RP Log - Guardian and Psionic

Feb 27, 2008 19:55

Who: Pluto & Nate
When: Sunday
Where: Lagoon, Pluto's hut
Warnings: SM references
Rating: PG
Notes: none
Summary: Pluto meets Nate, and offers him food and a place to stay for a while.

Pluto headed out to the lagoon after work for a few minutes' peace and quiet before she headed back to her own hut. She sat on the beach instead of heading for the cliff this time, sitting just close enough for the waves to cover her feet when they came to shore.

Stripping off his pants and shirt Nate wades deep into the water not noticing the green haired woman. Telekinesis runs through the black fabric and over skin loosing grime and letting it wash away into the water. It's cold, but clean, and that's enough for him right now.

Pluto half-closed her eyes when she heard the distinct sounds of someone else entering the water, giving whoever it was the same privacy she sought by the lagoon.

Hands graze over skin, scars he didn't earn, the places where those he did should have been, washing away the sun and the sand. He willed his powers to repair the sun damage, red skin fading into tan.

Pluto shifted a little in her spot on the beach, lying down on the sand and letting some of her power out just to release some of her burden for the time being.

Nate froze as he felt the ripples of power run out across the water. "Hello?"

That brought Pluto out of her reverie, reining her power in as she sat up. "Hello."

Forming the illusion of clothes around his body Nate looked out in the direction of the voice. "Sorry. I didn't know anyone was there."

Pluto stood up at the lagoon's edge so the other could see her, "I doubt you could really miss me."

"If I was really looking probably not," Nate replied sheepishly. "I was hot and smelly and not in to mood to keep crashing on the beach like that."

Pluto laughed softly, "I assume you are new to this place."

"Yeah," Nate replied. "I found some food, and the wolfman said that there were hut assignments, but I wasn't on them." Nate shrugged. "Guess I'm not supposed to be here."

"I am sure the powers in charge of this place will give you a hut assignment soon." Pluto nodded, "Mr. Talbain is one of my hutmates. I am Sailor Pluto, Guardian of Time and the gateway to the Fourth Dimension."

"Nate Grey, shaman of earth," he replied pulling on his actual clothes. Most people weren't a fan or random nudity, psionic illusions or not.

"Do you need a place to stay until you receive a hut assignment?"

"I've been crashing on the beach," Nate replied. "I've had worse."

Pluto shook her head slightly, "If you wanted, I am willing to talk to Mr. Talbain and see if you could stay in our hut. chaos would offer you a place as well, but he is not able to make the offer right now."

"And what do you want in return?" Nate asked warily. He hadn't felt any hostility from Jon, but he couldn't feel anything at all from this woman. Not being able to read someone made him nervous.

Pluto smiled, "Nothing. chaos and I follow the ancient code of hospitality to travelers and strangers."

"Uh huh, right," Nate replied. "Well I follow and ancient code of TANSTAAFL, and people in general here have been way too nice for a place I can't get out of."

"TANSTAAFL? I have never heard of that code before." Pluto shook her head, "The code that chaos and I follow truly is ancient..."

"TANSTAAFL, there ain't no such thing as a free lunch," Nate replied cutting her off. "Sorry, but most of the people who've preached lofty goals to me have tried to kill me afterwards."

"Well, you will find things to be quite a bit different here." Pluto shook her head again, "In times ancient to most here, it was common to offer hospitality to travelers and strangers because to do so otherwise was to leave them to the elements and bandits."

"And where I'm from you left them outside for the acid rain to eat their bones. Sorry," Nate shrugged. "I'd like to believe you but.."

"Not even my father would leave someone outside for acid rain to eat their bones...well, most of the time." Pluto admitted, "If he was aware of that, he might put an area like that in Tartarus."

"Yeah, and it's things like that that make me disinclined to trust people I can't read," Nate replied backing away from her some.

Pluto looked at Nate, "People you cannot read?"

"Yes," Nate replied simply. "I'm a telepath."

"That explains it," Pluto smiled. "Myself and several of my old friends have strong mental shielding."

"Good for you. Strong shields are important, but it doesn't mean I'm going to trust you just because you admit you have them."

"One could say it is a part of who I am."

"I'm not asking you to get rid of them, just accept that I'm not going to trust you."

Pluto shrugged, "The decision to trust me or not is yours."

Nate nodded as he floated up to stand on the surface of the water stripping the excess water from his skin. The black brand on his chest stood out starkly on his skin, the same dark colour as his worn clothes. "You're too nice. That's been a trap in the past."

"Well, whether I am nice or not depends on who you ask." Pluto noted the brand on Nate's chest, it was hard not to. "Young Tsukiyono would say that I am to be feared because I tried to get him to wear pants instead of shorts."

"Clothes aren't important, and arguing with women over them is generally a waste of time," Nate replied shrugging. "Offering a place to crash without something in return, that's too nice."

Pluto laughed, "Perhaps in your world, but you are no longer in your world."

"Yeah, well my world has stopped having existed now, so being there would be kind of hard," Nate replied. "Doesn't mean I'm going to start trusting the goodness of people's hearts."

"Humans, you would be wise to not trust all the time."

"And mutants, and aliens, and demons, and gods, and angels, I think I've got enough experience on that front."

Pluto laughed, "What about gods' children?"

"I think they fall in there somewhere."

"All right."

Nate walked slowly over the water to the shore. It wasn't as much of a trick as it looked like, but it took less effort than flight and kept him dry. "So why are you being nice? And don't start on about ancient rules of hospitality."

"Has it ever occurred to you that beings can be nice without wanting something in return?" Pluto smiled mysteriously, "Or are you incapable of considering that?"

"I've met a few people who were, but they were the exceptions, not the rule."

"Such is the same with me."

Nate nodded stepping onto the shore. "Got anything to eat?"

Pluto laughed, "In my hut I do."

Nate paused considering it, but there wasn't much to eat in the jungle and even though he could walk through walls, Jon would probably yell at him if he messed up the cafe. "I can't cook."

"I can."

"Thanks," Nate said, smiling up sheepishly at her.

Pluto smiled faintly, "I learned how to cook a very long time ago."

"It's not something Sinister got around to implanting in my head. I don't really think he expected me to get out."

"One does not need something implanted to be able to learn to cook." Pluto commented, "Just time and patience to learn."

"My attempts tend to explode."

"Just like Uranus..." Pluto sighed, shaking her head.

"Uranus? Any reason for the planet names?"

"Those of us who are Senshi of the solar system are named after the planets we once ruled over." Pluto smiled faintly, "And each of us derives our powers from the planets' namesakes, in a sense."

Nate nodded. "Can't say knowing you once ruled a planet makes me less leery."

"Take it as you will."

"Fair enough. How much farther?"

Pluto smiled, walking towards her hut. "Not much farther, and as I mentioned, Mr. Talbain is also in the hut."

Nate nodded, walking through the darkened sand.

"chaos does need to rest, but I do not think you would be able to wake him up." Pluto walked into the village, "You may sleep on the couch if you wish."

"Thank. That'll be fine." Nate was wiling to settle for a floor most nights.

Pluto smiled, "How much do you typically eat? Just so I know how much to make."

"A lot," Nate admitted. "My powers make my metabolism work overtime."

Pluto nodded, "That makes it easier."


"It is easier to cook for several people than only one."

"Oh," Nate shrugged. "I wouldn't know."

Pluto laughed, opening the door to her hut. "Please, make yourself at home until you get your hut assignment."

"Thanks," Nate replied glancing around warily like a feral cat.

Pluto shook her head, "Do you have another set of clothes?"

"No?" Nate replied. He didn't actually have shoes for that matter.

"Then tomorrow you will get some more clothes."

“Why? These work fine."

Pluto shook her head, "One cannot wear the same set of clothes every day."

"I wash them."

"And wear nothing when you wash them."

"So? I don't wear anything when I watch myself either."

Pluto sighed and shook her head, "You are still getting another set of clothes tomorrow."

"Fine. You're the chick."

Pluto rolled her eyes and headed into the kitchen to fix dinner.

Nate glanced nervously around the hut carefully checking the sofa for traps before sitting down on it.

The smells of Greek cooking filled the hut as Pluto made dinner for herself and Nate, warming up some pita in the oven as she prepared chicken and a large salad.

Nate paced nervously like a caged animal as he waited for the food to cook. It smelled good, and he was hungry but still...

Pluto came out with a portion of the salad and some bread, setting it down on the living room table. "Here's something you can start eating."

Nate tasted a bit warily waiting a moment before starting to blot it quickly using bread in place of a utensil.

Pluto chuckled at Nate's method of eating, so similar to that of the people she had watched long ago...and then she went back into the kitchen to finish cooking.

By the time she finished the rest of the meal Nate had long since polished off the salad. "Thanks. It's not bad."

"Thank you for the compliment." Pluto smiled, setting some chicken down in front of Nate before she prepared her own plates of salad, bread, and chicken.

"You're welcome," Nate replied picking up the chicken and eating it quickly with his hands.

Pluto shook her head, using silverware to eat her chicken like more civilized people.

"What?" Nate asked glancing up at her.

"Most people use silverware."

Shrugging Nate took another bite of his chicken and swallowed. "Sorry. I'm not used to actually having silverware to use."

"You might want to use it while you're here."

Nate sighed and put his chicken down, grabbing the silverware and eating the food with all the grace of a five year old.

Pluto shook her head silently, but continued eating her dinner.

"I'm using it."

"I know."

Nate finished his chicken, licking his lips lightly.

Pluto sat back when she finished eating.

Nate resisted the urge to lick his plate and instead just fidgeted nervously. "Thanks."

"You're welcome."

"I'm going to get to sleep," Nate added gesturing to the sofa.

Pluto nodded, getting up. "Good night, then."

Curling up on the sofa Nate nodded. "Night."

sailor pluto, nate

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