she didn't want that to be the case again.

For his part Jon was gratefull for the company even if he feard what his darker nature would do finding Samus there when the moon rose.

Quietly they walked, her hand in his paw as the shadows grew longer and the jungle grew closer.

Sango was walking along the edge of the village as well that night. It was a quiet night, and she knew that it would be bright as it was that time of the month when the moon was full. With her hiraikotsu over her back, she walked with Kirara.

Reaching the edge of the jungle Jon looked down at Samus. "You don't need to go any farther."

The blonde nodded and smiled, "I know but I'd feel bad leaving you out here alone."

"It's just one night.. I'll be back after sunrise.." His ears twitched when the sound of footfalls came close and Jon looked over. Seeing Sango walking along the edge of the village towards them.

Sango paused at seeing the couple. Kirara chirped, in her small form. "Hello," the demon-slayer said to them.

"Good evening." Jon answered and smiled lighly, Samus returning the greeting too.

She bowed slightly. "It's somewhat late to be heading into the jungle," she said.

"Yeah, but Jon's going to be spending the night outside of the village." Samus said and squeezed his paw lightly.

"I have no desire to put everyone at risk after the Moon rises."

"The moon?" Sango looked him over. He certainly didn't seem to have a demonic aura, but something was somewhat... 'off'... she supposed. "Is something wrong?"

"If you hadn't noticed, I'm a werewolf." Jon offered. "The call is strongest with the full moon."

"I wasn't sure if that particular legend held true for you, Jon-san," Sango said. She nodded. "And you have trouble with this?"

"Normally no, but this last full moon I lost controll when the call reached its peak." He said and looked at the falling sun. "I am wild and uncontroled when the darker part of my nature is unrestrained."

Samus listened to them quietly, still staying next to Jon.

Sango looked over her shoulder at the sun as well. "Do you feel this call all the time during the lunar cycle?" she asked. "Or is there something that calms it?"

"This time I've felt it the entire month." He looked down at Samus and smiled lightly. "Some things calm the call but it strengthens again."

"Has anyone tried making you sleep?" Sango suggested.

Samus shook her head. "He's been restless all month.. this last week especially.. I think you've slept.. one night..?" Looking up at Jon.

Jon nodded lightly. "Only the night after I spoke with Miss Pluto."

"The ones here who can use ether," Sango said. "They might help you sleep. I'd suggest talking to MOMO about it."

Samus looked at Jon again. "It's a good idea.. maybe you can sleep through it?"

The wolfman shruged lightly. "It sounds like it would be worth a try."

"I think MOMO-chan works in the first aid station." Sango nodded. "We can look there or her hut."

"We might have to be quick about it, where ever we look." The sun growing closer to setting.

Takeing his paw again Samus pulled Jon back towards the village. "Let's go then."

Sango nodded and walked with them. If it came down to it, she and Kirara might be able to hold him off long enough to get him into the jungle while Samus went to get MOMO.

Jon chuckled softly while Samus pulled him along. If it would keep him undercontroll for the night it would be better than spending it out in the jungle.

Walking back into the village, Samus headed to MOMO's hut first, it was closer then the first aid hut. "Think anyone's home?"

"There's only one way to find out," Sango said with a small smile. She walked up the steps and knocked lightly on the door. "MOMO-chan?"

MOMO opened the door rather quickly. She had sensed people coming up to the door. "Hello!" she said brightly, smiling at them. "Come in!"

"Hi." Samus said, walking in with Jon. "Glad we caught you here, walking out to the first aid hut would have been a pain."

"Oh?" MOMO looked at the three of them, smiling a bit as Kirara chirped at her. "What can I do for you?" she asked, not having immediately picked up any injuries on any of them.

"The full moon is going to rise soon, and I would like to know if you can help me." Jon said. "The call has been strong enough for me to change and loose controll, I don't want that."

MOMO nodded. "I don't really have anything that can shield you from it... but, since it is night, I can probably make you sleep until morning."

He nodded. "Nate has been sheilding me as well as he can, perhaps sleeping would be best."

"Yeah.. since you really haven't rested.."

MOMO nodded. "If you're already shielded, then the sleep will definitely help," she said. "I'll go back to your hut with you."

Samus smiled and walked back outside. Giving Jon a well deserved, in her mind at least, 'Told you so' look as he joined her on the sand. For his part the wolf only smiled and looked at the pink haired girl. "You have my thanks MOMO, if I can ever do anything for you please, let me know."

"It's no trouble, really," MOMO said. "I'm just glad I can be of help."

Sango smiled at them and stepped outside with Samus.

Jon nodded, makeing a mental note anyway to find a way to repay MOMO for her help as they crossed over to his hut.

MOMO went with them, and, once they were inside, she waited for Jon to be ready to go to sleep.

Sango stayed in the living area. She was mildly concerned in case things went too slowly, and wanted to be there to protect MOMO if Jon were to turn.

Fortunately, getting ready for sleep was a quick process for Jon and after only a few minutes he was curled up on his bed. Forgoing the covers since it was a warm might so far he just lay over them, getting comfortable.

Samus waited in the living room with Sango and her friend. She figured the other woman had the same idea she did and didn't feel inclined to mention that her armor was in the spair bed room of the hut. There because Jon's hut was closer to the edge of the village than hers if she'd needed it to help subdue him in the jungle.

MOMO went in to his room. "Alright... this won't take long." She put her right hand into the air, small golden sparkles appearing at her fingertips. She brought her hand down over Jon, and then across, leaving a trail of sparkles, as she said, "Mystical powers, grant me a miracle." Jon was surrounded by a soft glow for only a moment as she cast her sleep ether on him.

Closing his eyes as the ether settled over him Jon couldn't help a soft murring while it went into effect. Drifting into a deep and restfull slumber with the call pushed far into the back of his mind.

MOMO returned to the living room and gave Sango and Samus a bright smile. "He's asleep. It should keep him that way for the night," she said. "If Nate's shield is strong enough, he won't feel the call at all."

Sango nodded. "That's good news," she said.

"That is good news." Samus replied and smiled. "I'm glad you were able to help MOMO.. dunno if I could have made it through another night with him out there running wild."

"Why has the call been so strong for him lately?" Sango asked, her tone concerned.

Samus motioned for them to move to the couch, takeing a seat. "It has something to do with all the power on the island. All the people that have so much of it."

Sango sat down as it was offered. She started petting Kirara when the small demon cat jumped up on her lap. "I see..."

"Isn't having someone with such strong power shield him a little counterproductive then?" MOMO asked, sitting in one of the other seats.

"Yeah.." She nodded in reply to MOMO's question. "Pretty much, but we wern't sure what to do. Jon's worried about loosing controll and aparently he gets stronger every time.. some part of what he is.. There are people here that can't fight a werewolf."

"I know," MOMO said. "There are people here who can't fight the regular wolves from the jungle, either." She sighed. "But, I thought the problems with everyone's powers cleared up a little after Easter. At least, I know chaos isn't feeling so bad anymore."

"That was the powers resonateing off eachother, with Horatu grown into hers there is that much more power already in the air on the island. I guess that's what he's reacting too."

"Hm..." MOMO nodded. "I don't know much about the Guardians, but I do know they all felt it when Saturn fully woke."

Sango glanced at MOMO for a second. The girl's tone had suggested almost that she had felt it, too. Then again, if what she knew about her was true, she might have picked up on the... what was the word? Reading?

"I hate to say it, Jon probably wouldn't like me teling you, but he's been a litle.. bitter I guess, that people seem to think only they are effected by the power on the island." Samus looked down at her hands. "Y'know, that the 'normal' people can't tell what's going on."

"Is anyone here really normal, though?" MOMO asked, a flash of insight that indicated she was more than she looked as well. MOMO knew she wasn't, not by any means. "Does it really matter if anyone is?"

Samus smiled. That was true. "What's normal or abnormal when the same heart beats in our chests?"

MOMO smiled a bit. Well, not exactly the same, but close. While hers was more bio-technology than an actual heart, she was organic enough to be fairly close to human.

Sango smiled slightly as well. "It's more about who you are and what you do rather than what you are," she added. "I've learned that being taijiya... as there are demons who don't harm humans. Therefore, we let them be. It's only the ones that do harm that we're called in to fight against."

"I think Jon's the friendly and not harmfull sort. Not many other creatures have been willing to make dinner,"

Sango laughed a bit. "No... but Inuyasha-kun doesn't make dinner either. He just eats it too fast and steals Shippou-chan's." She sobered slightly. She hadn't thought about home in a while... but it didn't make missing everyone any easier.

Samus nodded softly. She understood that there were plenty of people on the island that left people behind they cared about. Not all of them were like her and Jon who didn't really have anyone back in their own worlds/galaxies that missed them. "Not everyone can be a gormet cook.. they might be like Nate and find creative ways to blow things up.. like carrots."

Sango smiled a bit. "That's true," she said.

MOMO giggled. "We don't let Jr near the kitchens just for that reason!"

Samus grinned. "You know.. maybe Jon should teach cooking classes.."

"That might be fun," MOMO said. "Of course... it might be dangerous, too." She giggled.

"What's the worst that could happen.. someone might blow up the cafe?"

"I think a few of the big eaters around here might get upset if that happened," Sango said with a chuckle.

"Like Jr..." MOMO giggled.

"I know Duo's developed a 6th sence for when Jon has a batch of brownies out of the oven."

"That wouldn't surprise me," MOMO said. "He's got an appetite that rivals Jr's."

"Have you ever seen Nate eat?" Samus shook her head. "He went through ten of the emergency rations I have in my ship. One of those things is supposed to be enough to keep three people going for days."

"Really?" Sango looked somewhat surprised. "I mean, I know Inuyasha-kun likes Kagome-chan's food that she brings with her from her era... which means he'd probably like the food we have here... but... I don't think he's ever really eaten that much."

"Jon thinks he has a black hole in his stomach."

"Would that be one of his powers?" MOMO said with a giggle.

Samus giggled as well. "It could be."

Kirara had fallen asleep on Sango's lap. She looked down at the little cat demon for a moment and then smiled. "I suppose we should be going. If there's any trouble and you need help, I'm sure we can come."

MOMO nodded. "Yes! Absolutely!"

"I'll holler if anything comes up." Samus stood and smiled.

Sango nodded and carefully lifted Kirara into her arms. The little cream colored cat cood softly, but stayed asleep. "Alright," she said. "Take care, then." She smiled.

MOMO stood as well. "I'm glad I could help," she said to Samus.

"Thanks again." Samus saw them all to the door. "I'm sure Jon'll bake something to thank you."

"That'll be fine," MOMO said. "I'll have to keep it away from Jr." She smiled and stepped outside. "Goodnight, Samus!"

Sango chuckled and stepped out with the girl. "Ja ne," she said to Samus.

"Good night." Smiling she waved, watching pilotely as the ladies walked off before closing the door. Going down the hall she went into Jon's room, smiling as she watched him sleep for a little while before joining him.

jon, samus, sango, momo

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