RP Log - Wedding Day!!

Dec 06, 2007 20:05

Who: Duo, Heero, Trowa, Quatre, Rashid, Treize, Zechs, Relena, Hilde, Marie, Hotaru, Minako, Taiki, Neptune, Pluto, Uranus, Midna... (I think that's all)
When: December 6
Where: Lagoon, cafe
Rating: G
Warnings: shonen-ai
Summary: Wedding!!...and antics that accompany such!!

Quatre rocked back and forth on his heels, clasping his hands in front of him. He swallowed the lump in his throat and glanced at the clock for the what seemed like the hundreth time in the past five minutes.

Treize was waiting at the location, book in hand, but he had worked on memorizing the ceremony as much as possible.

Trowa stood near where Treize was standing. He adjusted his tie even though it was straight, the only sign of his nervousness.

The blonde's blue eyes actively scanned for Rashid, fighting back the sudden quake of worry and dread he felt. He needed something to anchor him, he was so nervous.

Duo watched Quatre for a moment and then grinned. He nudged the blond. "Hey..."

The poor, nervous Quatre flailed, not so elegantly and looked at Duo. "What?"

"C'mon..." he said. "Calm down before you bust a blood vessel or something."

"But... But... I'm nervous!" He protested feebly.

"Yeah, yeah..." He grinned. "Don't make me do something drastic.

A moment later, Rashid came walking up to the two of them. "Quatre. Duo," he greeted them.

The blonde took a step back in worry, right into Rashid.

Rashid put his hand on Quatre's shoulder. "Are you alright?"

"I am, Duo's scaring me again!"

Rashid blinked and looked at Duo.

"That's what I'm good for," Duo said with a smirk.

Rashid chuckled. "Of course," he said with an amused look.

The blonde stuck his tongue out at Duo and then looked up at Rashid. "How are things looking? Are they ready for us yet?"

Rashid nodded. "Just about."

"So? I guess it's time, then."

Quatre grabbed onto Duo's arm in worry and nervousness.

"Everything will be fine, Quatre," the Maguanac told him.

Duo smiled, putting his hand over Quatre's.

Heero stood near Trowa with Midna. He wasn't overly thrilled with being dressed up again so soon after the last time. This was less comfortable than even the St Gabriel's school uniform.

Midna also stood over by them. She had returned to her world specifically to get the robe that she was now wearing.

Quatre smiled softly and then looked at Rashid. "I suppose we should start heading out."

Duo grinned.

Rashid nodded. "I think we should."

Uranus fiddled with her pale pink locks and she glanced at Neptune who was over on the violin. She sighed and slouched a bit at the piano. Damn Neptune for making her wear a damn dress.

Pluto had to keep from laughing at seeing Uranus with her hair turned a pale pink, if nothing else to maintain her dignity and the dignity of everyone else around her.

Neptune smiled at Uranus as she made sure her violin was tuned. She was still surprised that she had managed to do that. Hotaru stood next to Neptune for a moment than ran back over to Uranus, giggling.

The blonde looked down at Hotaru. "Go sit with Auntie Puu, Papa is plotting revenge on Mama."

Hotaru nodded and ran over to Pluto. "Auntie Puu," she said happily.

Pluto smiled at Hotaru, picking her up and putting her on her lap. "You should stay here, Hotaru."

Hotaru nodded, smiling.

Zechs sat between his sister, Hilde and Mariemeia. He tugged at the collar of his dress uniform and sighed inwardly. Relena, Mariemeia and Hilde where chattering over him.

Minako listened to the chattering and caught the look on the man's face who was sitting with them. She giggled.

Taiki was sitting next Minako and started to laugh behind her hand.

Hotaru looked back the group of people who were talking and smiled before looking back up at Pluto.

Rashid turned to look at Quatre. "Are you ready?"

Quatre nodded. "As ready as I will ever be." He said with a smile on his face.

"I'll see you guys up there, then," Duo said. He headed off ahead of them.

Neptune saw Duo coming forward to where he was supposed to be standing. She raised her violin. She glanced back over at Quatre and Rashid to see if they were ready.

Quatre looked to Rashid and nodded. "Alright."

Rashid nodded and offered Quatre his hand to lead him forward.

The blonde took Rashid's hand, smiling brilliantly.

Rashid started to lead Quatre forward as Neptune began to play.

Duo grinned a Trowa across the podium.

Treize smiled as he spotted Quatre and Rashid starting to walk.

Quatre was blushing softly as he walked with Rashid.

Trowa smiled back at Duo, then watched Quatre and Rashid still smiling

Finally they reached the podium and Rashid stopped and handed Quatre's hand to Trowa.

Quatre took Trowa's hand, eyes shinning.

Trowa smiled at Quatre as Rashid walked over to the side.

Once they were in place, Treize quietly cleared his throat. "Dear friends, we have come together in this place to witness the joining of two dear people who have pledged their lives to each other." He smiled a bit. "It is their wish to say a few words to each other at this time." He nodded to the couple, letting them choose who went first.

Quatre took a deep breath and squeezed Trowa's hand. "We where enemies at first, fighting against each other, yet on the same side. I knew I had to get to know you better. Though you said very little during that first meeting, your music..." He smiled fondly, "Your music said everything that you didn't."

Trowa smiled. "Almost from the very moment I met you, I knew that you were someone special to me. Our music connected us and lead us to the love that we now share. You have given your heart to me and I to you, forever."

Treize opened the book again, having picked which 'special saying' he was going to use for the moment. Shakespeare's Sonnet 116...
"Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove:
O no! it is an ever-fixed mark
That looks on tempests and is never shaken;
It is the star to every wandering bark,
Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.
Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle's compass come:
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.
If this be error and upon me proved,
I never writ, nor no man ever loved."
He looked between them. "You have the rings?" he asked.

Quatre nodded and took a ring from his pocket. "We do."

Trowa also produced a ring from the pocket of his jacket.

He nodded to Trowa to place the ring on Quatre's finger.

Trowa placed the ring on Quatre's finger.

"Repeat after me... I give you this ring..."

"I give you this ring..."

"...as a symbol of my love and faithfulness."

"...as a symbol of my love and faithfulness."

"As I place it on your finger..."

"As I place it on your finger..."

"...I commit my heart and soul to you."

"...I commit my heart and soul to you."

"I ask you to wear this ring..."

"I ask you to wear this ring..."

"...as a reminder of the vows..."

"...as a reminder of the vows..."

"...we have spoken today..."

"...we have spoken today..."

"...our wedding day."

"...our wedding day."

Treize then turned to Quatre to do the same.

Quatre placed the ring on Trowa's finger. "I give you this ring, as a symbol of my love and faithfulness. As I place it on your finger, I commit my heart and soul to you. I ask you to wear this ring, as a reminder of the vows we have spoken today, our wedding day." The blonde said.

"The exchange of the vows complete, I now declare you eterinally joined." Treize had found something a little more meaningful than what they had decided on the day before. Plus, it just sounded nicer.

Quatre looked at Trowa, smiling brightly, eyes twinkling.

Trowa smiled brightly back at Quatre and leaned forward to kiss him.

The blonde met Trowa's kiss, eyes shinning, heart feeling like it was going to explode.

Treize started clapping, prompting the 'audience' to do the same.

Neptune also began to play again.

Minako clapped quickly and happily, as any union between lovers was a good thing for the Senshi of Love.

Zechs, smiling faintly, began to clap. He glanced at his sister and Hilde, who where both crying.

Uranus began to play again, a smile on her face.

Duo clapped as well, but sereptitiously managed to avoid meeting Hilde's gaze. No... no pressure there at all... two weddings in only a few months... gee!

Hotaru, taking the prompt from those around her, started clapping as well.

Taiki nudged Minako as she clapped, eyes sparkling.

Minako smiled brightly at Taiki.

Pluto smiled down at Hotaru clapping, happy that someone was able to find happiness in their time.

Quatre looked at their friends and their adopted family, smiling.

Trowa squeezed Quatre's hand as they both looked out at their friends. There was a large smile on his face.

Treize smiled at the scene before him as he spotted movement from Duo.

The long-haired pilot moved into the middle of the aisle and pulled out his camera, snapping a picture of the moment.

Quatre laughed and walked over to Duo, hugging his brother tightly.

Duo hugged him back. "Don't worry," he whispered. "I snuck a few during the ceremony... I figured out how to turn off the sound." He smirked when he pulled back.

Quatre swatted at the other. "Duo!" He cried.

Duo just laughed.

Heero smiled a bit, having overheard from where he was.

Zechs smirked, having overheard the conversation. He patted Relena's hand and handed her his handkerchief.

Hotaru pushed herself out of the chair and ran over them. She stopped in front of them, smiling brightly. "Congwadolation," she said, attempting to congratulate them.

Quatre smiled and knelt down. He picked up the little girl. "Thank you sweetie."

Minako laughed at hearing Hotaru. "How sweet!"

Pluto smiled faintly, "She is a sweet child."

Trowa smiled. "Yes, thank you, Hotaru."

Hotaru giggled happily.

Uranus leaned against the piano, grinning. "What do you say we move this shindig to the cafe?"

Trowa smiled. "Sounds like a good idea to me."

"Works for me," Duo said. "I hope we're not early for Jon, though... he was catering, right?"

Heero went over to offer Relena his arm.

Neptune walked over to where she had set her violin case to put it away and get it out of the cold.

Quatre nodded and set Hotaru down. He then looked over at Trowa, holding out his hand.

Trowa smiled and took Quatre's hand. "Shall we, my husband?"

Marie ran over to Duo now that the ceremony was over, "I see you're putting the camera to good use!"

Hotaru ran back over to Neptune and Uranus, still giggling happily.

"Of course," he said to her. "And... judging by some of the pictures on here that some people forgot to erase... I'm not the only one..."

Quatre nodded, blushing. "We shall."

"C'mon... let's go," Duo told Marie. He finally met Hilde's gaze and held his hand out to take hers as they walked.

Marie nodded. "Okay!"

Taiki snorted and smirked at everyone. "Who knows Minako, we might have two more weddings in the future." she said loud enough for the two unmarried couples to hear.

Treize caught up with them as well, walking along with the group. He smiled at Marie's interactions with Duo.

Minako giggled at Taiki's comment. "You know... you might be right," she said.

Duo nearly choked.

Heero froze and glanced back at Taiki, leveling one of his classic Death Glares in her direction.

Taiki looked over Treize and smiled. She then cheerfully ignored the glares and walked ahead of them with Minako.

Pluto chuckled slightly, "You also may not be right. I have no idea if the young men are ready to go through with such a commitment yet."

Trowa smiled and started to head toward the cafe, leading Quatre with him to the cafe.

Duo rubbed the back of his head, sweating slightly with a nervous laugh as he now had to face a rather blank-faced Hilde.

Uranus ruffled Duo's hair as she headed towards the cafe.

Zechs swept after Heero and his sister towards the cafe.

The American pilot stuck his tongue out at the Wind Guardian's back.

Neptune picked up Hotaru and carried the little girl with her as she headed toward the cafe.

Leaving it at that, Heero kept walking as well, the subject dropping like a heavy stone.

Quatre laughed and looked at Trowa. "Do you think they'll eventually get married?"

Trowa smirked. "Probably."

"I do hope so."

Minako smiled at Quatre. "It would be sweet," she said, though her voice was a little bit wistful.

Quatre smiled at Minako. "Don't worry, you'll find your other half."

She nodded. "I hope so," she said softly. "Besides... anything that happens here with someone not from my world wouldn't last beyond this place, anyway."

Pluto followed the group at a slight distance, slowly shaking her head at overhearing Quatre's remarks to Minako.

"Come on slow pokes! Especially you lovebirds!" Uranus called.

Duo just shook his head. "Okay, pinkie!" he called after her.


Marie laughed and shook her head, "Save it for later!"

Neptune sighed, moving quickly to catch up with Uranus.

Uranus smirked and then vanished into the cafe.

Duo laughed as they walked inside.

Trowa lead Quatre inside the cafe.

Taiki was already inside, talking quietly with Minako.

The blonde followed, he couldn't get rid of the smile on his face.

Heero just shook his head, having found a seat already. Sometimes, Duo was just... Duo...

sailor pluto, mariemeia, sailor venus minako, duo, treize, relena, midna, trowa, sailor saturn hotaru, zechs, hilde, sailor uranus haruka, sailor star maker taiki, sailor neptune michiru, rashid, heero, quatre

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