RP Log - Pranking for Revenge

Dec 24, 2007 02:59

Who: Duo, Trowa
When: Last Friday
Where: Hangar
Rating: G
Warnings: pranking!
Notes: None
Summary: Bored, Duo and Trowa leave a little message for Heero on his Gundam.

Duo yawned. Sitting on Deathscythe's foot, he was bored out of his mind. He laid back, staring up at the Gundam for a moment. He'd done a bit of maintenance earlier, but there was only so much he could do.

Trowa came walking in, for once without Milo in tow. He was also bored. He was hoping that doing some work on Heavyarms would help get rid of some of his boredom.

Duo heard the footsteps. He closed his eyes, listening. He wanted to see if he could guess before he looked to see who it was. The person had a steady walk, light on his feet... someone who was aware of his or her own movements. Usually, that meant someone who was trained in movement. Of course, with all the fighters on the island, that didn't make it an easy guess. Of course, there weren't many people that came into the hangar, either. So that narrowed it down a lot. Allenby, Heero, Trowa... Maybe even Zechs... He decided to go with the first one. "Allenby?" he asked.

Trowa blinked. "No, Trowa."

Duo sat up. "That was my third guess," he said. "If I'd gone alphabetically..." He grinned. "What's up?"

"Nothing much...kind of bored," Trowa remarked.

"Yeah... me, too."


"Just finished doin' a bunch of stuff..."

Trowa nodded.

"Hey... you wanna prank someone again?" he asked.

Trowa shrugged. "Sure...I guess that might be fun."

Duo smirked. "I think we need to prank Heero."

"Really?" Trowa asked.

The American nodded.

"That could be fun."

"Just... nothing with firecrackers. I don't want him to overreact and shoot someone thinking he's being shot at..." he said, rubbing his arm a bit in remembrance. All the times he'd been shot at, that was actually the first time he'd ever been hit, surprisingly enough. "That's not usually a good thing."

Trowa shook his head. "Okay."

"So..." Duo laid back again on the Gundam's foot, putting his hands behind his head. "What to do..."

Trowa pulled himself up to join Duo on the Gundam's foot, also thinking.

"I'd say do something to Zero... but he'd probably do something back..." Duo sighed. "Not that he didn't get Deathscythe first."


"Just after we met..." he explained. "He was trying to scuttle Wing in the ocean. I came across it and decided to keep it, not knowing the pilot was still alive. When things got figured out, I had the Sweepers let us use the salvage crane on the ship to pull it back up with mine and let him work on it." Duo made a face. "He stole the parts he needed of Deathscythe to fix Wing, then left."

Trowa chuckled. "Wow."

"He had tried using the self-destruct on it, but I cut the power to the device before it could blow," he continued. "He couldn't repair it, so he stole mine..." Duo's voice got a little quiet. "That was mine he used in Siberia... and the reason I got caught by OZ in outerspace just after that. I didn't realize he'd swapped them."


He shrugged. "No use dwelling on it now..." he said, sitting up. He looked over at Zero. "So... maybe I owe him one..." He smirked. "But... what to do to it..."

Trowa looked up. "I don't know...paint it pink?"

Duo snorted. "Nah... that would be too obvious... and take way too damn long."

Trowa nodded. "I guess so."

"We need something we can do fast." Duo tapped his chin in thought.

Trowa also started thinking.

"Hm... Maybe..." Still thinking, Duo slid off the foot of his own Gundam and walked over to Zero. He looked up at it for a moment.

Trowa slid of Deathscythe's foot and followed Duo over. "What?"

Duo smirked. "I think I have an idea. C'mon." He headed over to the ladder that led up to the walkway so that they'd be cockpit level.

Trowa followed.

Once there, he headed over and stared at the hatch for a moment, debating on how Heero would have secured it against people getting in.

Trowa followed. "What are you planning?"

"I was thinking of leaving a little something for him on Zero's computer."


"You wanna help?" Duo asked.

"Sure. Why not?"

"Cool..." He looked back at Wing. "First... we gotta figure Heero's head out to see if he woulda put anything on this thing to prevent someone from getting in... or that would notify him of someone trying."

"Knowing him, he probably does."

Duo nodded and climbed over, closely examining the hatch.

Trowa stood back, examining it as well, trying to think what Heero could have to notify him.

Thinking hard, Duo tapped in a short code on the small keypad next to the hatch. He grinned when it popped open. "Almost too easy," he said. He carefully climbed in, not really trusting the Gundam, to be honest, and sat in the seat. "Last time I was in here..." he said softly, noticing the upgrades Heero had made between April and Christmas of 196. He frowned a bit at the memory.

Trowa jumped over on to the hatch. "So what are we going to leave him?" he asked with a little smirk.

Duo blinked as Trowa landed. He smirked a bit. "Nothing mean... I know he's been doing work on the thing to see if he can use it to get home, so I'm not gonna mess with it like that. I just wanna leave him a little message."

Trowa chuckled. "If possible, you should leave a little dancing Wing Zero icon on his system."

Duo laughed. "That would be funny..." He then laughed even harder at another idea. "I got it." He started tapping away, making sure there wasn't a signal being broadcast from the computer first.

Trowa leaned in and watched.

Duo grinned. Once he was done, there were two chibi graphics, one of Zero, and one of DH. DH was chasing Zero and whacking at it with the scythe. A message scrolled across the bottom. "Merry Christmas!! Gotcha!"

Trowa laughed at the image.

"There." The 02 pilot looked smug for a moment. "Done."

"Very nice," Trowa said with a smile.

Duo grinned and then climbed out on to the hatch. "Thanks for the idea."

"No problem."

"Now... let's go before he shows up." Duo headed for the walkway again, waiting to Trowa to get off before closing the hatch.

Trowa quickly abandoned the hatch, chuckling to himself.

Duo grinned. "Should we wait innocently for him to get here or take off?"

"As much as I would like to see it, I think if we wait innocently, he will realize it was you and come after you that much faster."

He laughed a little nervously. "Yeah, I guess," he said, rubbing the back of his head. "Alright... I'm outta here, then."

"Me too."

"See ya 'round then," Duo said, climbing back down to the floor. He whistled to himself as he headed out, giving Trowa a wave.

Trowa waited until Duo had headed out then left as well and headed back for his hut.

trowa, duo

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