RP Log - Probably Mischeif

Dec 06, 2007 16:42

Who: Duo, Uranus
When: During the Wedding Reception
Where: Cafe
Warnings: None
Rating: G
Notes: None
Summary: Uranus and Duo have a chat during the reception.

Uranus had some how managed to loose the dress and was sitting at a table in a tuxedo. She smirked and winked at Neptune who just rolled her eyes.

Duo was sitting with Hilde at another table, enjoying the party like he usually did. He laughed at one point, and then got up to get her a drink.

The blonde (pink damn it!) came up behind Duo and tugged on his braid. "Hey there lover boy, how's it going?"

Duo glared at her for the comment and the braid tug. "Hi..." He made a face at her and got two drinks. "What's up?"

"Not much, just wondering how you're doing on the romance front. See, me an' Minako have this bet going on..."

"Oh, stop," he said. "We're not gettin' married, yet, okay?"

She placed her elbow on top of his head, eyes twinkling. "Oh, really? She's been making those lovey-dovey eyes at you all night."

"Like I haven't noticed," he grumbled, ducking from underneath her. Granted, she had to stretch a bit now to do that since his last growth spurt, but it was still annoying that she was taller than him, yet.

Uranus turned and followed Duo, grinning. "Come on, I always pegged as you as the settled down with a girl and have a butt load of kids."

Duo froze and swallowed hard. "I... maybe... I dunno." He shook his head. "What about you, huh? Planning on adopting more after Hotaru?" He turned around, forcibly putting the topic back on her and Neptune.

Uranus shrugged a bit. "We might, dunno. We're kinda preoccupied with saving the world."

"Well, yeah... that kinda stuff ruins a lotta plans," he said with a small frown. "It sucks."

"Yeah, it does... But, it's our job. Save the world, protect our Princess."

"Hm..." He took a sip of his own drink.

Uranus sighed and glanced about. "It seems like a much friendlier crowd than the Mustang's."

"That's 'cuz it's not the whole island," Duo said. "Quatre knows how to pick his friends."

"It's better when it's just friends and family."

Duo nodded. "Yeah. Definitely." He smiled for real this time. "It's more personal."

"You really love him, don't you? I only see that smile come out when certain people are mentioned."

He looked at her questioningly for a moment, and then almost blushed. "Yeah... he's the closest I've got to a brother."

Uranus chuckled, eyes twinkling. "You're lucky."

"I know." He sighed. "It wasn't until recently that I've had anyone I could call family."

"Sure, I've got Neptune, Pluto and Hotaru, but..." the Guardian sighed and looked down.


"I miss my parents."

"I never knew mine.'

"I never got along with my mother. She wanted me to be very... Girly."

"Heh..." He nodded.

"Can you imagine me, girly?"

"I dunno... the dress earlier and your new hair color kinda helps." He grinned at her.

The Wind Guardian promptly whacked him, lightly, across the back of the head.

He yelped, spilling a bit from each drink. "Hey..."

"That serves you right. And I need to get Jr back for this god awful hair color. He admitted he thought about going after you for all of two seconds."

"Hmph. Well, he left me outta the last prank," he said. "I consider it even."

"Oh, so you would have helped him?"

He shrugged slightly, heading back to refill the drinks and wipe off his own suit and hands. "I dunno... he didn't ask me.'

Uranus chuckled. "I like how Heero tried to give me a 'Death Glare' earlier. Well, didn't work. I've face Pluto's Death Glares, and her father's."

"I've gotten used to his," Duo said. "It's more of a joke now than anything else."

Uranus nodded. "Yeah." a grin formed on her face.

After wiping himself off, Duo refilled the glasses and turned back to the room, catching sight of the Guardian's grin. "Uh..."

"How mad would the new couple be if I decided to kidnap you in a little prank on a certain friend of yours?"

"Huh? Right now?" He frowned and shook his head. "Nuh-uh... Quatre'd be pissed."

"I'll have to get Mr. Perfect Soldier at a later date then." She grinned mischievously at Duo and then swept off back to the table she was sharing with Neptune, Pluto and Hotaru.

Duo grinned a bit. "Oh... That's gonna be fun," he said and headed back to the table with Hilde.

sailor uranus haruka, duo

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