(no subject)

Apr 18, 2008 14:12

 Who:   Nana and Greg
 When:   The day before the Schuldig and Greg log? -guessing-
 Where:   First the beach and then the cafe
 Rating:   PG-13 for "mature" references
 Warnings:   Some Nana spoilers, a reference to "Paid companions", and well... allot of randomness, perkiness, and cuteness.
 Notes:   I think it's all covered in the warnings?
 Summary:  Nana finds her way to the island, meets Greg, and much, much randomness and otherwise occurs as he gives her an introduction to island life. Have I mentioned the insane amount of flirting yet?

Nana was walking home from work, carefully holding the lamp she'd bought that afternoon with her employee's discount. It wasn't very big and was colored in white and red for the most part, with the cutest lampshade that was decorated with a border of strawberries. It would match their special cups that she'd bought with Nana on their first outing at the 1000 yen shop She knew the other girl would tease her about the strawberry print but that was okay, deep down the other Nana liked strawberries too! She was just in denial over the matter. Female rock stars had to be tough after all, what would people think if it came out that Nana Osaki of Blast liked strawberry print? She smiled and giggled at the thought, tucking a strand of light brown hair behind her ear as she turned to go up yet another flight of stairs. There were seven floors in her apartment complex, she lived on the very top floor, and there was no elevator. She didn’t mind though. Just going up and down the stairs was her exercise for the day! Flight five and she was humming now, having memorized Blast’s newest song. Rose was catchy and since she often went to band rehearsals she’d already memorized it. The young woman’s thoughts turned to dinner, wondering what to make since the other Nana couldn’t cook to save her life. “Perhaps hamburgers?” She murmured to herself as she turned a fateful corner, one that would change her life. Somehow, her wedge wasn’t landing on yet another firm wooden step but instead buried itself into sand. “What?!” She stopped abruptly, looking about herself with wide hazel eyes. “I don’t think I’m in Tokyo anymore Toto.” Nana murmured, quoting a beloved American movie that she’d seen over and over while she’d still lived at home with her parents. Wondering what to do, she walked carefully, trying not to scuff her favorite and best pair of shoes to wear to work, picking her way through the sand. Was she even in Japan anymore? How had she gotten there? Were Nana and the others here? Was there anyone here at all?

Greg was walking down the beach, Gygax circling his head. Greg smiled as he walked. Suddenly, there was a girl in front of him who wasn't there before him.

She didn't even notice there was another person on the beach, eyes glued to her feet as she walked. Nana'd spent a good portion of her spending money on the lamp after all. A good deal of the rest of her paycheck went to her part of the rent and the groceries bill. She couldn't afford to ruin her best pair!

“Hi," Greg said looking over at the girl. "Are you new here?"

Her head jerked up and she almost miss-stepped, catching her balance and her lamp at the last second. "New here?" She repeated eyes wide. "I don't even know where here is! One second I was walking up the last flight of stairs to my flat and the next I'm stepping in sand!"

Would it make you feel better if I said I don't know?" Greg asked. "Probably not... I'm Greg by the way." The CSI smiled brightly at her.

"Well.. it's not Tokyo that's for sure." She smiled in return, hazel eyes brightening. "Nana, Nana Komatsu... that's me." Nana introduced herself cheerfully before tilting her head and tugging on a strand of hair absently. "So you don't know where we are... I'm hoping that since you're here there are others here too?"

“Yeah, there are a decent number of people here. No, no one knows where we are," Greg smiled. "I'm Greg Sanders."

"Well.. it's nice to meet you , Greg Sanders... despite the strange circumstances." She paused and frowned slightly, forehead wrinkling between her eyebrows. "Or perhaps it's because of it?"

“Probably because of it. Supposedly people here are from all sort of different worlds."

"Different worlds? You mean like in the Wizard of Oz and all those science fiction and fantasy movies?"

Greg shrugged as Gygax landed on his shoulder. "I'm not sure. You'd have to ask someone else about that," he said stroking the fire lizard.

She stared at the lizard, hazel eyes widening. "Is that... a dragon?" Nana asked, not sure if she believed what her own eyes were telling her.

"Maybe?" Greg replied. "His name is Gygax. I found him here."

"Gygax." She repeated. "It suits him somehow."

"I named him after Gary Gygax, the creator of D&D."

She blinked and frowned slightly, not entirely placing the reference. "D&D? Is... a foreign band?"

"No, it's a RPG."

"RPG. Ah! A video game?"

"No, table top. Books and dice and all that jazz."

"I've never seen that before. Is it fun?"

Greg nodded. "Yeah, it's great."

She smiled, "It seems so. What do you do exactly?" Since she wasn't by any stretch of the imagination the type one would expect to be into that sort of thing she knew nothing about it.

“I'm a CSI, Crime Scene Investigation."

"Crime Scene Investigation?" She blinked, impressed. "I work in a furniture store... retro, antiques and the like." She smoothed her 'uniform' carefully. In reality she'd created it herself so it wasn't very official looking but it was cute and looked good on her so it was all right with her boss. "I bet your job is hard."

"It is, but it's fun though. I don't think I could ever manage retail," Greg replied.

"I like selling things to people. Plus... meeting new people everyday is amazing! It's great trying to match people's personalities to that one special piece of furniture that you know they'll just die to have."

"I don't think I'd die to have any piece of furniture, but I'm glad you like it."

"You look like the type who'd like.... hm...a really good desk at least." She decided after a moment. "Maybe even the type who values that really comfortable chair?" Nana smiled, eyes sparkling.

"I'm more the grabs furniture off the curb type actually."

"Cheap." She teased. "I know how that is., being cheap, I have to wheedle discounts from my boss. That's how all the furniture in my home was bought."

“I just have better things to spend my money on," Greg replied.

"Dice?" She asked innocently.

“Dice, and chemicals and books."

"I see." She smiled. "Just like Nana buys... well I don't know what she buys besides for cigarettes really." She made a face at that. "Like Nobu and his records, guitars, and such then. All I buy are clothes and furniture. When I can, most of my check goes to my part of the rent and groceries."

“As do checks of renters everywhere," Greg replied with a grin.

"That's very true. I wouldn't trade my apartment for the world. It came to me by destiny!" She declared, smiling happily and hazel eyes shining.

“Destiny. That's sounds pretty heavy. What happened?"

"I met my roommate by chance on the train. We were both moving to Tokyo. My name is Nana Komatsu and hers is Nana Osaki. We were separated at the train station only to meet up again at our apartment, led there by two different realtors. So now we're roommates. And the flat itself is 707, which makes it our flat because Nana also means seven you see. Destiny at work definitely."

“Sounds like it," Greg replied. "Those are some pretty significant signs."

"I think so. Nana just says it's life but I refuse to look at it in such a boring way." She smiled sunnily, glad that he agreed with her.

“My grandmother was psychic, so I've always had a leaning towards the occult."

"Psychic? Wow! She must have been amazing!"

“She was," Greg relied grinning. "She always had a talent for special sight."

"I bet she was hard to buy presents for too. Did you ever manage to surprise her with one?"

“She didn't see little things like presents, more the important stuff about her friends and family."

"That's a good thing. The little surprises are what makes life fun!" She smiled. "The important stuff hm? Do you think she knew about you ending up... here?"

“If she did she never warned me," Greg replied with a grin.

"Maybe this was one of those surprises?" She answered, eye glittering playfully.

“Maybe. I do wish I'd have known."

"Me too. These are my only real work shoes." She pouted down at her feet. "I don't know when I'll be able to afford another but... then that probably doesn't matter does it... as I'm here now?"

“You could just go barefoot in the sand if you're worried about wrecking them."

She smiled and held out the small lamp she was still toting around to him. "Hold this for a second?"

Greg nodded and took the lamp, trying to keep it away from Gygax who seemed to want to taste it.

Hopping from one foot to the other she finally managed to get both of her shoes off, holding them carefully in one hand. "Thanks." Nana smiled cheerfully at Greg. "Couldn't have done that without you."

“You're welcome," Greg replied.

"I'll take it back now. Before Gygax decides to try out a strawberry." She quipped.

“Thanks," Greg replied handing it back. "Where are you from?"

"Tokyo, Japan." She answered, taking the lamp back carefully. "Where are you from?"

“Las Vegas, Nevada. Though I'm from a town outside of LA originally.

"America. I had thought as much." She smiled. "So what happens now Greg from Las Vegas?"

“Now we go consult the Bulletin Board of Destiny."

"Sounds like fun." She chirped. "... What is it?"

“It's the place where the island decides where you're going to sleep at night."

"The island decides?" She blinked, having caught the strange phrasing of the sentence. "How can it do that?"

“I have no idea."

"It's a mystery!" She decided with a laugh. "One of those.. unsolved ones, yes?"

“I suppose it is," Greg replied grinning. "You might want to talk to someone who's been here longer than I about it."

"I think I'll just let it keep its mystery. Why spoil all the fun?"

“All right," Greg replied. "See your name?"

She scanned over the list with her eyes and a finger before stopping wide eyed at her name. "Yes. It's right here at hut number four!" She beamed, obviously thrilled to have a hut and roommates.

“I hope it suits you, and that your stuff shows up in a more organized fashion than mine did," Greg said chuckling. "I think the universe just dumped the contents of my flat into mine like it was some giant junk drawer. I can't find anything."

“My stuff? You mean... your things come too?" Nana stared at Greg in horror.

“Yeah, or most people's do. Why?"

“Everything but my clothes are shared jointly with Nana. If my stuff all comes here... then she's not going to have anything right?"

“I don't know. I'm the wrong person to ask about how this whole thing works."

“I hope not. She paid for half of everything after all. Wouldn't be fair to leave her with nothing. Though... I hope my closet made it okay!" She smiled cheerfully at the thought. "And my music player would be nice. Then I could listen to their demo, to make up for not being at rehearsal, you know?"

Greg grinned and nodded. A lesser man may have been lost in the babble, but Greg was a first class babbler himself and could easily keep up. "What sort of music do they play? I haven't heard much Japanese music before. It's not a language I know."

“Punk. I never really listened to any before but Nana's really good." She enthused. "And she tends to use English allot too. So most of it's part Japanese and part English. So you'd understand half of it...." Nana trailed off for a moment. "And I understand the other half, so together we'd understand the entire thing!"

“Or maybe the whole I can understand you even though we don't speak the same language field will cover us and we'll just randomly understand the whole thing for no apparent reason. I mean, I don't speak Japanese, and you don't speak English so logically, we shouldn't understand each other right now, right?"

She frowned and pursed her lips slightly. "I guess that makes sense.... you don't think they put some sort of bug in our ear or fish or something do you? I saw that in a movie once." She shuddered at the memory. "I always thought it was gross."

“I don't know. I haven't been asked where my towel is or given a shiny book that tells me not to panic so I don't think we're quite in hitchhiker land yet. But I also know you can still speak other languages if you try. Like I can speak Norwegian. /See this is Norwegian. You can't understand me now./ But if I go back to English and not trying be weird you can understand me again, even though you don't speak English."

“So my fish/bug creature doesn't know Norwegian." Nana answered with a grin. "You never know, weirder things have happened after all."

“And I can't understand Japanese when Omi starts babbling in it so I have no idea what's going on."

“So it has to be slower too?" She shrugged. "Seems like it's got lots of rules don't you think?"

“No, because I can understand you when you babble, but not him. This is making my head hurt."

“But... if I speak Japanese and Omi speaks Japanese... then..." She shook her head, frowning again, obviously baffled by this latest development. "I agree. This makes no sense at all."

“I can understand him when he speaks English."

“Like I said... this isn't making any sense at all now and it wasn't making very much sense to start with."

“Yeah. I think it's just all wonky and broken."

She nodded, rubbing her forehead. "It sounds that way all right."

Greg just nodded. "I try not to think to hard about it

"That sounds like a good idea. My brain hurts.”

“Yeah," Greg replied. "Want to go grab some lunch of something instead?"

“Food sounds good. I haven't eaten in..." She frowned, realizing she couldn't be sure how long it had been now. "Well... let's just say it's been a while."

“All right," Greg said leading her to the cafe. "I kind of hope Jon's not there. He's nice, but I'm allergic to him."

“Allergic to him?" She looked as puzzled as she felt. "Some sort of cologne or something?"

"He's a bit on the furry side. It's... you'll understand when you meet him."

Furry side? She shrugged it off and smiled. "Albright." She agreed.

Smiling, Greg led her into the cafe, noting that the wolfman was in fact, not there. Good, she didn't need another shock right now. "Have a seat," he said grabbing them menus.

She looked around the tables before selecting one carefully, walking over to it she slid into the chair, fixing her skirt absently in this unconscious way she had.

Greg just kind of plopped down looking a bit like an overgrown puppy in his torn up jeans and his Sex Pistol's t-shirt, and far less like the 32 year old man he was. Absently he ran a hand through the stiff blond spikes of his hair as he leafed through the menu.

“Nana likes that band." She said absently, picking up and searching through the other menu curiously. She was the exact opposite of her companion, sitting up primly, clothes neat and tastefully chosen, her hair was a little worse for wear but that was about it.

“Huh? oh," Greg said looking down at his shirt. "God save the queen." He gave her a cocky grin. He could pull off respectable if he had to, but it always looked kind off on him, like a cat in a dog suit.

She couldn't help but grin back, having had Nana and Nobu explain the references to that sort of thing to her already.

“Yeah, I'm a bit of a punk myself," Greg grinned. "I assumed you guessed that all ready though. What I'm really waiting for is for the weather to warm up a bit so I can go surfing. It's the one thing I really miss living in Vegas."

“I've heard surfing is fun." She agreed. "It sounds like something that you'd miss when you couldn't do."

“Yeah, Vegas is landlocked, but I'm a Californian boy originally. I used to go on the weekends and I miss it. I'm probably horribly out of practice though.”

“I'm sure you'd be able to remember easily enough." She encouraged, eyes bright. "I don't think I'd be very good at that sort of thing but I'd watch."

“Cool," Greg grinned and turned back to his menu trying to decide what to eat.

“Hn..." She stared at the menu intently. "I'm not sure what to try."

“Go with a sandwich. They're safe and simple."

“A hamburger?" She asked hopefully, wanting to compare them to her favorite American style eatery in Tokyo.

“Those work too. I'm guessing you're not a vegetarian then. I hope you don't mind if I order some raw meat for Gygax. He's getting hungry."

“Nope, not a vegetarian." She confirmed. "That's fine. He needs to eat too after all." She smiled.

“I'm sure he agrees with you," Greg said stroking the tiny bronze dragon who landed on his shoulder in response to the promised food.

“It would certainly seem that way." Nana smiled at the small dragon, having slowly grown used to it.

Greg smiled and passed his order along to the waiter when they came around before handing over his menu.

She followed suit, passing along her own menu with a cheerful beam.

“At least the points don't matter," Greg said with a sigh.

"The points?"

“The local currency, sort of. They don't actually matter though so everything is free, but no one knows where it comes from. I'm betting on house elves."

“House elves? Isn't that a little.. cruel?" She frowned. "I hope it's not."

“Well, I've never seen the things that fill up the stores so it's as good a theory as any."

“I suppose." She sighed, fiddling with a piece of hair absently, twirling it on her finger.

“I mean, the ramen doesn't just breed in the pantry. ...Or at least I hope it doesn't..."

She couldn't help but laugh at that, hazel eyes sparkling good naturedly. "Would cup ramen be the male or the female?" She teased.

“I think it's all asexual and reproduces by mitosis."

“You're no fun. I think the cup ramen is one gender and the plain packages the other. It's more amusing that way."

“Well, then the cup ramen would be female since in most religions the cup or chalice is a symbol of feminine power."

"That makes sense." She agreed, still smiling at the idea. "And they have little ramen babies by mixing seasoning packets or something." She quipped.

“So if I put the curry cup ramen in the pantry with the chicken ramen package they'll have little chicken curry ramen babies?"

“That sounds good!" She couldn't stop the giggle that escaped her. "Should try it and see."

“All right," Greg grinned not sure what he'd do it somehow actually worked.

“Chicken curry ramen...I think it has promise all right." She wasn't sure what she'd do if it actually happened either.

“Well, as a scientist I'll have to perform an experiment then," Greg grinned. "It's not like there's anything else for me to do here. No one really needs DNA sequencers run and there are no dead bodies to go over for clues."

“Which would seem like a good thing if you ask me." She chided with a smile. "People not dying is probably for the best after all."

“Yeah, it is, but it means there isn't much work for a CSI, and there's an equal lack of work for a chemist."

“See anywhere to sell furniture at?" She pointed out blandly. "Not really much for me either."

“Yes actually. There's a home goods store. You'll be fine."

"I guess so then." She smiled, feeling much more reassured now.

"See, you'll be fine." Greg smiled reassuringly at her.

“And you're smart so you'll be fine too. Bet you do lots better than I will."

“I hope you're right."

“What? You mean you WANT to do better than me?" She teased. "That's not very nice."

“Th- that's not what I meant I mean..." Greg flailed verbally.

“I know, I know." She giggled. "I just thought I'd give you a hard time about how it sounded."

“Meanie," Greg said with a fake pout.

“I'm sorry." She made a pouty face of her own, batting her hazel eyes at him in an exaggerated way. "Forgive me?"

“Well, I never could resist a pretty girl, so I guess I have to."

She grinned. "So you'll be more successful but it's okay because I'm pretty?"

“Quit it! You know damn well what I meant."

“Sorry." She didn't look the least bit apologetic, eyes dancing mischievously.

“Of course you are," Greg replied in a tone of voice that indicated he didn't believe her in the least.

“…So maybe I'm not sorry." Nana conceded. "You're just so fun to tease!"

“I bet you say that to all the boys."

“Only the ones who're kinda cute and really fun to tease." She promised.

“Oh,” Greg replied blushing slightly in response to the compliment.

She fell silent then as they're food had arrived and after that last little comment she felt it was best to just shut up and eat.

Smiling shyly at her, Greg ate his own meal trying his best to be neat about it.

Somehow she managed to eat heartily and keep clean/be neat at the same time. Nana smiled, enjoying her burger deciding that it was just as good as the ones from her favorite place back home.

“They have good food here," Greg said smiling. "Even if I am allergic to one of the chefs."

“It's delicious!" She agreed, munching on a few french fries.

“It is," Greg said feeding Gygax carefully making sure the little lizard didn't choke."

“Seems he likes his food too." She decided, watching him absently as she munched on a few more fries.

“He does. Would you like to feed him?"

“Could I?" Hazel eyes grew large at the prospect.

“Sure," Greg said handing her the meat and the tiny dragon.

She took both very carefully, forehead scrunching slightly in worry as she tried to mimic the way Greg had been feeding Gygax just a moment ago.

Gygax wasn't that hard to feed. He'd happily snap meat from anyone. The real trick was making sure he didn't eat too fast.

She made sure to give him small pieces, not letting him gulp it down like he seemed to want to.

“You're good with animals."

“Nana says I'm like a puppy. Maybe that's why I'm good with animals." She joked.

“Well you certainly have the eyes and the cute appeal too."

“She says it's because I tag along after people like one and that I'm eager to please."

“I'm still going with the cute explanation," Greg said with a chuckle as Gygax finished his food and curled up in her arms.

“I think I like yours better." Nana confided with a smile, patting Gygax carefully

Soft and warm to the touch, Gygax crooned happily at the attention.

"It certainly fits."

Now it was her turn to blush and she focused on paying attention to Gygax silently, not having an answer to that.

Gygax was all to happy to have attention lavished on him snuggling up to her and poking his head into her shirt.

This startled the brown-haired female and she squeaked, both from the surprise and from the fact that it actually rather tickled.

Gygax ignored the squeak and simply attempted to crawl down her shirt, much to Greg's embarrassment.

"Sorry, I should have warned you. He does that sometimes."

“I... it's okay." Her face had turned a shade of pink and she squirmed, finding that it was indeed, rather ticklish.

Greg blushed as well not seeing an easy way to extract the fire lizard from her cleavage without making things worse. "I'm trying to teach him better."

Carefully she tried to get the fire lizard out herself, hoping maybe he'd decide to cooperate with her. "It could be worse right?" Nana smiled hesitantly.

Reluctantly the fire lizard allowed himself to be picked up.

“I swear I have better manners."

“That's better." She petted Gygax some more, grateful that he'd decided to be agreeable. "So you don't tickle as much?" She asked innocently.

“I'm not letting you talk me into corners again," Greg replied,

She pouted, "But it's fun."

“For you. I keep thinking I'm going to put my foot in my mouth and scare you off."

“You wouldn't scare me off." She assured Greg amiably. "You can't be worse than Shin could get when he was drunk."

“Still, I try to be polite to ladies."

“He does too for the most part. That's what he gets paid for after all."

“What does he do?" Greg asked knowing several jobs that description could apply to.

“I guess you could call him a.. paid companion. Well, that's what he does when he's not playing bass for Blast anyway."

“Oh," Greg replied. It was what he thought then. "Well, as long as it's legal and pays the bills..."

“Well..." Nana shrugged. "Not entirely I don't think." Sure none of them had realized it after first but Shin was still technically underage.

“Oh. I'll feign ignorance then. It's a bit out of my jurisdiction anyway."

“Not to mention there's nothing you could really do from here even if it were."

“I suppose not," Greg admitted ruefully.

“It's the thought that counts."

Greg nodded. "I've seen a lot of people get hurt in your friend's line of work."

“He seems to only work with older ladies or rich ones. He's very particular." She'd seen him leaving several times before for some such thing. "I think he's more like a pet they like to pamper almost?"

“I'd rather be with someone because I care about then.

She nodded. "I don't see why anyone would want to be that close to someone if they didn't care for them. Guess I wouldn't be cut out for that sort of thing."

“No, you're far too sweet."

Her cheeks colored slightly and she suddenly found her fries to be very interesting again.

“I don't mean to embarrass you."

“I'm just not used to people saying stuff like that." She told him quietly. "That I'm a ditzy pain yes, that I'm like a puppy because I'm annoying and tag after people yes, but I don't hear things like this too often."

Oh," Greg replied. "I can say you've certainly not been a ditzy pain and I have no problem hanging out with cute girls."

She smiled at him brightly. "I'm glad. You're fun, nice, cute, and a really great guy. It's not a crime to want to spend time with the people you like after all is it?"

Greg flushed and rubbed the back of his neck.

Deciding she'd said more than enough, she turned back to the task of finishing off her meal, granted by now there wasn't all that much left of it.

Smiling, Greg picked at the remains of his food.

She polished off her food and then sat there, absently stroking Gygax.

Gygax crooned occasionally making attempts to crawl back in her cleavage, though he was small enough to be easily discouraged.

Now that she was prepared, she managed to keep him out of her shirt, though every time the small dragon tried she couldn't help but smile.

Greg smiled back, watching Gygax's antics. He still wasn't sure why the fire lizard did that, but somehow he knew it would get him into trouble.

“Do you think maybe it's warmer and more comfortable?" Nana guessed, fending off yet another attempt.

“Quite possibly. That or he just like the attention."

“That's another possibility." She agreed, patting the fire lizard fondly.

Greg just nodded wishing he could get away with burrowing into cute women's cleavage.

“Either way it's kinda cute."

“I'm glad you think so."

“How could anyone not?”

“You'd be surprised."

“I guess." She shook her head. "It's a real shame though."

“What is?"

“That someone could not."

“I think some people might be offended by his choice of hiding places."

“Why? It's not like he really knows better right?"

“I suppose not."

She smiled, running a finger over the fire lizard's back. "So there's no real reason to blame him or be mad about it."

“I suppose not," Greg replied smiling as Gygax broadcast feelings of pleasure and happiness back at him.

“Sure he surprised me at first but he's nice and cute." Nana continued to pet the mini-dragon. "Like you, so I don't see how anyone could stay mad at him for too long just 'cause he likes getting in people's shirts."

“It's actually only girls," Greg admitted blushing. Gygax certainly did seem to like to get into trouble.

“Which should make what I said even more valid."

Greg just nodded slightly amazed that she wasn't offended.

“I have a younger sister." Nana said, seemingly at random. "When we were growing up she was forever groping me because she thought boobs were weird and squishy. So I'm not quite as shocked as other people are when something like that happens."

“I suppose that would help, and they are nice breasts..." Greg immediately shut his mouth when he realized what had slipped out of it. Open mouth, insert foot.

She looked up, eyes widening slightly and then she laughed. "So you think I'm cute and have nice breasts and I think you're cute and have a nice butt. I guess we're even?"

“Sounds like it," Greg said laughing. "This is fun."

“It is." Nana agreed, more relaxed here at this moment than she'd been at home lately.

"We should do it again," Greg said. "It's not everyday I get to go out to lunch with a pretty girl."

“I'd like that." She smiled, hazel eyes warm. "Anytime you want just ask, I'll leave my schedule open so that you can 'eat lunch with a pretty girl' whenever you want." She promised.

“That sounds nice," Greg said with a smile. "How about tomorrow?"

“Sounds like... a date?"

“It's a date," Greg smiled back at her.

Nana brightened, practically glowing at his response. "I'm glad." Inside she was dancing about and squeaking at the top of her lungs.

“I'll see you tomorrow," Greg smiled and took Gygax back. "I should be getting back. I'm trying to sort through the mess that is my room."

“All right. I should go see what my own room is like anyway." She stood up, pushing her chair in carefully. "Hopefully it's not too bad of a mess. I guess... I'll see you tomorrow then!" She waved cheerfully and headed out of the cafe after carefully picking up her lamp.

nana, greg

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