RP Log - Hotaru Discovers A New Talent

Feb 07, 2008 10:25

Who: Hotaru, Neptune, Rina
When: yesterday
Where: out in the village
Rating: G
Warnings: a lot of cuteness (as usually accompanies Hotaru), Pichi Pichi Pitch references
Summary: Neptune, Hotaru and Fluffy meet up with Rina while out on a walk.

Neptune was out taking a walk with Hotaru. The little girl was walking along side of her, carrying what was for her an oversized hat that she had borrowed from Neptune's closet. Fluffy bounced along next to Hotaru, constantly trying to play with ribbons on Neptune's hat, but luckily failing each time. Neptune couldn't help, but smile.

Feeling the call of the outdoors, Rina had gone exploring intent on learning more about the island that was her new home. Eventually she found herself sitting on a medium sized stone, just watching the clouds and anything else that caught her eye. The weather was nice and there was a refreshing breeze that continuously teased her hair back. All and all it was a day for music and she hummed absently to herself, just enjoying the mood.

As Neptune and Hotaru continued their walk, she noticed someone sitting on a rock and recognized her easily. She smiled and guided Hotaru over in that direction. Fluffy spotted the other person, mewed cutely and bounded over to Rina ahead of Neptune and Hotaru.

Snapped from her daydream, grey eyes warmed at the sight of the kitten and she held out her hand to it calmly. Looking up, she smiled, "Hello. We meet again I see. Who are these charming two with you?"

Neptune smiled. "This one," she said as she put her hand on Hotaru's shoulder, "is my daughter, Hotaru and that one is her kitten, Fluffy."

Fluffy leaned over and sniffed Rina's hand, then mewed. Hotaru giggled.

Carefully she patted the kitten's head, rubbing it gently behind the ears. "Well hello Fluffy." She greeted it affectionatly before turning her gaze to Hotaru. "Hello Hotaru. You've a very fine kitten here."

Hotaru smiled as Fluffy purred. "Thank you. Uncle Trowa gave her to me."

"Trowa... I've not met him but I think I should know who he is." She looked up at the older woman while she continued to absently pet the purring Fluffy.

"He's Quatre Winner's husband," Neptune remarked as Hotaru put Neptune's hat on her head, giggling. Neptune had to shake her head. It was too big for Hotaru.

"I knew I'd heard of him from somewhere." She nodded, remembering her trip to the music store. "Why that's a very fine hat Hotaru. It suits you very well."

Hotaru giggled, having to adjust it so she could see again. "Thank you." She continued to hold on to the brim of the hat so it didn't blow away and she did a little turn like she was showing off the hat.

Neptune smiled and clapped the way they did at fashion shows. "Very nice."

She pulled her other hand away from the kitten and applauded the same as Neptune. "Very good. You've talent Hotaru." She praised, slipping to her feet. "I bet you've a very fine model walk as well." She dusted off the seat of her jeans absently. "I know these things you see."

"You do?" Hotaru asked. Fluffy mewed and bounded back over to Neptune, who picked her up.

"I do." She agreed, smiling. "I paid my way through school by modeling you see. So I'm a rather familiar with that sort of thing."

Hotaru's eyes went wide. "Wow..." she said in awe, gazing up at Rina.

"I didn't realize it was that big of a deal until my friends told me that it was. Before that it was just a way to pay the bills." She explained. "They also made me teach them things like how to walk and pose. Between you and me, Hotaru? You're much better at it then they ever were." She winked.

Hotaru giggled. "Thank you."

"You're quite welcome."

Neptune smiled. "Maybe you can show her how to walk so she can get some practice at it, if you don't mind."

"Would you like that Hotaru?" Rina asked, already pretty sure she knew what the answer was. "Perhaps...after some practice you and maybe Fluffy there could put on a show sometime to show the others how good you are."

Hotaru giggled. "Okay. I wanna try...please."

"Allright. One of the largest keys to having a good walk is to look like you're not trying to have a good walk. Keeping your posture correct, be sure not to tense up. The key is to look natural and graceful and not like a stalking kitten." She smiled and demonstrated, long limbs moving gracefully. "Your mama has a walks similarly so I'm sure you're familiar with it. Now you try."

Hotaru watched, then took the hat off and held it out to Neptune. Smiling, Neptune took the hat, carefully balancing the cat so she could take it. Hotaru then turned and walked the way she had seen Rina and Neptune do it.

Rina applauded again, eyes sparkling. "Very well done. See? You're quite the natural." She stepped forward and poked the tip of her nose playfully. "You must be careful where you look though as it affects your head." She instructed, "Because if you let your eyes wander you might look like this." She demonstrated, head turning at odd angles as she walked, making it comically obvious for the youngster as she finished by crossing her eyes and sticking out her tongue.

Hotaru giggled.

Neptune smiled. "And she knows how a stalking kitten walks, so she knows not to do it. Right, Firefly?" At this comment, Fluffy mewed.

"That went very well for your first lesson. We must do another one soon and you can show me how much better you've gotten, allright?"

Hotaru nodded. "Okay."

Rina turned to Neptune, "You must be very proud. She's a good kid."

Neptune nodded, releasing the hat as Hotaru ran back over and took it from her again. "I am proud of her. She's a sweet girl." She smiled, watching Hotaru do the fashion model walk while wearing the hat on her head, having to hold onto it because it kept falling into her face.

She watched Hotaru, laughing softly at the sight. "That she is. Are there many others near her age on the island?"

"Unfortunately, no there aren't. She's the only one."

"That's too bad. Though I doubt she's ever truly lonely."

Neptune shook her head. "No, she really isn't. She's usually with me, but she'll easily go up to people and say hi. She has a fair number of 'uncles' here, most of them Gundam pilots. She's also good friends with the werewolf that works in the cafe."

"A Werewolf?" She repeated curiously, she was still new enough to the island that she'd not met many people yet. It ws fascinating really, realizing the sheer amount of possibilites that existed on their island.

Neptune nodded, setting Fluffy down again. "His name is Jon. He's sweet. Hotaru was never really afraid of him...we walked into the cafe and after a little while in there, Hotaru just smiled at him and called him 'puppy.'"

"I suppose that is an... apt nickname." She murmured, fighting back a giggle. "I'm sure he's very nice. Perhaps I'll venture to the cafe sometime to meet him." She watched Hotaru absently, already very fond of her.

"He is a puppy," Hotaru remarked, still practicing her walk, now adding a little turn when she reached the end. "He's just a really big puppy."

Neptune smiled. "Yes, he is, honey," she said to Hotaru. Then she turned back to Rina. "He is a nice guy."

"If Hotaru likes him he must be." Rina agreed, shaking her head at the really big puppy comment. "I suppose your daughter would think me a rather large fish?" She joked quietly.

Neptune chuckled. "Maybe. She's a little young to mix the concept of animal and person together, though we're going to work on that."

Fluffy mewed and waved a paw at Rina.

Bending down, she scooped up the kitten and began to pet it again. Straightening she nodded. "I suppose the concept that someone can be not quite humann or animal would be rather confusing."

Neptune nodded. "So for the moment, in Hotaru's mind, some wolves can be smart enough to talk." She chuckled. "I remember, one time at the music store when Trowa was there too with Milo, his wolf, she tried to teach Milo how to talk."

"How did she react when he didn't talk?"

"Oh, I think she just figured he wasn't the right breed or he wasn't smart enough yet or he was shy, something like that."

"That's what I figured." She laughed softly. "She seems to be a very smart girl, I'm sure she'll figure it out sooner or later." She petted Fluffy just under the kitten's ears

Fluffy purred rather loudly.

Neptune nodded. "She will. Hopefully soon she will realize that Jon is an exception and is basically a human who looks like a wolf rather than a wolf who has learned to act like a human."

Rina nodded, still petting the kitten. "I'm sure she will."

Neptune nodded, watching as Hotaru ran back over to them. "Done practicing honey?"

Hotaru nodded with a smile.

"You did very well. You'll be ready in no time at all." Rina praised.

Hotaru smiled brightly. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." She smiled. "Would you like Fluffy now that you're done?"

Hotaru nodded. "Yes, please."

Carefully she handed off the kitten, giving it one last pat on the head.

Fluffy purred, then snuggled up in Hotaru's arms as she took the kitten back. "Good kitty," Hotaru said with a smile.

Neptune nodded. "She is."

"A very good girl." Rina agreed. "You're a very lucky little girl."

Hotaru smiled, looking up at Rina.

rina, sailor saturn hotaru, sailor neptune michiru

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