RP Log - At the Grocery Store

Sep 02, 2007 15:09

Who: Sango, Pluto, and Midna
When: Today
Where: Grocery Store
Rating: G
Warnings: Sailor Moon, Inuyasha, and Twilight Princess references
Notes: none
Summary: Pluto goes to the grocery store to pick up some stuff and Midna arrives while she and Sango are there.

Sango sighed. The food store had to be one of the most boring places to spend an entire day. Then again, it wasn't like there were that many people on the island... She missed Kagome and the others.

Pluto entered the food store, needing a few special things that she did not have onhand for a meal she wanted to make soon for chaos.

Sango looked up and gave Pluto a small smile. "Konbanwa."

Pluto smiled faintly, "Hello."

"Do you need help finding anything?"

"I do not think so, today. I have a good idea of where I will find what I need."

Sango nodded.

Midna walked into the few store, mostly just searching to see what was there. She had never been to this store for the entire time she had been coming to the island.

"Are you interested in trying foods from an area foreign to your own?" Pluto asked Sango.

Sango smiled a bit at Pluto. "That does sound interesting." She turned to Midna. "Konbanwa," she said to the other woman.

"Good evening," Midna replied.

"I shall have to make you something from the culture I am most familiar with, then." Pluto smiled over at the other woman, "Hello."

"That sounds wonderful," Sango told Pluto.

"Good evening," Midna said to Pluto, nodding her head slightly in something of a bow and over to look at one of the shelves.

Sango watched the other woman for a moment. "Did you need help?" she asked her.

Midna shook her head. "Not at the moment. I am merely looking."

Sango nodded. "Atashi wa taijiya Sango desu," she said, bowing slightly in introduction.

Midna nodded slightly towards Sango. "It is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Midna."

Pluto nodded, "I am the Guardian Pluto."

"Pleasure to meet you as well."

"Have you been here long?" Sango asked her.

"A couple of months," Midna remarked. "Though, from what I've found out I'm not quite as trapped her as others are so the time I've actually spent here is not definite."

"That is very interesting." Pluto nodded, "I am not quite as trapped as well, but if I left I would be sent back here."

"That would kind of defeat the purpose of leaving," Midna remarked.

Sango nodded in agreement.

Pluto nodded, "I know."

"With mine, I can choose when to pass through the portal."

"Is your portal still open?" Sango asked Midna.

"As far as I know, it still is. I passed through it only this afternoon."

"Oh..." Sango looked down.

Pluto sighed, "There is a chance it would not work properly after a while."

Midna nodded. "I know that this is a possiblilty, but I hope that it won't happen."

"Travel between dimensions is never simple, and the slightest change can make things dangerous."

Midna nodded. "I have spent too much time using such portals."

Sango was intrigued. Did this mean there was a chance for her to return home as well? She listened intently.

Pluto nodded, "It would be best for you to stay here for a while to make sure nothing with change with the portal."

Midna nodded. "Thank you. I will. My advisors have been worried about the portal as well."

The demon slayer frowned. That didn't sound very promising. She looked down, lost in thought for a moment.

"You are welcome, and it is good to play it on the cautious side in the matter of dimensional travel."

"My people have normally been separated from other worlds, but I was sent to another prior to this. There was a problem with that, but it wasn't the travel itself. It was the other place I ended up."

"I've traveled... but I've never been away from my own country, let alone my own world," Sango said softly.

"I have been away from my home dimension for many years...because of my duties."

"That is a shame."

Pluto shrugged, "I have become used to it."

"If it weren't for my duties back home as well, I would have no problem with having been placed here, though I realize some are worse of than me," Midna remarked.

"What do you do back home?" Sango asked.

"I am the ruler of my people known as the Twilis."

"I see." Sango smiled a bit. "I'm a demon slayer."

"Sounds like an interesting line of work," Midna remarked.

"I do travel a lot now," she said. "My friends and I have been searching for the pieces of the shattered shikon jewel."

"Interesting. What purpose does this jewel serve?" Midna asked.

"The jewel contains the power of the miko Midoriko. She created it from her own being to entrap an evil demon she had been battling," Sango explained. "Using the power of the Four Souls, she sacrificed herself to make it."

Pluto went off to find the ingredients she needed while Midna and Sango were deep in conversation.

"Very interesting," Midna remarked. "When I was trapped in the other world, we had to go serching for pieces of the Mirror that would allow me to return back to my home dimension."

"The jewel grants the owner immense power," Sango said. "There are few who can truly keep it pure. Because of the ongoing battle inside between Midoriko and the demon, the jewel is easily tainted by dark energy. Because of this, we've been searching for it to keep it out of the hands of an evil hanyou named Naraku." She turned sad. "He's been using the shards for his own evil purposes."

"That is a shame."

The demon slayer nodded. "Kagome-chan can sense them and purify them, so it's been with her help that we've been finding them." She took a deep breath and looked at Midna. "How did you find your mirror?"

"It took a lot of work. Link and I had to search many different places across the land called Hyrule and defeat monsters that were guarding the pieces of the mirror."

Sango nodded. "That sounds much like what we've been doing to regain the pieces of the jewel."

Pluto came back to the counter with the few items she needed, most notably a large piece of lamb and some fresh herbs and vegetables. "I hope you were having a wonderful conversation."

Sango smiled at Pluto. "We found that we've had a similar quest in our lives." She looked over the food on the counter. "What is this for?" she asked curiously.

"I am planning on making something special for chaos, and I did not have these in my hut." Pluto smiled, "Some food from the area we both are from, in a sense."


Midna walked out from the aisle she had been walking through. "If I may ask, where are you and this chaos from?"

Pluto smiled mysteriously, "I come from a land of islands and rolling hills near a large sea. chaos is from a land on the eastern edge of the same sea where the land is harsher."

"Ah," Midna remarked. "Of course I have no knowledge of your homeworld."

Sango knew Pluto wasn't speaking of Japan, as they had mountains, not just rolling hills.

"The other notable thing about my homeland is that there are a few mountains, one of which most of the gods lived on." Pluto smiled, "But the creatures and crops that the people from
our different lands grew is the same."

"Very interesting."

Sango nodded. "Yes, very. My land is similar."

"Your land is similar, but our peoples raise different animals and crops for food." Pluto smiled at Sango, "We raise sheep, goats, and chickens."

Sango nodded. "Yes... that is different."

"In my home, we raised nothing similar to what was raised on your planet, but in Hyrule, there were goats and cuccos," Midna commented.

Pluto nodded, "Lamb is a meat for special occasions."

"Is that the kind of meat you purchased?" Sango asked.

"It is."

"What is the occasion, if I may ask?"

"Only to thank him for what he has done lately."

Sango smiled a bit, nodding slightly. "I see."

Midna took one last look around the store. "Well, I feel I must be going for now, but I will likely be back later."

Sango gave Midna a bow after she had logged and bagged the items she had chosen for herself. "It was a pleasure meeting you, Midna-san."

Pluto nodded to Midna, "It has been a pleasure to meet you. I am certain we will encounter each other again during our time here."

"It has been a pleasure to meet you both," Midna replied. With that she headed out of the store and back towards her hut.

Sango turned to Pluto, handing her the bags with her things. "I hope you have a wonderful dinner," she said.

"Thank you very much, Sango." Pluto smiled faintly as she took her bags. "And I hope you have a good day."

"Arigato, Pluto-san."

Pluto headed out of the store, back to her hut to get ready for the next day's cooking.

sailor pluto, sango, midna

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