Rp log - Dibs on the first snowball....

Feb 08, 2008 11:20

Who: Jon, Samus, Gene
When: Today
Where: The Cafe
Rating: G
Warnings: *Gasp* Jon setting up a prank
Summary: Wanting to lighten the mood on the island Jon descides to set up a small harmless prank.

"Your actually doing this?" Gene asked from the counter at the cafe as he worked on an omlet, talking to Jon who was back in the kitchen while Samus ate a sandwich a few stools down.

The wolfman chuckled as he pulled a batch of brownies out of the oven. "Yes, is that such a surprise?"

"Yes, it is." Gene replied around a bite before he turned and looked at the blonde bountyhunter. "You talked him into this didn't you?

Samus grinned and shook her head. "Actually I didn't. It wasn't even my idea."

Leaving the pan to cool a bit in the kitchen Jon came out and stood behind the counter. "I'm allowed to be sneaky and try something like this once in a while."

"Well yeah, isn't like it's agaisnt the rules of this place or anything." Gene shrugged. "Just seems out of character for you. What's the phrase that comes to mind... 'When Hell freezes over'?"

Samus laughed and finnished her chips.

Jon chuckled as he refilled Samus' water and then topped off Gene's coffee. "It isnt like I'm TPing someones room, other people do that."

For her part the Blonde only smiled sweetly.

"Right, remind me to avoid eating sweets here for a few days then."

"Not all the sweets, the cookies and cake will be fine, just avoid the brownies." He gave a wolfish grin in reply to the skeptical look the red-head gave him.

jon, samus, gene

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