RP Log - Vessel of Anima Glowing = oh, CRAP

Feb 27, 2008 13:15

Who: Jr, Albedo, chaos, Citan
When: Friday when Saturn awakened
Where: Hangar
Warnings: Gears and Saga references
Rating: R for Jr's mouth
Notes: none
Summary: Bad stuff happens to chaos when Saturn awakens and the twins actually work together again!

chaos sighed, sitting up in the cockpit of Asher. They had to keep the maintenance up, and, of course, Jr was making more work out of it than it had to be.

Jr muttered some things to himself as he was working on some of the joint areas on Asher, of course he ended up doing all the hard work while chaos monitored the computer system.

chaos peered over the edge of the cockpit. "Are you finding anything? The computer's still showing something wrong."

Jr cursed a little as he saw salt corrosion on some of the wires and other cables, "This place sure as HELL ain't a place for mechs to be!"

"It's not just that... there's something else..." chaos frowned. The ES didn't seem to want to cooperate with him as it usually did.

Jr frowned, "Lemme get a chance to replace these wires an' I'll come see what's up, kay?"

chaos nodded, even though he knew Jr wouldn't see him. There was just something wrong...

Jr changed out the wires as fast as he could, getting himself cut a few times as the wires poked him. "Damnit, damnit, DAMNIT!"

"Jr-kun?" chaos asked, leaning out of the cockpit again.

~Something's wrong,~ Albedo sent to Jr.

Jr twitched at Albedo's mental presence, looking up to see chaos leaning out of the cockpit. "Jus' got cut 'cuz of the damn wires!"

chaos nodded, about to check the computer again, when he suddenly got hit by a wave of vertigo. He fell hard against the side of the cockpit, barely keeping from falling out.

Jr's eyes widened, and he scrambled up Asher to get himself into the cockpit. "CHAOS!"

~I warned you,~ Albedo said, his mental voice displaying its worry.

chaos was clutching his chest. It felt like something had just snapped... Behind him, the Vessel of Anima began glowing faintly.

Jr got up in time to see the Vessel of Anima glowing, and he mentally let out a string of curses that Albedo was sure to hear. "chaos, what the hell's goin' wrong?"

chaos shook his head. "Don't know... something... something happened..."

"Need me to get ya somewhere?"

~Get him to the doctor, or his girlfriend,~ Albedo offered.

chaos simply nodded, most of his energy going to trying to stabilize his Ether, which was threatening to go wild on him.

Jr was tempted to send a mental blast over to Albedo, but thought better of it. ~Get your ass over here an' help me, then!~

~You just can't carry him yourself,~ Albedo chided, materializing on the other side of the cockpit from Jr.

Jr glared at Albedo, ~Oh just shut the fuck up about that already!~

Albedo shrugged. "You going to help me with him or not?"

Jr glared, "Ya take one side an' I get the other?"

Albedo rolled his eyes. "You help get him out, and I'll carry him."

Jr got into the cockpit, trying to lift chaos up enough so Albedo could get him. "He should go to the first aid station, I ain't facin' his girlfriend an' that huge-ass staff of hers!"

Albedo privately thought that Pluto wouldn't be in much position to do anything, but just nodded, and took chaos from Jr. He positioned him on his back, not failing to notice that his breathing was fairly ragged, and that he was obviously in pain.

"Ya got him?"

Albedo nodded.

Jr nodded, getting down to the hangar floor and leaving chaos in Albedo's hands for now.

Albedo phased himself and his burden to the floor.

Jr breathed a sigh of relief when chaos was safely to the floor, not dispelling his worries completely at what happened as well as the Vessel of Anima's reaction.

"First aid station?"


Albedo nodded, shaking his head toward the door to imply his twin was to go first.

Jr nodded, heading out of the hangar first since he didn't think Albedo would really try anything this time.

Albedo glanced at chaos, whose head was on his shoulder, almost unconscious.

Jr looked over his shoulder at chaos, a worried look on his face as he cast Quick on himself.

~About time you thought of something useful.~

~Oh shut the fuck up.~

Albedo snickered.

Jr glared, Quick at least helping him keep up with Albedo at his normal pace.

In the first aid station, Citan frowned, his glance in the direction of the hangar. His alignment with the Asher Anima Relic had alerted him that something was wrong, but there was no one here to cover for him so he could check on Fenrir.

Jr opened the door to the first aid station when he and Albedo got there, "Jus' get him in an' that'll be all. I can take it from here."

Albedo rolled his eyes. He might not physically stay, but he'd still keep track of what was going on. He'd probably be needed to carry chaos to his hut.

chaos, citan, albedo, jr

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