(no subject)

Feb 19, 2008 09:32

Who: Omi and Treize
Where: Treize's Hut
When: Saturday
Warnings: None
Rating: G
Summary: Omi goes to let Treize know when the barbecue is

Treize sighed. He was still somewhat worried for Zechs and Taiki. At least he'd been able to get Zechs to cheer up slightly after he'd left the following day. He still needed to see the Guardian, though. He closed the book he was reading and set it to the side, thinking.

Omi wasn't sure where Treize would be, so he tried knocking on the door to his hut.

"Come in," he called.

"Konnichiwa, Treize-san," Omi chimed as he opened the door, Milo sitting down behind him on the door mat.

"Hello, Omi," he said. "What can I do for you?" He slipped away the papers he had been working on.

"We've figured out when Alberich-san's barbecue is. I meant to let you know sooner, but with Valentine's Day..."

"That's fine." He nodded. "When is it?"


"Alright. Does everyone else know?"

"I'm letting everyone know. Could you tell Marie-chan, and have her let Noelle-san know?"

"I can do that."

Omi beamed. "Arigato, Treize-san!"

"You're quite welcome," he said.

"Well, I guess I should get going. Gotta take Milo-chan back to Trowa-kun for the day."

"Alright, Omi. Thank you for letting me know," he said.

Omi bowed slightly, then stepped out, Milo falling into line behind him. "Ja ne, Treize-san!"

"Good day, Omi."

omi, treize

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